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Exploring Spiritual Awakening – Understanding Dreams And Reality

Dorit Kozlovski is a researcher of truth and enthusiast in holistic therapies. Her expertise is in higher frequency natural energy healing, hypnosis, pendulum, card readings, art/color therapy, feng shui services, liberating spiritual retreats. Dorit is a CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy & founder of one off sustainable clothing brand Durga.

Executive Contributor Dorit Kozlovski

While most spiritual coaches focus on the development of personality, which is an illusion and fulfilling never-ending desires that ultimately create bondage and suffering, the highest state of consciousness spiritual teachers talk about the opposite – liberation. Find out why!

A photo banner featuring a dialogue between a student and a guru.

The metaphorical mountain: Understanding spiritual perspectives

In Tharapita Tam’s unpublished manuscript, Adele in Timeless Moment: Twenty Years Later¹, the chapter GOD 9² delves into the nature of spiritual levels through a metaphorical mountain with a staircase. The chapter underscores that spiritual levels represent varying perspectives of reality, with the highest level characterized by a state where all distinctions dissolve. This perspective resonates with the teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj in I AM THAT³ and the insights of Ramana Maharshi⁴, where the ultimate state transcends all dualities and conceptual frameworks⁵.

Exploring spiritual levels with Tharapita Tam: Insights into higher consciousness and liberation

Text from Chapter "GOD 9"

Student: “People look towards god, are honest with themselves, are open to god, but they talk about god in completely different ways. Why?”

Guru: “They speak about what they see. The fact that the same phenomenon is described and perceived differently applies not only to god but to all of life.”

Student: “Please explain further!”

Guru: “There is a mountain with a staircase leading to the top. Each step of the staircase is a level from which a view opens up. The view from steps that are close together is similar. However, from steps that are at different heights, the view can be very different. It may happen that a person on a lower step, looking in one direction, sees a bush in front of them. Meanwhile, a person on a higher step, looking in the same direction, sees over the bush and what they see could be a forest or even a sea extending to the horizon.”

Student: “The mountain is the same. The staircase is the same. The direction of view is the same, but what each person sees is different.”

Guru: “Yes.”

Student: “To the question of what the view from the mountain is when looking in one direction, could there be as many answers as there are steps on the staircase?”

Guru: “There could be.”

Student: “To the question of what the meaning of life is, could there be as many answers as there are steps on the staircase leading to the top?”

Guru: “There could be.”

Student: “What is the meaning of life, if answered from the highest step of the staircase?”

Guru: “At the highest step of the staircase, there is no answer.”

Student: “Why?”

Guru: “There is no need for an answer.”

Student: “Why?”

Guru: “Questions do not reach the highest step of the staircase.”

Student: “Why?”

Guru: “Everything is already clear.”

Student: “Each person is on their step of the staircase. One sees one view, another sees a different view. Then they argue and argue. Even if they are completely honest, they cannot reach an agreement. What should be done in such a situation?”

Guru: “Step onto the same step.”

Student: “But what if people do not understand that there are different steps and, therefore, different views? What would you do in that case, if you were one of those people?”

Guru: “I would do what I am doing right now—explain the situation.”

Student: “If that is not enough?”

Guru: “A person on a higher step may momentarily step down to a lower step. However, there is also a risk in this. A person on a lower step might hold onto the person who came from a higher step.”

Student: “Why?”

Guru: “The reason might be that they cannot or do not want to move to the next step. The reason might be a fear of height—fear of the new view. The reason might be fear of becoming a laughingstock because they have spent their whole life believing in the exclusivity of their view and loudly proclaiming it to others.”

Student: “On which step of the staircase am I standing?”

Guru: “First, you need to know how many steps are on the staircase.”

Student: “If the staircase has a thousand steps?”

Guru: “There might even be ten thousand. But let’s simplify things. Let’s assume the staircase has one hundred steps. To determine which step you are on, take a semicircular chart with numbers from one to one hundred on the outer edge. Then, take a pendulum and let it swing over the center of the circle. Each number on the chart represents a step. Ask the question, ‘Which step am I currently on?’ and the pendulum will indicate it. But before that, you need to clarify for yourself what these steps mean. Do they refer to wisdom, spiritual capability, or spiritual level?”

Student: “What do you recommend?”

Guru: “I recommend spiritual level.”

Student: “Who is at the highest step, the one hundredth step?”

Guru: “Buddha.”

Student: “I have never used a pendulum before. Perhaps you could see which step I am on in terms of my spiritual level?”

Guru: “I do not interfere with your life to that extent. You should find out information about yourself on your own.”

Student: “Is there currently any person or other being on planet Earth who is at the one hundredth step of the spiritual level?”

Guru: “Yes.”

Student: “At which steps can we see different species?”

Guru: “For average spiritual levels, the highest is dolphins—at step forty-eight.”

Student: “And the dolphin with the highest spiritual level?”

Guru: “At step fifty-nine. This is the current status. The spiritual levels of all species are continually changing.”

Student: “Which species follow dolphins?”

Guru: “Some bird and primate species, and octopuses.”

Student: “Which bird species is at the highest step?”

Guru: “Parrots.”

Student: “And their spiritual level?”

Guru: “Their average is forty-seven. But learn to use the pendulum and you can ask about each species yourself.”

Student: “I would still like to know about one species right away. At which step are humans?”

Guru: “The average spiritual level of humanity is slightly over thirty-three.”

Student: “How is it possible that it is so low? It is hard to believe.”

Guru: “We are talking about spiritual level, not spiritual capability. The greater the spiritual capability with which a soul is born into a body, the greater the opportunity for both ascending and descending the spiritual level.”

Student: “Does the spiritual level of people decline during their lifetime?”

Guru: “For most people, their spiritual level at the moment of death is lower than at the moment of birth. Some people’s spiritual level remains the same, and about twenty percent have a higher spiritual level at death. For dolphins, the percentage with a higher spiritual level at the moment of death is currently sixty percent.”

Student: “The greater the spiritual capability of a body, the greater the possibility for the soul to do both good and bad?”

Guru: “Yes.”

Student: “On which step was humanity a hundred years ago?”

Guru: “The thirty-seventh.”

Student: “The development of technology and the greater possibilities for doing harm that come with it have led to a decline in the spiritual level of humanity.”

Guru: “Development and regression are siblings.”

Student: “Is the pendulum a useful tool for answering one’s questions?”

Guru: “It is.”

Student: “For which answers is it primarily useful?”

Guru: “For answers about Earth's energies—where to sleep, where to sit, where to store your food. With the pendulum, you can find suitable places. And of course, for answers about foods and drinks—their quality, healthiness, necessity, and compatibility with your body.”

Integration of insights from Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s I am that

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s teachings align with Tam’s metaphor of the staircase, especially regarding the nature of ultimate reality and pure being. Maharaj discusses the transcending of duality and the realization of just BEING: “When you follow it up carefully from brain through consciousness to awareness, you find that the sense of duality persists. When you go beyond awareness, there is a state of non-duality, in which there is no cognition, only pure being, which may be as well called non-being, if by being you mean being something in particular”³ (Maharaj, 1973, Chapter 81, pp. 447-448).

Maharaj emphasizes the transcendence of cognitive constructs and dualities: “In pure being the very idea of the particular is absent. What relationship can there be between what is and what merely appears to be? Is there any relationship between the ocean and its waves? The real enables the unreal to appear and causes it to disappear”³ (Maharaj, 1973, Chapter 81, pp. 447-448).

Maharaj’s assertion that “The real does not die, the unreal never lived. The real you is timeless and beyond birth and death”³ (Maharaj, 1973, Cover) complements Tam’s view that the highest spiritual state transcends all distinctions.

Ramana Maharshi’s teachings on reality and self-realization

In line with these teachings, Ramana Maharshi offers profound insight into the nature of reality and our pursuit of truth. As stated in my blog, “You take yourself to be what you are not and try to solve a problem which is not there, and therefore there cannot be any solution to the problem other than the recognition that the original conclusions about yourself are wrong. The problem is unreal and therefore any number of pursuits will not solve a non-existent problem, hence all human pursuits fail miserably.”⁴

Summary of spiritual perspectives and insights

The chapter GOD 9 from Tharapita Tam’s Adele in Timeless Moment: Twenty Years Later¹ reveals that spiritual levels are varied perspectives of reality, with the highest level characterized by a state where distinctions fade into pure being. This perspective aligns with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s description of pure being in I AM THAT³, where pure being transcends all distinctions and dualities. With Maharaj's consciousness level at 100 and Tam's at 99, their spiritual levels reflect a profound alignment in their approach to understanding the nature of reality.

Embrace true liberation through pendulum dowsing, energy healing, and hypnosis

For those intrigued to learn how to explore their spiritual level and discover truthful answers to various life questions, consider booking a practical pendulum course. This course can assist you in making informed decisions about your environment and well-being. Learn how to use the pendulum effectively to find optimal places for rest, food, and personal health. To explore this practical tool and book your session, visit Pendulum Dowsing Coaching.

If you would like to pursue liberating energy healing sessions by clearing, protecting, and healing your energy, and releasing blockages, suffering, fear, and traumas you are welcome to book any type of Cosmoenergy treatments or Hypnosis Services with Dorit via distance from anywhere in the World.

Follow Dorit on her Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit her website for more info!

Read more from Dorit Kozlovski


Dorit Kozlovski, Holistic Healer

Dorit Kozlovski's mission is to discover the truth. She is committed to guide others on a journey of curios Self-discovery, healing, and reconnecting with their purest Selves. Currently, Dorit is the CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy, Reiki Master Teacher, and Cosmoenergy healer. Besides natural higher frequency energy channeling, she is dedicated in holistic well-being therapies like quantum healing hypnosis technique, yin yoga, and meditation practices.

She loves receiving Higher Self-guidance through a pendulum and is excited to share readings/healing through intuitive tools like Tarot, divination cards, and crystals.



  1. Tam, Tharapita. Adele in Timeless Moment: Twenty Years Later. Unpublished manuscript, Chapter "God 9."

  2. Nisargadatta Maharaj. I AM THAT. Translated by Maurice Frydman, 1st ed., Bombay: Chetana Publications, 1973.

  3. Maharshi, Ramana. The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi. Edited by David Godman, 1st ed., Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 2015.

  4. Higher Consciousness Energy. “Sat-Chit-Ananda.” Accessed August 31, 2024.

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