Sara is a Soulful Business Coach who specializes in helping online service-based entrepreneurs sign-on higher-paying clients and hit 6-7 figures through a combination of strategic marketing, neurolinguistic programming, and energetic work. After bringing her own business to 6 figures and quitting her 9-5 to move from Toronto to sunny and tropical Nicaragua, she isn't shy about walking the talk and living a freedom-based life. She is the CEO of and has inspired thousands of women all over the world to quit their 9-5s, step into their leadership, and do purpose-driven work while getting paid abundantly for it through her numerous free training, extensive social media presence, and her work as the host of "The Uplevel Your Online Business Show" podcast. Her mission: to inspire women to take up space, make more money and step into their fullest potential.

Sara Loureiro, Business Coach
Who is Sara?
I’m a soulful business coach as well as a mom, wife, yoga teacher, daughter and sister. I’m originally from Toronto, Canada but quit my 9-5 about 4 years ago to move to Nicaragua to fully live out the dream I’ve always envisioned for myself. I have two dogs, Mango and Calala (which means passion fruit in Spanish). I absolutely love coaching and helping my clients defy their self imposed income ceilings and I feel so blessed to be able to run a multiple 6 figure/year business doing something I enjoy so much while still having so much abundance left over to give to my family and friends.
What is it that you do for your clients?
I help my clients break their income ceilings online. Whether that be for someone who’s just starting out or someone who’s been making some income but desires more. Through organic and paid marketing strategies weaved along with mindset and energetic work in my Rapid Expansion Framework I help coaches and leaders grow to 6 and multiple 6 figures without the overwhelm so that they can live a freedom based life while doing purpose driven work.
Who should hire/work with you?
Anyone who is desiring more out of their business and knows it isn’t just the strategy, funnels and marketing hacks that will take them there. My work is a combination of modalities designed to get my clients fast results. What are your top 3 tips for anyone wanting to grow their online business to 6 figures?
My first tip for anyone is to not be stingy with your money. Stop wait for things to happen and be incredibly proactive with looking for a system that’s proven to work well for your niche. Procrastinating these things often leads to a lot of late nights and time wasted. One of the biggest things I often think about once I’ve hit a new income level is why didn’t I just make the change sooner. You can’t make a new reality for yourself with the same thinking that has kept you where you currently are. Ask yourself what the version of yourself who’s at the level you want to be at is doing, what are they feeling and how are they making decisions. And then, make them…this is the fastest way to success. And the last part is ‒ you’ll never feel ready, you have to dive in, but it’s going to be the best journey. Whatever dive in looks like for you ‒ make sure you do it now.
What do you attribute your success to the most?
There are so many things that go into having a successful business and some of them we get inherited whether those are financial privileges or just being around the right people and mindset. For me I have definitely had a lot of privilege in my life from being white skinned to also growing up in a middle class family. But I also had to let go of a lot of identity pieces and assumptions from other people about who I was. I needed to let go of my deep need of being liked and overcome my scarcity mindset around money. But I think one of the biggest things I
can say that has helped me get to where I am is a lot of grit and tenacity, I’m a go getter and I will never apologize for it.
What are some words of advice you’d have for someone who wants to have a bigger business and a more abundant life but are afraid of going after it?
Don’t worry about what other people say. Dream big. Go do the thing you want to do anyways. Be unapologetically you.
What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
It’s hard for me to see 10 years into the future but I see my business as a movement that reaches more and more people. With every program consumed, every piece of content more and more people begin to wake up to the fact that the life they’ve always dreamt of is on the other side of their own leadership. I see myself traveling more and more and teaching more people the power of self leadership, the opportunities provided in entrepreneurship and the freedom each and every one of us can get from changing our thought patterns from a place of scarcity to abundance.