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Exclusive Interview With Naiyer Qureshi – Neuro Coach

Naiyer Qureshi is a certified Neuro Coach based in London, the UK. Drawing on over 20 years in the retail sector, she works with ambitious entrepreneurs, busy professionals, and business leaders who value personal development, people who know they’re capable of achieving so much more and want to put strategies and structures in place to take their achievements to the next level. She studied and completed The Coaching Academy’s Coach Training Programme, the world’s leading training provider. Her study of Neuroscience Coaching and Leadership from the Optimind Institute underpins everything she does. Specialisms include Neuro Spirituality, Neuro Health, Neuro Relationships, and Neuro Entrepreneurship. Her early career as a pharmacy technician instilled in her the importance of taking a rigorous scientific approach, with close attention to detail, accuracy, and a results-based methodology.

Naiyer Qureshi, Neuro Coach

Tell us about you and your current role or area of interest.

Born and bred in, Yorkshire, I’m a strong and proud Yorkshire lass! I love helping others and from very early on, I found that people would share their challenges with me, and I was able to help them.

I came across coaching whilst attending a personal development exhibition and realised that I had been a coach all my life!

I trained and developed the essential qualities required to be an effective coach. I’m a chatterbox and love nothing better than a gossip over coffee and cake, however, as a coach, I had to develop very deep listening skills to understand rather than listening to reply, as we tend to do in our regular conversations, along with skillful questioning to draw out the pertinent points with my client.

I fell in love with Edinburgh and lived there for over three years. I love the UAE, Italy and, of course, my birthplace.

I’m a Certified Neuro Coach & Leadership Coach. Informed by the latest developments in neuroscience, I help my clients better understand the hidden triggers and habits that drive them and sometimes derail their own best efforts.

My early career as a pharmacy technician instilled in me the importance of taking a vigorous scientific approach, with close attention to detail, accuracy, and results-based methodology.

What do you like about your area of focus?

I love infusing neuroscience into my coaching sessions to give my clients the edge, empowering them to operate from their higher brain region, their CEO brain. A better understanding of their own thought patterns and brain health will impact everything they think feel and do. I focus on reducing stress, increasing concentration, creativity, and productivity, and cultivating resilience.

What do you love the most about your role as a Neuro Coach?

It is a huge privilege to coach a person. To hear and see a profound change in them because of our work together is hugely rewarding. When I am told that, ‘I have your voice in my ear motivating me’, I feel a sense of achievement for the both of us. Understanding my brain has impacted my life and this motivates me to share my neuroscience nuggets with everyone so that they may benefit too.

What in your experience is a common reason for people giving up or not taking up challenges?

Lack of belief in themselves and overwhelm. It's easier on your brain to stay where you are, the less mental energy it uses the better, however, this does not help you to grow, and you begin to stagnate and feel overwhelmed.

How do you and your client work together?

Each client is an individual, so each relationship is different. Sessions are 1:1 and completely confidential, non-judgmental, and supportive. I’m an impartial sounding board, a safe space to offload whatever the challenge is within their professional and personal life.

Our focused and dynamic conversation leads to realistic yet challenging goals, allowing us to regularly review the past to build for future success. We learn what works for you, based on neuroscience rather than trial and error.

What key lesson have you learnt along your entrepreneur journey?

Nothing is set in stone, flexibility, agility, and an open mind are essential.

Do you have a favourite quote?

‘’What other people think of you is none of your business’’ – Anthony Hopkins

Would you share some of the lessons that you have learnt along the way with our audience?

Peace of mind is a sign of success.

Material things come and go, however, that sense of calm and peace with oneself is priceless. Don’t sweat the small stuff, have compassion for yourself, learn from the failings and keep going, include daily bouts of humour, eat chocolate, read and most importantly, prioritise your sleep.

People are amazing and it’s important to have all age groups amongst your connections. A conversation can spark so many insights, be your sincere self and the other person will feel safe in your company. Many a client has come on board because of an open and honest conversation.

Remember how curious and fearless you were as a child – reignite that now as an adult, it's liberating!

Finally, would you share three brain-based strategies that could help our audience?


  1. Prioritise your sleep, my article will help you understand why.

  2. Stop multitasking unless you want an attention span that is less than a goldfish, about 9 seconds! Your brain can only do one thing well at a time.

  3. Keep your brain hydrated, oxygenated and rested with a regular intake of glucose aka brain fuel!

“Empowering people through neuroscience is my passion”

For more info, follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!

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