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Exploring Your Emotions – The Key To Overcoming Emotional Eating

Jasmine is an exceptional Trauma-informed Emotional Eating Holistic Health and Wellness Coach who gracefully manages her roles as a dedicated mother, wife, and leader in various church ministries.

Executive Contributor Jasmine Kelly-Stephens

As a Christian woman entrepreneur, you navigate a unique journey filled with challenges and triumphs. In the midst of building your business, it's easy to overlook the importance of exploring your emotions, especially when it comes to your relationship with food. Yet, understanding and addressing your emotions is crucial, particularly in combating emotional eating and overeating.

Woman eating pizza at home

Emotional eating is a common struggle, often serving as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, loneliness, or other difficult emotions. Instead of dealing with your feelings directly, you turn to food for comfort, seeking temporary solace in snacks and sweets. However, this cycle of emotional eating can have detrimental effects on your physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual growth.

As a Christian woman, you are called to honor God with your body and steward it well. This includes nurturing your emotional well-being and fostering a healthy relationship with food.

Here are some key reasons why exploring your emotions is essential

  • Self-awareness: Taking the time to explore your emotions allows you to develop a deeper understanding of yourself. By identifying the underlying emotions driving your eating habits, you can gain insight into your thought patterns, triggers, and coping mechanisms.

  • Healing and restoration: Embracing your emotions opens the door to healing and restoration. Instead of numbing or suppressing your feelings with food, you can address the root causes of your emotional distress and seek healing through prayer, reflection, and seeking support from trusted mentors or counselors.

  • Spiritual growth: Your relationship with food is intertwined with your spiritual journey. By exploring your emotions and seeking God's guidance in managing them, you can experience spiritual growth and deepen your connection with God. Turning to prayer, meditation on Scripture, and surrendering your struggles to God can help you find peace and strength amidst emotional challenges.

  • Healthy coping mechanisms: Rather than relying on food as your primary coping mechanism, exploring your emotions empowers you to develop healthier ways of managing stress and difficult feelings. Engaging in activities such as journaling, exercise, spending time in nature, or pursuing creative outlets can provide alternative sources of comfort and support.

  • Empowered decision-making: When you understand your emotions and the role they play in your eating habits, you are better equipped to make empowered decisions about your health and well-being. By tuning into your feelings and practicing self-care, you can make choices that honor God and align with your values.

The first step in overcoming emotional eating is to explore and acknowledge your emotions. We have been conditioned to suppress or ignore our feelings, believing that they are a sign of

weakness or lack of faith. However, God created you as emotional beings, with the capacity to experience a wide range of feelings.

Take time to reflect on your emotions without judgment or condemnation. Journaling can be a helpful tool for expressing and processing your feelings. Write down any emotions that arise

throughout the day, along with the thoughts or situations that triggered them. This practice can help you gain insight into your emotional patterns and identify any underlying issues that

contribute to emotional eating.

Here are some ways you can explore your emotions

  • Mindfulness practices: Engage in mindfulness activities such as deep breathing and prayer. These practices can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings in the present moment, allowing you to respond to them with greater clarity and intentionality.

  • Seek support: Don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend, mentor, or counselor for support. Talking about your emotions with someone you trust can provide validation and perspective, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your feelings.

  • Emotional inventory: Set aside time each day to conduct an emotional inventory. Reflect on your experiences, interactions, and reactions throughout the day. Ask yourself how you're feeling and why. Be honest and compassionate with yourself as you explore your emotions.

  • Creative expression: Explore your emotions through creative outlets such as art, music, or dance. These forms of expression can help you process and release pent-up emotions in a healthy and constructive way.

  • Self-compassion: Practice self-compassion and forgiveness as you navigate your emotional journey. Remember that it's okay to feel vulnerable and imperfect. God's grace is sufficient for you, and His love is unconditional.

Incorporating emotional exploration into your lives as Christian women entrepreneurs is not always easy, but it is essential for your holistic well-being. By prioritizing self-awareness, healing, spiritual growth, healthy coping mechanisms, and empowered decision-making, you can cultivate a balanced and fulfilling relationship with food and nourish your soul in the process.

Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who loves you unconditionally.

Embrace your emotions as a sacred part of your journey, and trust that God is with you every step of the way. As you explore and honor your emotions, may you experience His peace, grace, and abundant love in abundance.


Jasmine Kelly-Stephens, IIN Holistic Health and Wellness Coach

Jasmine is an exceptional Trauma-informed Emotional Eating Holistic Health and Wellness Coach who gracefully manages her roles as a dedicated mother, wife, and leader in various church ministries. Her journey is marked by notable accomplishments, such as co-authoring two Amazon Number 1 Best-Selling books and attaining the esteemed title of a Number 1 International best-seller.

Jasmine's personal story spans several decades, interwoven with the trials of comfort, stress, and emotional eating. This deeply personal struggle propels her unwavering commitment to addressing the emotional eating crisis, and guiding women towards healing, restoration, and liberation. At the heart of her mission is the empowerment of women, helping them liberate themselves from the chains of shame and guilt linked to emotional eating, all while drawing on her expertise in trauma-informed care. Through this transformative process, women rediscover their relationship with food and their bodies, embracing a journey of self-love and acceptance that brings forth renewed energy, freedom, and confidence to fulfill their divine callings within the Kingdom.



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