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Failure Is Not A Stop Sign – It’s A Green Light To Keep Going!

Written by: Maria Koropecky, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“What about you would you least want to see splashed across the side of a bus?” was a question a coach asked me recently in a workshop.

It’s a challenging question, and why would I want to reveal my answer to everyone in the room?

Because as Joe Vitale puts it,

“Your wealth is hiding under the very thing you are afraid to do.”

So, determined to discover my own gold and get to the heart of what has been holding me back from putting myself out there FULLY as a creative writing coach and novelist, I dug deep.

A memory from more than 30 years ago of failing an English literature exam in university came up to the surface.

There, I said it. I failed an English exam. I was afraid to admit this to myself, let alone to say it out loud.

How could I possibly call myself a writer who coaches other writers if there’s a big F on my transcript next to Romantic Literature? What do I know about writing?

I didn’t realize I was still silently carrying these doubts around in my energy field even though that event happened decades ago, and I eventually graduated. I wasn’t thinking about it day-to-day.

That failure, which was really about not trusting myself and feeling like I didn’t belong or deserve opportunities, had been hindering and even sabotaging my career, my relationships, and even my living arrangements at every turn. No wonder the road was so bumpy!

“When do you want to let it go?” the coach asked.

“Now,” I said. “I’m done.”

“What action steps are you going to take next?”

“First, I’m going to thank myself for keeping going even though it’s been hard – I’m still here after all – and next, I’m going to reframe this story.”

It took an hour, but I got my insight! The light bulb clicked on! I actually started to see my failure as a blessing!

The failure wasn’t meant to stop me. It showed up to build my own character, to help me test my resolve, and to ultimately learn to trust myself.

If the road was easy, I would not have appreciated it so much. Failing a course early on my journey shows where I started and how far I’ve come!

Not only that, but this life experience has made me a better writer and has allowed me to add richness and depth to my characters. In the world of storytelling, nobody likes to read about a perfectly flawless character. It’s boring. There’s nothing for them to do, nowhere for them to go, and no need for transformation. What would be the point?

On top of that, feeling the pangs of failure allows me to relate better to my coaching clients and their struggles! From a place of compassion and understanding, I can help them see things from a different perspective.

The reframe is, I can use this experience in my writing and coaching to help others! It’s because of my failure that I have what it takes, not in spite of it!

Now that I’ve finally connected the dots and see the “failure” in a new light, I can share the experience on the side of a bus. Even though the events are still the same, the story has changed! That’s the beauty of writing and coaching. Green lights all the way!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Maria!


Maria Koropecky, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Maria Koropecky is many things: a Creative Writing Coach, Author, Writer, Storyteller, and Crystal Mapper. She is well aware that 81% of all people want to write a book someday and, as a result, has set out to build a creative writing coaching business that is geared towards helping writers, artists, and introverts discover their own gold, breakthrough writer's blocks, and write the book they've always dreamed of writing so that they can leave a legacy. Maria's own forthcoming novel, Who is Donna Tiva, the first book in a trilogy, was inspired during her solo backpacking trip across Spain at 50. It follows the journey of a single woman as she searches for love, her life being lit up and guided by the colorful characters she meets along the way. Maria feels confident she can help other people in the world, who have also gone on an adventure of a lifetime, to write and share their stories with others. Maria also has a wealth of qualifications that inform what she does, ranging from an Honours BA in English Literature to certifications in Life Coaching & Mentoring, to Spa Therapy as well as Crystal Reading. Her mission is to encourage new voices to enter the arena.

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