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Exclusive Interview With Victoria Hart – Transforming Panic To Possibility

Victoria, a Visionary Soul Coach, Energy Healer and New Earth Leader and is dedicated to empowering people through times of panic to open to new exciting possibilities in life and in business. Having transformed her own painful stories to powerful lessons in wisdom and insight, she now uses her story as inspiration to guide others in reconnecting with their soulful self and create the life they were born to live.

Bridging science and spirituality, as well as alternative healing modalities, Victoria offers a conscious coaching experience inviting breakthrough results through personalised coaching and group sessions, recognising the evolutionary impact when we approach mind, body and spirit as a whole. Victoria is a shining light, a pioneer for conscious living and a new way of BEing.

Photo of Victoria Hart

Victoria Hart, Visionary Coach

Introduce yourself! Tell us about your life.

I’m Victoria Hart, I’m a Visionary Soul Coach, Energy Healer and New Earth Leader. I use the brand name The Conscious Creation Coach, empowering people to create a new story of their life.

I spend much of my time studying and practising the teachings of quantum physics and the ancient wisdom of the mystics; exploring consciousness and personal energy management, so that I can move through the challenges of 3D with greater ease. As we learn to hold a higher energetic frequency we get to live more and more in the higher realms of 5D consciousness and beyond. We shift beyond survival patterns to experience beauty, joy, harmony and abundance as we access higher guidance to navigate our soul’s path and master our reality.

I also spend a lot of time with my sweet girl, Lola, my Boston Terrier. We enjoy walks in nature, especially being in the woods, sharing ice cream and playing ball – most of the kids in our neighbourhood know her and enjoy playing with her. On occasions one or two of the boys come to knock for her, asking if she can come out to play so sweet! She has such a fun, quirky personality, and we have a deep and special bond.

I enjoy taking care of my mind, body and spirit and so I regularly exercise, meditate and meet online with others on the path of ascension. I read a lot and usually have about 4 books on the go at once. I practice shamanic drumming and journeying led by a local facilitator which I really enjoy – drumming puts you in a trance where you can get out of your thinking mind and access your higher mind. I enjoy cooking and entertaining friends, movies, travelling and immersing myself in new cultures, diving the tropics (when I get the chance), cycling and body pump

What inspired you to start this business, and what is its primary mission or purpose?

My mission is to create balance between humanity and nature by realising my true potential and power and teaching others to do the same. I guide people through the darkness and into their light.

Prior to becoming a coach, I worked for many years within the television industry both in the UK and Australia and have always been passionate about the people and planet. After being made redundant, I decided to follow a dream to be a documentary filmmaker, telling stories that make a difference. Naïvely, I expected it to be a breeze! I am passionate about people and planet and wanted to demonstrate that no matter what our creed or culture, we all deserve a fulfilling existence and a beautiful planet to enjoy life’s experiences.

I’ve always believed there is another way to live. We are not meant to push and force things to survive nor are we meant to deplete mother Earth and our natural resources. It has never made sense to me to work the majority of our life in a job that we don’t enjoy, to perhaps one day get to enjoy life, visit other countries and cultures, assuming that by then we still have our health! For me, life is about adventure and enjoying the wonders of nature. The earth is our mother who provides all we need, yet she cannot do this if we don’t respect her and nurture her. We are not meant to live in concrete cities, we are part of nature and thrive with nature.

I had some limited success with my amateur filmmaking though it wasn’t enough to make a full-time career out of it. My turning point came in 2015 after meeting a survivor of human trafficking and CSE and exploring an idea together to unmask modern slavery, based on her lived experiences. The film was never made but our time together and hearing her heartbreaking story triggered a huge awakening to my own family dysfunction. It was very distressing as, not only did I have my eyes opened to the control tactics behind human trafficking, I was forced to look at my own life story. You see, our ‘normal’ is just that, until it’s not.

My mum had unexpectedly left the family when I was 22 and, I discovered that, for an adult child of divorce, there is no support out there. It was the elephant in the room. No-one talked about it, no-one asked how I felt about the breakdown of my family structure and, because I was ‘an adult’, I was expected to adapt to the new life choices my parents had made without any consideration for my feelings or my personal experience of what had happened. I didn’t realise it at the time, but I was experiencing stages of grief and, because I had to manage it alone, it affected my self-esteem and how I showed up in the world.

I started to see unhealthy behavioural patterns passed down through the generations and decided that I wasn’t going to continue carrying that through my life time. As I reflected on my childhood, I was able to see similar patterns pervasive in our societal structures, and which is also true for modern slavery – when you do something that is approved of, you are rewarded; be it with time, money, status, material wealth. If not, you are shamed and punished love or reward is taken away, it is withdrawn. In our societal structures, there is a familiar pattern of psychological manipulation where we are threatened with some form of harm and loss if we do not conform. These are all expressions of low frequency energy. In order to feel accepted in my family and within society, I literally had to stifle my personal Truth and contort myself physically, emotionally and mentally just to survive within this structure. And, this realisation was the start of my personal transformation from the conditioned ‘protective personality’ version of myself, to uncovering my true self and experiencing more joy and peace.

Whilst, I’ve been interested in the metaphysical and mystical realms since I was very young, I kept this quiet out of fear of being labelled ‘weird’. During this time where the family structure broke down, I delved deeper into spirituality and started exploring 5D consciousness, reading online magazines, such as; Wake Up World, where I was drawn to work with a transpersonal life coach, based in the States. She supported me for about 4 years, helping me to work through my childhood trauma and conditioning. At around the same time, I began my online journey of awakening with a wonderful organisation called Mastering Alchemy where, nearly 10 years later, I continue to engage as a Graduate.

As my conscious awareness developed, I started to see that I have a gift in helping others to see their higher potential and began to coach people on the side. When the world came to a standstill with the pandemic in 2020, that’s when I used my time proactively to reignite my passion more openly and retrain in holistic health and quantum healing modalities. I now use my story to help others shift out of dysfunctional patterns to live a life that is true to them on a soul level. Like a 'midwife’, I assist you through the birthing process; it’s messy, painful, dark but on the other side is immense love, so I teach from experience, guiding others through the darkness, through the chaos and into their heart where they find their truth and inner peace.

When you peel away the layers of conditioned programs that do not serve you and create discontentment, magic starts to happen! You will transform. Life becomes easier and less dramatic to navigate, and you will find new meaning and fulfilment in your life.

Can you describe the services your business offers and how they benefit your customers?

My calm demeaner generally attracts clients who may be at a crossroads in life or experiencing a growing discomfort, feeling that something is wrong or missing as they begin to shift from unconscious to conscious.

In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, it’s natural to feel a sense of panic. I help them open to

possibilities of the new life that is being born within them and in their external work.

Until we make the unconscious conscious, we will continue to essentially sleepwalk through life; on autopilot. We will attract relationships, create families, lead businesses, even our countries, from the unconscious childhood programming and unhealed trauma passed down through the generations and that lives in our DNA and, that’s what I guide you through.

As we navigate this transition together, clients may begin to recognise that the third-dimensional view of life as a struggle for physical survival, is giving way to a higher understanding that the old way is paving the way for a more authentic compassionate version of themselves. Just like the final stages of labour, within the intensity promises the arrival of a new beginning and a new life.

I teach people how to break free from the limiting thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that are keeping them stuck and looping in unsatisfying cycles. I help my clients awaken to higher consciousness so they can navigate their lives from conscious awareness rather than unconscious reactions, empowering them to make choices that serve themselves as well as the collective.

You see, up until this point, they’ve kind of been sleepwalking through life you think you’re awake and conscious of what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, but in fact the majority of time you are on autopilot, simply reacting to external forces and operating via your programming. Programming is what we’ve been led to believe is true about life based on what was passed down to us by our parents, teachers, ministers, the media, officials etc. Without question, we simply recreate the same patterns and don’t evolve as individuals or as a humanity. So, together we unlearn what we thought was true so that we uncover our Truth and who we came here to be. When you realise that the only responsibility you truly have is to yourself, and that by taking responsibility for how you show up in the world, rather than reacting to what appears to be happening in the world, you become a beacon of light for others also to rise out of their slumber.

Readers can book a complimentary 30-minute clarity call and find out how I can support them and how they can work with me.

I have a couple of FREE offerings: one is the Ascension Activation where individuals get to experience a deeper awareness of the limiting beliefs that have been holding them back so they can use that awareness to make conscious informed choices.

The other is a FREE monthly coffee hour “Soul Café" where we activate and amplify your visions and goals.

I offer one-on-one online coaching services where I help clients bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be. This includes conscious leadership for business owners and entrepreneurs. We’re at a crucial time in humanity’s evolution to lead from the heart and make conscious informed choices that serve the people and the planet over profit. When we lead in this way, we naturally create abundance for ourselves and all of life. Abundant living is the side effect. Those who insist in continuing to play the game of deception will find it increasingly harder as the Earth is shifting into a higher frequency and, as we are a part of nature, we are being shifted with it whether we’re aware of it or not. We must each learn self- responsibility and selflessness; else we will continue a path of suffering. What once worked will no longer work for you.

I also facilitate an online group workshop, Build Your Character, for individuals or business teams to evolve consciousness, as well as an online group manifestation study course Visionary Soul Sessions, where individuals learn to connect with their soul essence to become the conscious creator of their life. Have you ever desired something and when you got it, it didn’t bring you the fulfilment you thought it would? When we desire only material successes, we will never be fulfilled. There will always be the next thing to consume. When your desires come from the soul, our path unfolds more easily and naturally, we don’t have to struggle and force it.

Additionally, individuals can experience standalone quantum healing and guidance sessions.

What sets your business apart from competitors in your industry or niche?

I act as a bridge between the seen and the unseen by shining a light on your hidden potential, helping you to blend your personality self with your soulful self and raise your consciousness. Most of us believe we are our protective personality, but this is the self-constructed fictional self we have created in our minds based on our experiences and the meaning we have given to them. I empower you to shift out of mental slavery and limiting beliefs to create a life of meaning and fulfilment, helping you to uncover the desires and goals of your soul which are beyond the limitations of the mind, beyond your wildest imagination! When you are born, you are issued a birth certificate and this fictional self, your name, age, family structure, cultural background, society, religion, all of that, creates a false sense of identity. This is the self you believe you are, who follows all the constructs created in this man-made reality. Yet, this is not who you really are. As you begin to embody more of your soul essence, many of these beliefs about yourself will be stripped away and you will start to unlock your true potential and purpose.

What future plans or developments do you have in mind for your business to continue its growth and success?

I’m in the process of creating my next free online summit where I have ‘Hart to Heart’ conversations with conscious leaders, spiritual teachers and ascension wayshowers on the topic of freedom to help people navigate through the darkness and into the light. Readers can register to receive new information as it’s released, here.

I will be announcing a Mastery membership in the new year where individuals can participate in monthly group mentoring sessions and receive special galactic activations to empower you to align with the wisdom of your heart and activate your divine mission and purpose.

And, the next Visionary Soul Sessions course will start around Spring time next year. Limited spaces will be available to create a safe and intimate container so keep an eye out for announcements.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

In February 2021, my 22-month-old puppy Olive was tragically killed in an accident. It was the most horrific experience and one that has taken me some time to be able to speak about without tearing up.

It was following this that my whole life turned upside down. It was very distressing and once again I found myself alone to grieve. Many long-term friendships and relationships were removed from my life as I was forced into months of isolation. I spent the following 6 months tending only to what needed to be done, the rest of the time laid curled up on my bed with the mother dog Lola sobbing and trying to process what had happened. I questioned my caretaking, the ‘should have’s’ and finally accepted that this was a divine intervention, fated you might call it. The loss of such an innocent young life, broke my heart wide open and the gift was learning to truly embrace life and choose to live. Olive’s sudden loss woke me up to see where I had merely been surviving and tolerating a mundane existence, taking responsibility for people and situations that were not mine to carry. I started to see how I had put others needs before my own, how I hadn’t been living for me and how I kept perpetuating a sad story by abandoning my Truth and allowing others to avoid looking at their own shortcomings. I realised my sadness was an addiction, my default emotion, my familiar comfort zone that was keeping me playing small, too afraid to embrace the fullness of life.

The old me was dying. I had to just go with it and surrender to my own messy, at times ugly, and painful ego death.

I see that so many of us do not know happiness, we do not know joy and we become addicted to painful emotions; such as depression, sadness, anxiety... they act as a safety net, yet life is meant to be an unknown adventure! We hold ourselves back from so many things because we want to know the outcome before we take the first step. One of my biggest learnings has been to trust my inner guidance and take that leap, without knowing how or where I might land.

Olive’s sudden and tragic passing was also a great gift as, with an open heart, I was able to embrace the gift of humanity. To understand and to be able to offer compassion to another human being. And, it was that humanity that was offered to me at the time by 3 complete strangers who stopped their car and kindly drove me with Olive to the vet’s.

It was this heartbreaking experience that was the turning point for me, where I had to firmly state to myself that I was choosing to live and I was choosing me. There was a point in my life where I said to myself, “I don’t care who you are, whether you’re old, sick or dying, whatever it is, if the relationship is unkind, disrespectful and disrupts my peace, I’m out.” I had to make some difficult choices about what I was willing to allow in my life. This means I refused to continue to play the victim and I refused to allow others off the hook for not taking responsibility for their choices and actions. That may sound harsh, but actually it’s a gift of freedom – to self and other.

Realising that you do actually have a choice is very empowering. Understanding that you can either stay in dysfunctional patterns that are slowly killing you or break free, actually serves the whole because by owning your Truth, you shift the dynamic, and empower others to own their truth, should they choose to.

The more I awakened to the truer version of myself, the more I am able to support others on their journey, because if you don’t know what is happening, when your life suddenly turns upside down, it can cause great panic and uncertainty, so I help you turn your panic into possibility.

As I do this work, my life has become smoother, things flow with less bumps and resistance, I manifest desires more quickly and experience more magic, love, joy, adventure, abundance, harmony and freedom.

If that’s the life you would like to create, I would love to hear from you.

Visit my website for more info!


Photo credits:

  • Mikaela Morgan Photography @mikaelamorganphoto

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