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Exclusive Interview With Pia Antico, Founder Of Essential Awakening Mentoring

At 49, Pia Antico is a uniquely titled Crone Life Joy Reboot Mentor, Best Selling Author & International Public Speaker who is passionate about combining the Spiritual with the Political as far as it comes to challenging a misogynistic youth obsession that pathologizes women, ageing & Menopause.

A rhetoric that has many women around the world dreading instead of celebrating this powerful crowning stage of womanhood. Pia is on a mission to contribute to the global conversation aimed at showing women that looking/feeling younger & losing weight are not the answer to successful ageing. She's a 'three near deaths before 30, two abusive marriages, & major head injury; life rebuilder' whose mission is to help women over 40 effortlessly get past their darkest moments by tapping into their innate well-being & shining the light of their radiant, joyful wisdom. Pia wants women over 40 to know in their bones that their past doesn't predict their future & now is the time to dream big. Combining her background in Psychology, Counselling & Coaching certification in the 3 Principles Paradigm; Pia intuitively guides peri to post-menopausal women over 40 to ditch their regrets, live unapologetically, age disgracefully & quit being an unwilling bystander in their lives.

Without getting stuck rehashing, analysing & reframing trauma stories; by embodying her unique 6 step AWAKEN the joy within©️ framework that aims to help them tap into their Higher Self Wisdom so that they can ditch their regrets, age disgracefully & quit being unwilling bystanders in their lives.

Pia has spoken in front of a 350,000 global audience as part of the One-Woman Fearless Summit, encouraging women over 40 with the knowledge that they can 'AWAKEN the joy within©️: Even when life sucks'. In March 2021, Pia's first co-authored book “Shine Vol 4 Inspirational Stories of Stories of Success Over Adversity” was published, in which she inspires women over 40 to 'Live & Love Heartfully' after abuse. Pia is looking forward to focusing on a life of FUN from 50 & beyond as she continues to Joy Reboot her own life & help other women over 40 do the same. ‘Ageing is to be celebrated not dreaded!’

Exclusive Interview With Pia Antico, Founder Of Essential Awakening Mentoring

What is it that you do for women over 40? When women over 40 work with me, they first get a shake-up regarding how they have been taught directly & indirectly about where their feelings come from. They are guided to discover their wisdom compass & supported to trust the direction their wisdom compass points them in. No matter the problem my clients think they have hormonal difficulties, weight gain, divorce, empty nester loneliness, retirement & lost identity etc; when they intuitively realise the truth of their wisdom in the moment they find that they can experience a greater inner peace & clarity without focusing on changing the problem first. Because my clients already contain with in them the limitless answers of the Universe, a wisdom that only gets obscured by being stuck in the stories in our heads; then my role is to point away from thinking & point toward their wisdom. When my clients realise the Truth of the human experience, they no longer freak out about sometimes getting caught up in fear-based thinking, & they no longer feel the need to chase happiness from the outside. They no longer fret or fight their changing experiences, because they know they are always Ok; even when life gets tough. With fearless compassion, clarity & confidence my clients step heart forward into their exciting future, knowing it is fuelled by an abundant and benevolent Universe. My role is to support, encourage & inspire my clients through transformational conversations to release their thinking & listen to their Higher Self of love & joy. What I don't do is make my clients identify, rehash, reframe or rewire their trauma stories. Innate wellbeing is never arrived at through reliving the past in our present moment thinking. You work from a revolutionary psycho-spiritual paradigm the "3 Principles" by Sydney Banks. What makes it so different to other self-help methods? The difference is rather simple but incredibly profound & all encompassing, turning on its head the decades of my Psychology training & Counselling practice. At the core of the 3 Principles Paradigm articulated by Sydney Banks, is the objective truth that the outside world (people & events) are not causing our feelings.. Things are not happening to us, they are just happening & we are getting stuck in the meaning we give it, losing sight momentarily of our innate wellbeing/Wisdom Consciousness.

At the root of our suffering is the misidentification of the cause of our experience; we say things like 'our partner is annoying us’, ‘our job is frustrating us’, ‘the lack of money is scaring us' or maybe we believe our 'holiday is making us happy'. Naturally, if we believe the outside world is causing us to feel stuff, a world we can't control; then we will live in fear & keep trying to think of ways to prevent stuff or keep stuff from ending. My 3 Principles Paradigm inspired AWAKEN the joy within ©️ framework points my clients to the objective Truth that at our core we all have innate well-being, a Higher Self wisdom that is ever present and available to us for guidance. We can't intellectually think our way into Wisdom Alignment so any modality having you stuck in the stories in your head has you pointed in the wrong direction & offering up incomplete & ineffective solutions. Having over two decades of training in Psychology & Counselling, by the time I came across the 3 Principles Paradigm by Sydney Banks, I was confronted with the fact that I had spent my whole life in my head trying to understand & control the stuff I saw as happening to me. And in my effort to help others feel better & solve their problems; I invited them to do the same. Now, as a Crone Life Joy Reboot Mentor guiding women over 40 to AWAKEN their inner joy; my role is to help them redirect to the hopeful truth of their wisdom whenever they get stuck in fearful problem thinking. Once aligned with wisdom in the moment, & inflow of our innate joy then we are open to receive the abundance & goodwill of the Universe. The answer we need in that moment arises effortlessly & we act from a state of calm & clarity. No head shrinking required! What inspired you to get started as a Crone Life Joy Reboot Mentor? Learning the lessons of 'the big mistake at 39' has been at the core of my desire to support and encourage women over 40 to celebrate their age and stage of life. Having leapt into a 2nd toxic marriage this time with a younger guy I got myself into a vicious cycle of fertility drugs, miscarriages & wearing the unreasonable social expectation that my value as a wife & woman depended on my fertility. Allowing my worth to be falsely compared to 20-year-old women. After the second divorce, I was consumed with regrets and anger at myself for 'not doing the healing' between both toxic marriages. How could I with all my training 'fail' a second time? I intellectually "knew better”, & I “should have” done better. So why didn't I? Because I was not tapped into the knowing of my innate, limitless, awesomeness my decisions were based in fear, lack & avoidance in part due to internalizing the misogynistic, ageist, fat phobic beliefs fed by society. Thankfully, this time I learnt how to tap into the limitless source of real self-love & march into 50 with resilience, hope, clarity & joy that comes from living a Crone Wisdom aligned life. The ups & downs of life still happen, but I no longer freak out!

And I rest assured, knowing in my bones that whatever unfolds is for my benefit because I only focus my attention on my desires & joy. I know where the light switch is in the attic of scary stories in my head & I know how turn that light off & effortlessly turn my attention toward my illuminated heartful wisdom. What makes embracing the Crone archetype revolutionary for women over 40? A huge basis for the dread & anxiety around turning 40, peri to post menopause and ageing in general comes from our internalized beliefs fed to us by a misogynistic, youth & beauty obsessed society. From childhood we have been fed the Disney narrative of the 'wicked old warty witch' that hates children and is jealous of young maidens. And Disney got this trope from Centuries of post Christian demonizing of elder women Shamans & High Priestesses who were the lineage & law holders of Pre-Christian tribes & communities. And thus HIS-story began! In Pre-Christian folklore the biological cycles of womanhood were interconnected with the Universal energetic cycles & the natural world cycles. Just as each season has an important role, so too, the three phases of the Divine Feminine (Maiden, Mother, Crone) are powerful stages of a woman's life each building on to the other; culminating in the Crone Wisdom journey toward physical death, & the energetic reunion with Source. Unfortunately, because of denying the Sacred cycles of womanhood, what we see too often is a pathologized view of Menopause & a devaluing of the role of the elder wise woman. Instead, women over 40 are encouraged to defy the appearance of ageing & to maintain visibility by losing Menopausal weight. For women to permit themselves to celebrate ageing & command the once held respect of ‘Wise Woman’ from wider society, it is indeed a revolutionary act that is needed to overturn the ageist patriarchal rhetoric spread since the 11th Century. What is your big Mission? I want to invite women over 40 to realise that there is more to Menopause than hot flashes! That they can experience the many transitions of this stage of life, both within themselves & their relationships, from a place of ease & enthusiasm. While previously held roles & identities may be ending, women over 40 get to define this final stage based on the guidance of their inner wisdom & following their heartful desires. Instead of listening to the rules & expectations of others. The definition of 'ageing disgracefully". Women over 40 are not dried up, & their zest for life is only getting started. I want them to know that their Okness is not found in changing what or the why of their thinking/feelings. And nor does it depend on changing the outer conditions. They were born OK from the inside out & no amount of difficult life events can damage or destroy that innate wellbeing. Which book(s) would you recommend to help with success and personal development In my own co-authored book: Shine Vol 4: Inspirational stories of success over adversity I unpack the story behind my realisation that I was neither a victim nor a survivor of abuse, & that the events of my life did not have to be my identity. This epiphany was the basis for my transformative realisation about 'Living & Loving Heartfully'. In my Facebook group Sacred Crones Cauldron we have read together “Crones Don't Whine” by Jean Shinoda Bolen which aims to reclaim the honorary title of Crone and explore what it means to be a wise woman over 40 in modern times.

We also unpacked 3 Principles Paradigm coach Michael Neill's book “The Space Within” exploring what it means to live a life guided by our ever-present wisdom.

When women over 40 join the group, they’ll be able to watch the Sacred Crone Storytime masterclasses that unpack each chapter of these books from an AWAKEN the joy within ©️ framework.

Congratulations on being selected as a Brainz Magazine CREA Award 2021 Honouree, so what will be your focus of transformative excellence for 2022? Thank you, yes it was unreal to be included in a Honour Roll alongside Oprah; I dream of having such a beneficial global impact. Along with continuing my VIP 90 Day 1:1 Crone Life Joy Reboot mentoring, I am excited to offer a celebratory Group Coaching Mastermind where we get to explore the practical implications of the AWAKEN the joy within©️ on reclaiming their mojo by permitting themselves to follow their hearts desires & completing their selected wisdom guided project for 2022. And I will let you in on an as yet to be publicized intention; I will be sitting with pen and paper to write my much awaited first solo book. I have a dream of seeing my name on the spine of my book taking pride of place in bookstores far and wide. (FREE GIFT) MORE TO MENOPAUSE THAN HOT FLASHES in this masterclass I show you how you can reframe & newly experience this profound transition in a woman's life.

No more dreading & pathologizing the Big M!

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