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Expert Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur - Her Top 5 Tips to Experience More Health & Beauty in Your Life

Bradley-LaFleur is the CEO & Founder of Brooklynn Three. Brooklynn Three is the parent company of Salon Rouge Spa, LaFleur Couture Wellness Boutique and This Beautiful Tripp Blog. Our mission is to help people transform their lives from the inside out by offering a variety of holistic based and safe products from makeup, vitamins and cleaning supplies all the way to a wide variety of spa services.

Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur
Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur

You're a very productive entrepreneur with an online healthy products boutique and a spa & hair salon. You have a strong passion for health, wellness and beauty. Can you tell the readers more about the work you do and the purpose behind it?

Absolutely! This Is my favorite subject. After opening my spa and starting my family, we found out our son was growing a tumor in his liver. From that point forward, my husband and I became more conscious of what we stocked our kitchen with, what cleaning supplies we used, and what bath products we used on our son.

Flash forward three years later. I am running and pass smooth out mid-run. I woke up to a severely damaged right knee and left ankle. After running several tests, it boiled down to me, not taking care of myself internally.

That's when I decided something had to change. If we are providing healthier options for our son, we should also start making healthier choices for ourselves. That is how LaFleur Couture Wellness Boutique was born. The goal of the boutique is to help others like me. I have researched each company and tested almost every product before presenting it to my customers.

When I first started searching for what I needed personally, it was very overwhelming. I didn't know what brand was better, what company was telling the truth and which products were best suited for me. I am here to reach as many people as I can in order to cut their search down significantly and connect them with products and spa services that are really going to make a difference in their lives.

We sit down with customers, see their main problems, and help them transform their lives on the inside and the outside to really inspire the best versions of themselves!

Of all the things you do, what would say is the one thing people mostly ask you for help about?

I know you said one thing, but I have to give two answers. I get asked constantly for help with hormones and equally as much for sleep. There are people who come to me in tears over these two issues and I have great products, which I personally take daily to help even out hormone levels and give you amazing sleep.

Is that also the one thing that you're most passionate about?

Yes. As someone who constantly struggled with hormone issues and getting a good night's sleep, I am very passionate about these two problems. Not having enough sleep on top of not having the correct hormone levels can wreak havoc on your mind, body and life.

I couldn't turn my brain off and I would just toss and turn every single night. Even on my most exhausting days, I couldn't get any sleep.

Ever since I gave birth, my hormones have been a nightmare: hot flashes, emotions, brain fog, and extremely low sex drive.

Today, I get an amazing night sleep every night, have great focus to maximize my workday, and start to really get my sex drive in check.

….Oh, and the only time I have a hot flash is when I have anxiety.

Would you say that your three main areas: Health, Wellness, and Beauty, are connected?

Health, Wellness and Beauty are interconnected 100%. Beauty does not start and end with the way you look on the outside. When you take care of yourself through self-care and being conscious of what you put in and, on your body, you start to transform yourself.

When you feel good, you look good and when you combine the two, you feel empowered like you could conquer the world.

That is why I always say self-care is a must! In order for you to put your best self out into the world, you must feel like the best version of you.

What are your 5 best tips on how to experience more health, wellness and beauty in your life?


Give yourself a spa day, take a bubble bath, read a book, lay in bed and binge-watch your favorite tv series, unplug, take a vacation, go on a girl's trip, do something to help recharge your battery. In order to radiate the best you, you need to feel like the best you.


You would be SHOCKED at what ingredients are hidden in some of our favorite foods, lotions and makeup. I recently found the same ingredients in my favorite cereal as I found in a tub of paint thinner under my kitchen sink…


I was recently turned on to meditation. I am skeptical of everything, but I am not lying when I tell you it has transformed my life. Meditate, however, and whenever works best for you. I lay in bed on my back every night after everyone else has gone to sleep and repeat positive affirmations over and over. I start with health and beauty and finish with my business goals. I also recommend meditating on positive relationships coming into your life.


Stop being a people pleaser. You are very capable of being a nice human without sacrificing what truly makes you happy. We cannot please everyone all the time. Be yourself with no apology. That is one of the biggest lessons I am learning right now.


Become a problem solver and a positive light in your life and others. Got a problem? Ok, let's fix it! We all have our down days, but the trick is keeping the positive thoughts flowing. You ARE beautiful, you ARE successful, you have a wonderful life and people love you. You CAN do this, mama! You will get through this situation. Surround yourself with like-minded people who are going to support you and lift you up. Don't surround yourself with people who are going to be negative all the time or add to the days when you are feeling negative.

Finally, what do you have in front of you and what's your next big goal or project?

Directly in front of me, I have a huge desktop calendar right beside my daily planner. My desktop calendar tells me specifically what I need to do when I sit down at my desk every day and my daily planner lets me know my weekly schedule. I love to be organized. It brings me peace in an otherwise chaotic world.

My next project is to start my 3rd web series. This series will be based on interviewing other entrepreneurs from all walks of life in order to share more stories and reach more people.

I want everyone to understand that no matter what crazy situation they find themselves in or how they may feel at this point in their lives, they are never alone. There are people they don't even know who care and who have gone through the same situation they are going through.

My next big goal is to write my first book.

I have a women's entrepreneur co-op book coming out in November called She Rises for Tomorrow, but I have 4 books of my own and I am dying to sit down and write.

Stay Tuned….!

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube-Channel and visit my website!

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