Written by: Nikolett Huszák, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I do believe that the attitude, personality and leadership style of the executives define how the organization works. If you as an executive are in balance, it will be reflected outside. Partners, owners, stakeholders, and also employees will feel more likely to see you as a role model to follow or copy.
In this case the good example, values can be followed and spread in the organization.
Balanced executive, balanced organization.

It’s been 2 years now living in the pandemic period and just a month ago, a war started.
While the world was facing environmental issues and talking about AI, Innovation, Sustainability, Appreciation of human beings and they just disappeared in a minute when the war started.
How can we save our World if we cannot save ourselves? I would ask this question, especially from you, the leader and decision-maker who has the responsibility to establish, maintain and reinforce the overall balance and wellbeing within the organizations, in the countries, and in the world.
“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.” -Jana Kingsford
First, you need to check which areas you can have any impact on and start thinking about it. Where you don’t have any impact, you would just waste your time and energy without reaching any result. As an executive, you have the opportunity and responsibility to take your actions and do your best. In case you are stuck, ask for help and cooperate with an ICF-certified coach.
You, as the leader has the responsibility and the possibility to show yourself in difficult times. You are the role model, the person who has the trust of your employees, who has the power to create change, create the balance. Share your stories, share your difficulties, show your vulnerability, provide a psychologically safe organization for them and your people will stand next to you, will follow and empower you.
Everybody is perfect with their imperfections. You don’t need to hide yourself. You’re a human being too.
Once you decided to find a coach, you need to take into account the following:
4C is about the essential requirements of making the most of your executive coaching:
’Everyone needs a coach.’ -Bill Gates
The same sentence was mentioned by Juraj Toth in our talk in the Aviadev podcast in 2019. 3 years later this sentence has a much bigger power because I think all the executives must have a coach, especially in these super challenging times.
In my Linkedin network, most of the executives have worked with a coach at least once in their career. However, I cannot emphasize its importance as a coach to be by yourself during your transformational journey.
Why is it crucial?
At the end of the day, all of the coaching sessions provide the platform to transform yourself and through this transformation, your life, your organization, and your world will also be transformed around you.
6+1 Benefits of Executive coaching
Mindset change
Behavior change
Learn new coping strategies
Raise awareness of blind spots
Create awareness and handle bias
+1 No bullshit, just objective feedback, and honest reflection
No time for waiting, no time for avoiding difficult problems, no time for closing your eyes and turning your head.
The time is now to start your transformational journey.
Reach out to me in case you’re ready.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Nikolett!

Nikolett Huszák, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Nikolett HUSZÁK ACC is an ICF Accredited Business Coach and Human Marketing Developer. She has 16+ years of professional experience in Airline, Retail, and Property marketing. This knowledge gives her a Helicopter view of how the business runs. She is currently in a change as she just left the multinational company she worked for 16 years and give herself a break to have deeper knowledge and a clear view on her future. She holds a Bachelors's degree in Economics, a Masters's degree in Marketing, an ACC credential, Business coach certification.
Nikolett is passionate about coaching, and it is one of her great passions besides traveling and sports. She loves to support people when they have dilemmas or challenges in their business. Through coaching, she is in charge of inspiring people. Nikolett used to be a professional handball player, and she accomplished several half-marathons.
Nikolett Huszák: Final essay on the Challenges of Executive coaching (2021)