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Expanding The Conscious Community & Conversation With Awakenpedia

Written by: Chloe Redmond, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Chloe Redmond

Awakenpedia, founded by Cameron Kirdzik, is a trailblazing company serving the modern spiritual and holistic industries. Proudly offering a dynamic platform for the international spiritual community, Awakenpedia is on a mission to facilitate the awakening of individuals worldwide. As a global nonprofit organization, its primary goal is to create awareness and shed light on the true power of collective consciousness.

Image photo of Cameron Kirdzik

With an extensive network of partners, Awakenpedia offers a plethora of comprehensive new-age solutions to support others on their healing and awakening journey. We understand the importance of addressing all aspects of your well-being and provide a holistic approach to personal growth and transformation.


During April, Awakenpedia will offer a premier virtual retreat experience for its community members and the general public. 

The online offering will include three days of premium events designed to expand consciousness, deepen presence, & introduce attendees to the world of energy healing:


Chloe Redmond of Vino Vaquera Consulting, sat down with Founder Cameron Kirdzik to dive deeper into Awakenpedia’s current offerings and values. 

Hello Cameron! I am honored to share your story and passion with the publication and its audience! When you are ready, please guide us through the foundational pieces that paved the way for this entrepreneurial adventure! How did Awakenpedia come to be?

Hi Chloe! I first want to say thank you for having me and providing me with this wonderful opportunity to share Awakenpedia with the world. Brainz is such a trusted and reputable conscious media platform, which makes it a true honor for me to be able to be here and to speak with you about our organization’s mission.


The genesis of Awakenpedia is ultimately a story of surrender, which I’d like to share with you here a bit. In what I now call my “former life,” I was a classic westernized materialist that equated peace, happiness, and success with money, status, and achievement. To no fault of my parents, it was simply the way I was raised and the conditionings that were instilled, which cemented those belief systems and colored my interpretation of reality.


Despite carrying a subtle yet distinct underlying dissonance about this mind-made sense of reality that I ultimately came to see as illusory, I carried on with this belief structure, and in fact ended up being a fantastic “Ego Player” - I had the perfect relationship, was super fit and captain of the soccer team, got accepted into Yale, graduated top of my class, went straight into Private Equity, was making hundreds of thousands of dollars and on track to being a millionaire before the age of 30, and seemingly had every comfort and worldly pleasure you could possibly imagine.


Yet, despite having everything that the world said is what I needed to be happy and at peace, I felt lost, empty, and miserable. In fact, the more I achieved and acquired, the more lost, empty, and miserable I felt. It made no sense, and this counterintuitive experience was deeply unsettling and confusing to me, as I thought I was doing everything right and therefore expected to feel the rewards as such. Something was clearly off.


To fill the emptiness, I started using substances, which ultimately became very severe addictions that only deepened the perceived void I felt. To this end, my attempt to escape the suffering ultimately reinforced the entity that caused the suffering, and so the suffering intensified. This intensification of suffering continued until it peaked, which I often describe as the “dark night of the soul,” which coincided with my “Ego Death,” or fundamental shift in consciousness that transformed my sense of self and interpretation of reality.


In other words, the weight of my conditioned mind had grown so heavy that it imploded and collapsed in on itself, which ended up dissolving the false, mind-made egoic sense of self that I had been mistakenly identifying with my entire life. I feel very blessed for this Ego Death, as many people in this same moment instead believe the only way out of their suffering is to commit suicide, as was the case with my Father, who took his life when I was 13.


After this fateful Ego Death and profound shift in consciousness in the summer of 2020 my entire life transformed, and I’ve never seen myself or reality the same since. I describe this period of tremendous metamorphosis that’s been occurring over the last four years as one of deep correction, purification, and rebirth. I’ve become completely sober, I’ve adopted extensive spiritual practices, I’ve quit my corporate private equity job, and I’ve launched myself into the Unknown as a full-time, wandering nomad and surrendered student of Awakening.


For the first couple of years of my nomadic journeying, after the quintessential shift in consciousness and influx of awareness, I spent most of my days meditating, reading, and journaling in random forests throughout the United States. I was in a truly surrendered state of being that allowed me to access the deep stillness of “No-Mind,” which opened up a portal to the Divine that I never knew was possible or even existed. It was through this transcendent portal that all insights were channeled and scribed, which became the unedited teachings that you now see on Awakenpedia, which was birthed into creation right after Easter of 2023.


Over this past year Awakenpedia has evolved quite extensively by its own accord. Nothing about this organization is mine or of my doing, I’m simply one of the vessels the Divine Genius appears to want to express itself through in this moment. As such, my primary if not exclusive role in this Creation is to be a surrendered partner of the Divine and an authentic steward of consciousness so that the community stays free of Ego and may continue to shine as a beacon of Light for others to discover refuge and remembrance through. After all, this platform is only as valuable as it is pure.


As of today, the library currently houses over 200,000 channeled words across 250+ written, audio, and video teachings, and it grows as the Channelings occur. We have over 500 Members and 80+ Partners and expect these numbers to continue to rise as more and more humans wake up, are called into service, and naturally start demanding energy-based healing solutions.


We understand that there are both a membership and a partnership option with your online community. Can you describe what each one entails?


Of course! We are humbled to say that Awakenpedia is a fast growing international spiritual awakening & holistic health community with members and partners from dozens of countries around the world, with hundreds of new people joining every month! The beauty of this platform is that our members serve our partners just as much as our partners serve our members – we are all hand-in-hand on this healing journey, being both student and teacher.


As a Member, Awakenpedia is completely free to join! We offer unrestricted access to our platform, which encompasses a comprehensive array of original teachings, healing services, events, retreats, mentorship, and authentic connection via our member forum. We’ve consciously cultivated Awakenpedia to be a dynamic and personalized solution that genuinely facilitates your awakening journey and provides a pathway to transmute suffering into peace. If you want to check it out, you can learn more and join for free here!


In Partnership, we extend authentic holistic healers a high-vibration and modern-day solution to grow their practice, expand their reach, and monetize their range of offerings in conscious and creative ways. Whether it’s through facilitating direct bookings, events, retreats, or development services, our aim is to empower the healers that are empowering others so that we may further the global ascension of consciousness that is underway. If you’re a holistic healer and want to learn more and apply for our Partner Program you can do so here!


Wow! It is so profound and exciting to see consciousness entrepreneurs creating space for such opportunities. When it comes to Awakenpedia Partners, what credentials or experience is needed to participate at this level? 


When it comes to qualifying potential partners for Awakenpedia, the most important assessment we make to determine competency of care and vibrational compatibility is their level of consciousness, awareness, and or presence. While worldly titles or credentials are considered and can be indicative of this measure, one’s level of consciousness is often more so a function of the individual’s personal awakening journey and the depth of their own direct spiritual transformation. To this end, we personally sit down and interview every potential partner to make a thorough evaluation of the level of purity of their vibration by intuiting how they interpret reality and see themselves. We maintain a certain standard of consciousness to prevent inviting ego-dense healers into our community. From a more practical view, and as a predominantly online service, we ensure every partner has online offerings in healing modalities that we support that are backed by unbiased and verified testimonials. We also trust selective third-party credentialing and training programs, which add to a partner’s application if they are presented and verifiable.


As a conscious entrepreneur, who or what inspires you to create and serve?

On the deepest level, my inspiration is not of me, but it does flow through me and into my creations. It’s interesting to note how “Inspire” comes from the Latin word “Inspiratus,” which means “to breathe into.” In this context, I sense that all inspiration, in Truth, comes from the Divine, and is “breathed into” creation, or made manifest, through us, making us co-creators. This is why I don’t feel or claim any real ownership over Awakenpedia, for my sense is that it is of God and I am simply its expressor. It is not mine, and I know without doubt that the essential purpose of Awakenpedia is to help humanity to rise out of the darkness of fear through the extension of the light of love by facilitating the remembrance of who we truly are.


On a more personal level, my father’s suicide was an inspirational catalyst for me in serving this mission, but not for the aim of honoring his name or anything in that regard. His suicide reveals the dysfunctional and destructive nature of the Ego, which is frighteningly the predominant thought system that most humans operate by and see the world through today. I know with certainty that it was the Ego that took my Dad’s life, not him, and I know that it was an error that could have been prevented if the illusions that distorted his vision were corrected, or dissolved. To this end, facilitating the awakening of humanity through catalyzation of the essential shift in consciousness that restores remembrance of who we truly are has the potential to sustainably address, at a causal level, so many of our world’s current plagues, from suicide, to addiction, to the larger mental health crisis.


Thank you so much for sharing Cam! Switching gears over to this incredible three-day virtual retreat that is coming down the pipeline. Walk us through some of the modalities that will be offered through this experience.


Yes! We’re very excited to debut our first ever global virtual retreat – “Pathways to Healing” which offers over 20 Live Premium workshops designed to expand consciousness, deepen presence, and catalyze awakening by introducing attendees to the multi-dimensional universe of energy healing. While every workshop will be focused on a unique healing modality, they are all unified in sharing the same purpose of providing us with a pathway to return to our Essence. In this sense, each workshop is a road that facilitates the exit from the Mind and the reentrance to the Heart, and the primary intention of the retreat is to help you find which road(s) are best for you to do so. Your unique energetic vibration will guide you to the healing modalities best suited to serve you on this pathless path, and we invite you to surrender to the process of Divine discovery. Some of the modalities and participating Awakenpedia Partners include:


  • Journaling...Facilitated by Sara D'Andrea (Australia)

  • Meditation...Facilitated by Brian Plachta (USA)

  • Yoga...Facilitated by Aly Auer (Canada)

  •  Holistic Nutrition...Facilitated by Maria Tabone (USA)

  • Breathwork...Facilitated by Jamie Gooch (USA)

  • Nature Walking...Facilitated by Anna Resende (USA)

  • Somatic Healing...Facilitated by Jessica Dyer (USA)

  • Hypnotherapy...Facilitated by Mayra Rath (USA)

  • Conscious Cooking...Facilitated by Maddy Keck (USA)

  • Gene Keys...Facilitated by Hayley Curtis (New Zealand)

  • Yoga Nidra...Facilitated by Ayla Nova (Canada)

  • Dreamwork...Facilitated by Natasha Bolvin (Canada)

  • Sound Healing...Facilitated by Valentina Mazzei (USA)

  • Reiki...Facilitated by Selena Lovett (United Kingdom)

  • Human Design...Facilitated by Eye Create Lines (Spain)

  • Manifestation...Facilitated by Becka Viau (Canada)

  • Ecstatic Dance...Facilitated by Awakenpedia (USA)


If you’d like to learn more about the Retreat, to see a detailed agenda & FAQ, and or to sign up for a seat you can do so here!


Let’s take a moment to set an intention together, Cam. What fo your home to be the takeaway for the virtual retreat attendees?


Beautiful suggestion, thanks Chloe! My hope is that retreat attendees experience some incredible breakthroughs throughout the weekend and discover insights about themselves, the world, and reality that serve them on their healing and awakening journey when they continue with their lives afterwards. If everyone can leave having discovered one new healing modality that truly serves them it will be a successful retreat experience that will keep on giving for the time to come. And above all, I simply hope that everyone leaves feeling a little lighter with wider smiles and a deeper sense of love, peace, and connectedness.

Thank you so much for your time and energy today! As we come to a close, we would love for you to touch on the overall goals of the company. What future offerings lie ahead for Awakenpedia members and partners?


As I have humbly stepped into my calling with Awakenpedia I am quite clear that it is my Life’s work and why I am here. I will continue to serve this mission for as long as I can because no matter how many different ways I look at it, I can see no higher purpose or pathway in how to authentically contribute to humanity while here on Earth.


Our only true goal is to continue to remain pure in our innocent efforts to awaken humanity, to shift consciousness, and to facilitate healing so that we may transmute fear into love and suffering into peace. We will continue to call in all the Real Lightworkers from around the world in order to help us magnify our ascension and liberation efforts and we will continue to empower them in the ways we can to maximize their reach and impact. After all, pockets of light shine brighter when they are combined, and everyone has an invaluable role to play in helping us return to the love that we are.


Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share Awakenpedia’s heart with you Chloe, I really appreciate you holding the space and helping us to share this mission with the world.


For further information regarding Awakenpedia or to secure your virtual retreat ticket today, please connect directly via their website, or connect via Instagram.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Chloe Redmond Brainz Magazine

Chloe Redmond, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Chloe Redmond is a leader in digital marketing, influencer partnerships, and social media management. A chance opportunity to work with Chopra Global (Deepak Chopra’s legacy company) in 2020 that left her with the understanding of how mindfulness and marketing can co-exist. She is dedicated in helping entrepreneurs reach their pure potentiality through intentional and intuitive marketing practices. Her mission: to teach others how to put their authentic self into play what targeting their niche and discovering creative partnerships.

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