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Explore Your Gift Of Telempathy

Sandra Ehlers is a Self-Integration & Kundalini Awakening Guide, Trauma Informed Yoga Meditation Teacher, Event Facilitator, Reiki Master, and Writer. Her work is dedicated to inner union – not only through expanded awareness, but as a lived, embodied experience of wholeness in the world.

Executive Contributor Sandra Ehlers

Have you ever felt as if you are talking to someone, exchanging feelings, thoughts, or visual impressions, all in your imagination? Perhaps you are not going crazy, it could be the phenomenon of telempathy.


Man talking to himself

There are many ways to experience telempathy

You may suddenly feel a deep affection for someone, and they call you in the next moment to share the feeling.


Or perhaps you are meditating on your innermost feelings, and while you work to release them, you sense someone actively supporting you or finding their place in the resolution of your inner conflict.


You may feel as if you’re meeting others in energy form, and you receive guidance, support or simply connection.


In everyday life, many of us know when we "resonate" with someone special – you may even notice when you meet people that you can feel their energy, feelings, and thoughts as if you are silently communicating via energy.


These are all expressions of telempathy, a natural human ability that many of us are now re-discovering. More than reading body language, it is a tapping into the energy of people, relationships and situations, even on a distance.


A blend of the two words ‘telepathy’ and ‘empathy,’ telempathy captures how they both work with the same source: our energy field.


It may combine feeling another's energetic state (clairsentience) with an understanding (claircognience) of where the other is at, and possibly also a vision (clairvoyance) of them or the interaction.


Exploring telempathy

We like to think that we are separate beings, but the truth is, energy is always exchanged with our environment and with other people. It’s simply a matter of us noticing it or not.


The more we pay attention to the energy dynamics around us, the more we will learn about our ability to connect through energy. This also strengthens our ability to intuitively sense another’s energy on a distance.


What’s more, the interactions that most capture our attention are not random. If you perceive someone’s presence on a distance, whether through feeling, thought or vision, ask yourself, what might I be learning in or from this encounter?


Often, the more vividly you encounter someone in your mind’s eye, the more purposeful your encounter may be. There could be something about them or your connection that can help your awareness expand.


If a person you encounter is willing, you can also go further and explore your telemphatic abilities together. We take the skill to new levels by practicing and checking our experiences with each other.


Decide on a time when you will both meditate with the intention of exploring each other’s energies. Let go of ‘trying’ and simply allow any impressions to come to you. Afterward, check with each other to see if anything you perceived was present in their experience, too.


For example, if you picked up on a particular emotion around them, let them know and ask if they experienced the same. Or if you had a specific vision, did they experience it, too? Allow yourself to seem silly or make mistakes – again, we learn by experimenting!


It can also help to know that even if they had a different experience, it doesn't necessarily mean yours is “wrong.” there are many reasons why our experiences of the same encounter can differ.


We do need to check ourselves to make sure our exploration comes from a place of neutrality and non-assumption, as holding judgment will affect our ability to “see” another clearly.


But differing experiences can also be due to there being more than one dynamic present within the same energetic exchange. The other may be more focused on other aspects of the same encounter; either by conscious intention, or because what energies we are open to perceive depends on our current state of being.


Sometimes, experiences differ simply because of daily life factors like health or sleep, allowing one of you to have more emotional balance and clarity to tap deeply into the experience than the other has access to.


Safe space to explore

To open up for deeper exploration, focus on creating safety around your shared experience. Talk about what kind of exchanges you are open to exploring before trying it out, and be prepared to hold anything that comes up unexpectedly with acceptance.


Again, remember: what we are able to hold can change from day to day. Practicing energetic exchange can take your practice of emotional attunement to the next level. Ideally, you both agree to try to be sensitive to signs that the other is withdrawing from the experience, and respect their moment to moment boundaries within the experience.


This also applies to you: remember that you need to have your own boundaries around what exchange you want to be open to. Practice upholding your energetic integrity, a skill that will serve you in many other aspects of life, too.


Exploring energy with another can be a fun, playful way to tap into new experiences together. As you do, take the opportunity to learn deeper acceptance of and freedom in your own emotional and mental experience. The more acceptance you can give yourself, the more safety you can offer another; and the richer your experiences with another will be.


The wonders of telempathy

Telempathy can help you with so much more than reading the room. If you feel a desire to know the fullness of what life and relationships can offer, energetic communication can be an enthralling, rewarding new way to relate to others.

In the realm of energy, we are not limited by words or labels to explore new experiences and aspects of ourselves and each other. With safe boundaries for energy exchange, connecting telempathically can offer us the deepest forms of intimacy there is, and limitless expansion.

Learn more: Dive deeper into energy, healing, joy, spiritual awakening, and more via YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Also check out how you can work with me to align your energy and life to experience more passion, purpose and service. I’m excited to hear from you!


Sandra Ehlers, Self-integration and Awakening Guide

Sandra Ehlers is a Self-Integration & Kundalini Awakening Guide, Trauma Informed Yoga Meditation Teacher, Event Facilitator, Reiki Master, and Writer. Her work is dedicated to inner union – not only through expanded awareness, but as a lived, embodied experience of wholeness in the world. The focus is on transforming and integrating all levels of consciousness; physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual – creating a foundation for deepened present-moment awareness, equanimity, aliveness, and ultimately, bliss. Alongside workshops, classes and retreats, Sandra offers 1:1 support to self-alignment through the Completion Process and other modalities.

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