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Exclusive Interview With Vasilisa Lukyanenka – Emotional Intelligence And High Performance Coach

Vasilisa Lukyanenka is an Emotional Intelligence and High Performance Coach. She has been through an immense transformation in her life with the help of Emotional Intelligence. She successfully completed several coaching courses and is a lifelong learner in the fields of Emotional Intelligence, Transformational and Existential Psychology. Currently, her main focus is on organizational coaching. She helps leaders and teams remove walls and build bridges instead by developing communication, empathy, collaboration, trust, and understanding within companies. She has helped a lot of people realize their true potential, find their meaning in life, gain control over their emotions, become happy and fulfilled. Vasilisa is able to see the inner power every human has and she has made it her mission to help others tap into it!

Vasilisa Lukyanenka, Emotional Intelligence And High Performance Coach

Can you tell us about yourself and your story? How did you end up where you are today?

Hi! My name is Vasilisa Lukyanenka, and I am an Emotional Intelligence and High-Performance Coach. I became interested in psychology in my childhood, but my path to becoming a coach and a mental health professional was not that linear. It is amazing because my diverse life and work background allowed me to not only have a theory of life but a chance to be a student. I learned the lessons myself, which helped me relate with my clients: from climbing the Great Wall of China to exploring Norwegian fjords, from having my own business to working in multinational corporations and startup environments.

My decision to become a coach is because of my past experiences, learnings, successes, and failures. They allowed me to see how limitless a person can be and how important it is nowadays to realize that and stand in their power.

I have been through an immense transformation with the help of emotional intelligence and psychology and collected tools, shortcuts, and techniques that I pass to my clients to intensify their growth. Yet, at the same time, I understand how to empower a person to see or create their own path and walk it.

Who should hire/work with you?

My clients want to grow their emotional intelligence and start designing the life and relationships they desire. I work with people who want to stop working against themselves and help them rediscover their true selves and become supportive and accepting of who they are.

I collaborate with individuals and organizations. I encourage people to excel in their careers and create a new level of communication, trust, and connection in the workplace. I help people and teams remove walls and build bridges instead.

My coaching process is about creating more flow in life with the help of emotional intelligence and becoming more aligned with your core values and your true self. Simply put, I help people to believe in themselves and use the unlimited power they possess to build the lives they deserve. Doing this means breaking the barriers of limiting beliefs, harmful habits, others’ opinions, non-supportive self-image, and self-sabotage.

What problems does your coaching solve? What impact does it have?

I believe in the importance of bringing out the inner power in each human versus a scarcity living habit. Our society is programmed to pass on fearful and limiting beliefs from generation to generation, which is not working anymore. People keep passing on neurotic behavior styles; it is becoming a norm these days.

It is time to trust yourself more, to live out of empathy, understanding, and support. It is time to establish a new, healthier norm. When I work with my clients, it only looks like I am working with one person. When they change, their surroundings change. It affects their families, colleagues, and the people they interact with; it is a ripple effect.

What is the framework you use with your clients?

I use Emotional Intelligence and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy tools in my coaching practice. In the end, it is about turning our emotions into a superpower and using it to serve you instead of blocking and limiting.

We discover the person’s unique Keys to Success. For example, we explore how they can best leverage their natural strengths and talents.

We uncover their core personal values and make sure they express them fully in their daily life. When clients focus on the Keys to Success, they quickly move towards their desired outcome.

We create specific, measurable goals and an action plan to achieve them.

From there, we explore if anything might hold the person back from achieving their dream.

We identify any fears, obstacles, or limiting beliefs that may be in their way and devise strategies to overcome them.

I also create a visual Growth Roadmap that makes my client’s journey tangible and measurable.

Three tips from my expertise. What would you recommend to anyone?

1. Start with clarity. Your progress will not last without WHY.

Goal attainment will not work if the goals are not yours. If you borrow or copy them, they are not your true goals. First, check if your goals align with your values and heart’s desires. Second, be honest with yourself; if you are not truly passionate about these goals or not sure why you want to achieve them, they are not the ones for you.

2. Get to know your emotions.

Emotional Intelligence is the answer to all of your problems, or, at least, 99% of them. It is about what we feel, how we handle our emotions, and how it affects our lives and relationships.

Growing your Emotional Intelligence starts with being aware of your emotions. Start labeling the emotions you are experiencing and discover what events or thoughts are triggering them (“sadness”, “joy”, “frustration”, “impatience”, etc. - you can download an expanded list of emotions here).

3. Take small actions – it is always better than no action.

There is no other way to change anything in life than by acting. Substantial changes are scary; that is why people lose motivation to change. If you break down a goal into the smallest piece, it becomes less intimidating and easily manageable.

It works for everything, from new habits to building a business. When you look back at the small steps you have taken and see your progress, you become more confident and motivated to keep going.

What do you love most about being a coach?

I love every aspect of it, from helping people overcome obstacles and limitations to celebrating their wins and successes with them. I love seeing people transform and become aligned with their true selves without feeling guilty or fearful. I also love that I am growing alongside my clients.

I love exploring human behavior, emotions, and the body-mind connection. I use my findings to help my clients grow to their full potential. Coaching is the field where there is no limit to expanding your knowledge; this makes me a lifelong learner.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!



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