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Exclusive Interview With Misty Lucas ‒ Women's Life Coach

Misty Lucas, is a Women's Life Coach and Restorative Yoga Educator. After a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis that left her depleted physically, emotionally and spiritually she had to find a new path. She left her career in law and dedicated her life to supporting women navigating complicated health crisis from chronic stress and autoimmune illnesses by blending her coaching skills and restorative yoga techniques. From this knowledge she has created her signature coaching program to support her clients and work with them releasing old patterns holding them back to create a life they want to live.

Misty Lucas, Women's Life Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

Hi I’m Misty Lucas I’m a woman's coach and yoga educator. I live in a rural community in southwestern Ontario with my husband and my two beautiful dogs Maggie Mae, a bernese mountain dog crossed golden retriever and Shadow a golden retriever. My husband, Derrick is my partner, my lover, my soulmate and my best friend. This year we celebrate 20 years of marriage and I'm grateful for every moment we have together. We all live on 23 acres of property that is a wooded lot with a creek that runs through it. My passion is to spend time in nature and really allow myself to feel grounded and connected. My husband and I moved out here almost seven years ago. Our home is beautiful AND the property is what drew us out into the middle of nowhere, for the first time we both felt at peace in the stillness and the quiet. When we first walk the 23 acres it was magical we felt deeply connected and drawn to the land and we knew in our bones that this was where we were meant to be. This was a huge leap of faith to make the move and we trusted our intuition and could not be happier. Once here there was nothing that was going to stop me from starting my wellness business and leaving law for good. I love to dance to 80s music in the mornings to get my body moving, tap into my creativity and wisdom as soon as I rise. I’m passionate about the work that I do and sometimes get a little over-excited and my amazing husband reminds me not everyone wants to be coached every day.

What is your business name and how do you help your clients? My business name is Misty Lucas Wellness. I empower women living from a place filled with chronic stress or perhaps diagnosed with an autoimmune illness to take back control of their health and lives. I explore this work by guiding and supporting women to connect and understand their body's messaging, create supportive boundaries, identify triggers & access relaxation. By starting to peel back the layers of old beliefs and paradigms they start to come back to their own essence and wholeness. My work with women is about transforming the life they’re living by default to a life they’ve created from their heart’s desires.

What is your work inspired by? My work is inspired by my experience and how I was so disconnected from my own essence and lived my life fully from ego. I didn’t even realize the impact on my physical body or mental health. Upon reflection, I realized the life I was living was a life I created from the opinions of others, society and not from my own heart. My experience opened up parts of my mind and awareness of how the body, mind, emotions and spirit are all interconnected. This interconnectedness is vital and nourishing all parts of who we are is an integral part of living a fulfilled and pleasurable life. I’m inspired by the clients I work with every day. I’m inspired when I see the profound effect that occurs when they experience shifts in their thoughts and witness how it plays out in their lives and the lives of the people they love. To witness someone light up and find peace by becoming aware of their thoughts and transform the impact through acceptance is inspiring.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

My life use to be filled with crazy work hours, running, working out, and socializing with friends; there was never a quiet moment. This is what I thought life was meant to be. I felt like nothing could stop me…until it did.

I began to experience swelling in my hands, wrists, knees and ankles. My body was no longer my own. Waking up in the morning felt like an impossible feat and I had brain fog all the time. The normal feeling I experienced daily was pain and despair.

After suffering for a few months and being treated with anti-inflammatory medication I saw a specialist and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This was a pivotal moment in my life. I was 36 years old and was told I had an autoimmune disease. The story I told myself was nothing would ever be the same and life was over.

All emotions were raging including anger. I went into fight or flight and was prepared to do anything to fight this illness. I joined a gym, hired a trainer, and took a leave from my job. My whole identity became wrapped up in fixing me not even realizing there was nothing that needed to be fixed.

The pain and suffering continued. I was desperate, anxious and depressed. Nothing worked. The medications made me sick, I was exhausted and began to suffer from fatigue and all I had the energy to do was weep. The harder I pushed the more I sunk into a deep black hole. One day I landed in a yoga class and simply surrendered. This surrendering made me feel better than I had in months.

That experience led me to start coming into quieter practices such as breath, meditation and restorative yoga. As I began to incorporate these practices into my life, I began to feel lighter; the fog was clearing. Desperation turned to hope and I began to accept and love myself as I was, no fixing required.

This entire experience was pivotal for me as it taught me that resistance created more resistance and acceptance created peace. This was not a message I had received from others it was one I cultivated from within and knew I needed to share.

To learn more visit my website. Contact me at and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.

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