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Expat Life – Top Tips For A Happy Ending

Written by: Caroline Tapken, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Top Tips for when, where, what, how and who should influence your decision-making process with respect to the end of your expat career, and expat life.

YOU decide when you want to go

There is nothing worse than someone else deciding when it is time for you to leave. Think about what you want from your future, and plot a timeline – it doesn’t have to be ‘date’ specific, but should at least relate to life events, successes and milestones that are important to you. If the birth of your first grandchild is that ‘milestone’ have a plan for what you do when it happens. Set that as your target, and work towards it.

YOU decide where to call home

When you are forced into quick decisions, you naturally go back to where you came from. Back to whatever is familiar, or safe, or both. This might no longer be the best place for you, however, so think about what home means and where you feel most at home. Focus on the environment where you are happiest, give yourself permission to be selfish here – compromise can come once you understand what makes you happy.

YOU decide what you will do

Expat life coming to an end does not necessarily mean retirement. Nor does it have to mean applying for similar jobs to the one you are leaving behind. It could mean a different line of work, part-time work, travel, or simply a break from work so you can consider your options. Focus on skills acquired during your expat career, and explore options for the future. You might be surprised what new opportunities you come up with!

YOU decide how you want to live

If you want to buy an RV and tour the United States, then plan it, and do it! There is no ‘traditional’ route for an end to your expat career – you’ve broken free of the norms so far, why not continue? Maybe a base ‘back home’ is all you need, with a driveway big enough for a motorhome, so you can take off whenever you feel the urge. Maybe a home large enough to host your extended family is how you want to live. The point here is, it is YOUR decision and no-one else’s.

YOU decide who should have a say in these decisions

Unless you also want to break free from your nearest and dearest at the same time as bringing your expat career to a close, they will undoubtedly expect some input into what you do, and where you do it. Talk to them about it. Ask what they have in mind. Brain-storm. Make lists. Pros and cons. Be wary of ‘others’ however, and their opinions, when they have no skin in the game! Everyone will have an opinion, and suggestions, but what YOU really want is the key here.

The key to a happy ending is knowing what you want. You’d be surprised at the number of expats who have not thought beyond the ‘next move’ and have no plan for the long-term future. Not even an outline of an idea. The key is to explore all the options BEFORE the time comes to make a decision, so you don’t end up with regrets and disappointment.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Caroline Tapken, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Caroline works with Expats and Repats to help them plan their future, so they can enjoy the retirement they deserve.

She is a seasoned expat herself, with 35+ years of living and working in the Caribbean, the USA, Asia and the Middle East, and a marketing & communications professional with a strong hospitality and travel background.

Caroline is Mum to two third-culture-kids (TCKs) and a rescue Basenji-Saluki mix. She recently returned to live in the UK and is Listener-in-Chief at Joy & Purpose Life Coach.

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