Mary Annette is a leader in helping people discover the truth about themselves, their connection to source energy, and the results such connection produces. She coaches people in working with universal principles to grow their businesses effectively, such as energy and vibration, flow, synchronicity, intention, connection, and harmony. She offers strategies to unblock the unwanted illusions they think are real in their businesses. She helps leaders coach their teams to discover and leverage the levels of energy required to uplift themselves and attract the organization's dreams and strategies with much less effort. She is also a certified theta healer practitioner and heals physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges through the energy of the Creator of All That Is.
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
I am a certified executive coach who spent most of my career working in the leadership development, talent management, coaching, and training functions. While I have had many successes in this work, I have also seen blocks to progress that traditional coaching can’t resolve. For example, we often need to clear beliefs residing in our genes. We may learn through our lives to consider family beliefs that were passed on and are not serving us now, but we are much less aware of how those beliefs continue to exist until they are genetically removed. I am trained in Theta Healing™️, a meditation/focused prayer healing modality that works with the Creator of All That Is to perform such miracles as genetic belief clearing. So, I am gravitating now to working with people from all walks of life to go beyond the limits of traditional coaching to clear genetic beliefs, conditions, or ailments, heal illnesses, resolve traumas that other methods fail to resolve, and more. What is particularly useful to leadership is my ability to help leaders develop the intuitive abilities to “know” what to do that go beyond the limits of traditional intuition. In summary, I help people become more of the soul and spiritual self that they are. I am also still helping leaders develop their sixth sense ability to “see around corners,” and anticipate disruption before they are disrupted. I do that by working with them to integrate the invisible forces of flow, energy, vibration, synchronicity, harmony and more into their business and people challenges, as well as develop specific skills to anticipate market changes.
When I’m not doing all of that, I can be found biking the Katy Trail, testing new wines, cooking, reading, attending thought-provoking movies and cultural events, adoring my nephews, exercising profusely, and perfecting the all-nutritious green smoothie. I can also be found talking to animals, plants, trees, rocks, and mountains, who, because of my newly developed psychic capabilities, talk back! There is much to be learned from the souls that are the lifeblood of our nature elements, and I am developing a plan to bring their voice into the world. Everything is alive and willing to speak to those humans that love them and are willing to learn to hear what they want and need for the good of the planet.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
My company name is Journey to Results because it is a journey to any result, and the journey to rediscovering our lifeblood/soul is probably the biggest. It is lifelong. It is the truth of who we are and what makes up our interests, our passions, our dreams and even our challenges which get inserted into our lives to experience growth. Our souls are learning right along with us and can also be healed so that they can do even more to support us on the journey through work and life. I guess you could say soul alignment for everyone on the planet is my biggest goal!
What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?
Continue to go beyond the perceived limits of what is possible for all of us with Theta Healing™️. Creator (whatever that face is for you) makes us limitless! It’s about making my clients limitless!
Continue to bridge the gaps in consciousness between humanity and the rest of the species on the planet. This means helping others develop the skills to communicate with nature, even if only to learn what their houseplant needs more of so that plant gets better care! Or their pet……
Continue to expand my work in using Theta Healing™️ to heal animals and be a voice for them.
Continue to introduce the invisible forces to business leaders to develop business models that align with flow and promote harmony, positive energy, and vitality and aliveness for their teams. In the process I help them realign archaic Human Resources practices that stifle their teams to a set of rituals and practices that create joy and fulfillment in the process of getting the work done.
Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?
Who I have come to know as the Creator of All That is, which is not the same God I understood in protestant churches. What I experience in daily conversations with Creator is patience, love, support, healing, encouragement, humor and yes, coaching. I once experienced the profound love of the Creator not because s/he said “I love you” or did anything, but because of the absence of judgment. I was stunned at what it felt like to be fully loved without judgment by God considering my own past experiences with religion. It's been a game changer.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
I would encourage the coaching industry to explore the possibility of coaches making their clients limitless without rigidity and supervision and challenge the notion that limitlessness can or even should be supervised. What limits can you even put on limitlessness and why does the industry feel it can or should control that?
What greatness would emerge if coaches simply coached from their soul and were so tuned into both their own soul guidance and the client’s soul guidance, that they were coaching more from “truth” and less from the “rules?” It is possible through Theta Healing™️ and I do that for my clients every day.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
I would call it a set of chronic challenges that brought me where I am today. It was the discovery that as wonderful as traditional coaching is, it simply wasn’t enough in the areas of abundance, spirituality or physical health for me with the challenges I have faced over my life. Following successful gurus was not enough to make a difference in stubborn areas of my life, and neither were inspirational speakers, books, materials, or other fantastic coaches. Resources are fine and can be very helpful, but they didn’t help me clear my money beliefs and blocks from my genes or other lifetimes my soul has lived. They didn’t teach me how nuanced beliefs can be, and that the wording used to clear beliefs has to match the belief that lives in the body as evidenced by muscle testing or you will still experience it. I’ve also learned that we must understand what we have learned from our experiences as part of the coaching process, or we continue to reproduce the energy of those experiences and repeat them. I have learned how to heal my broken heart through reclaiming soul fragments, which is another process in Theta Healing™️, done in seconds, which can take months in traditional coaching.
I am thrilled with the journey I have lived, what I have learned, and what I bring to the planet now as a result. I love the blend of healing and coaching I bring to my clients. I am on the leading edge of human healing and development, going beyond the boundaries of tradition to experiment, to play, and to be a channel of all new things!