Expert Panelists are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within the areas of Business, Mindset, Leadership, Innovation, Technology and Lifestyle. In Brainz Expert Panel, 10 members of The Brainz Magazine community of experts will share their best tips, advice, ideas, hacks within different topics.

1. Attend free networking meetings
One of the most fun and biggest impact steps you can take in raising awareness of your business is to attend free networking meetings. This allows you to make direct connections with other entrepreneurs to build your referral network. Now that most networking events are done on virtual platforms you can attend networking events around the world. So get out there and start networking!
Arliss Dudley-Cash, Business and Self Love Coach
2. Use Facebook Groups to generate leads
A free and highly effective, yet still dismally underused marketing tip, is utilizing Facebook Groups to generate leads. Groups, by their very nature, attract like-minded people, so all you have to do is determine which groups your niche is hanging out in, and get involved in the conversation. Starting your own group as well is highly recommended because you will have free reign to promote to that audience.
3. Leverage the power of a podcast
Podcasts are an effective marketing medium. By leveraging the power of a podcast to a hyper-target audience, you can readily showcase your brand expertise and product/service offering while keeping your time and cost minimum. Coupled with a compelling call to action, you will get listeners to take action.
4. Conduct free webinars
These can be weekly or monthly in frequency. You can develop a short presentation and deliver it once per week, twice a month or once a month to a different audience. You will be able to grow your email list and your audience will get to know you better before investing in your products.
5. Find the right help
Unless you love marketing, get someone to help you immediately. If marketing service is outside of your current survival budget, barter your business. Find someone that you can exchange your services or products with for their marketing services. Offer free marketing internships to university students! Find a way to get the right help.
6. Create an email marketing strategy
One mistake I see most small businesses making is that they don't have a strategy for new lead nurturing. In fact, about 90% of the small businesses owners I polled stated they are not emailing their list with any sort of regularity, if at all.
My absolute favourite low-budget marketing tip for small businesses is to create an email marketing strategy that delivers and delights. The great news? If you're not doing it at all there's a 100% chance of doing it better—and it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg! It's as simple as sending out an email your subscribers actually want to get, which helps you build trust and familiarity—two things you'll need to create loyal customers.
7. Make some meaningful connections
With some hard work, you can build your business into a money maker with some cost-effective marketing tactics. The ultimate success of any business venture will be directly attributed to your ability to learn and execute an effective and successful marketing strategy. In the days of social media, a deep pocket marketing budget isn’t necessary as much as consistency is key. Social Media Groups and Marketplace: Instagram 1 social media platform to post pics and talk about your business, post new promotions. Not to mention you can tag friends and customers/clients and have them share testimony about your product or service. Facebook Groups and Business Pages: groups are a complete significant change to use groups as you have the opportunity and chance to reach people around the world and bring attention to what you are doing. Great way to make some meaningful connections to help gain sales, scale your business, or connect you with people who can take you to the next level.