Claire is a qualified and accredited life coach & confidence coach, specialising in mindset & visibility coaching for women in business.
Claire is a featured guest expert, live trainer, guest author, guest blogger, magazine contributor and Amazon best selling author.
Claire is passionate about helping and empowering women to believe in themselves and achieve their goals. To develop their confidence & mindset, to become visible with their business and live the life they desire.

Exclusive Interview With Life And Confidence Coach, Claire Maynard
Who is Claire?
I’m a single mum to one incredible 7-year-old daughter. We live in Dorset on the south coast of the UK, with our grumpy but loving cat, Mitten. I was a registered nurse for nearly 20 years before I trained as a holistic therapist. During lockdown a fulfilled the dream I’d had for over 3 years, which was to train and qualify as a coach. Before I had my daughter I travelled the world, including living and working in New Zealand and then in Australia. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, CFS/ME, although it slows me down sometimes, I don’t let it stop me or my business! I’m a published author, my first book, an Amazon international bestseller, was a collaboration with other women in business where we shared our stories of the things we’d overcome to get where we were. The second, my solo project, is a pocketbook of tips for mindset, confidence, motivation and inspiration. I am also a guest speaker and live trainer and have just written a self-study course.
What is it that you do for your clients?
I help women in business ditch fear and get visible online so that they can make more sales, impact and income. I help women get more confident and to believe in themselves more. I also help them to get to the bottom of what’s holding them back, uncover their blocks and breakthrough. Common issues clients come to me with are; fear of going live/being on camera, fear of showing up on social media, worrying about other peoples opinions, lack of confidence, lack of self-belief, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, procrastination, self-sabotage, lack of action taking, comparing to others. I help them work through these things, ditch what’s holding them back, to show up confidently and consistently and move themselves and their business forward.
Who should hire/work with you?
Women in business who feel stuck, who lack the confidence to be visible or who find themselves battling with the fear of going live/being on camera, fear of showing up on social media, worrying about other peoples opinions, lack of self-belief, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, procrastination, self-sabotage, comparing to others or lack of action taking.
What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
My big goal is to be helping and coaching women all over the world, as well as speaking and training on international stages and publishing a best selling book about confidence and mindset. My goal is to help hundreds, if not thousands, of women directly so that they can go on to do the same, creating a ripple effect. The more people we help, the more they help, and so on, and together we can change hundreds of thousands of lives for the better. When women support women amazing things happen, we are stronger together.
What are your 3 top tips for being confident and visible in business?
Stay in your own lane. Don’t focus on, or worry about, what other people are doing or what other people may or may not be thinking about you. So much time and energy is wasted doing that when it could be being used to build your business. You are your superpower, no one else is you and you aren’t anybody else.
Remember who you’re helping and serving, think about the bigger picture. Your business isn’t just about you, it’s about who you can help with your product or service. Show up for them and give them value, they need you.
Don’t overthink everything! Post the reel, share the photo, go live, share your offer. Nothing is ever “perfect” so don’t let perfectionism stand in the way of your progress. Let people get to know, like and trust you through your authentic and real content (mistakes and imperfections included). And definitely don’t overthink what Karen from no. 42 may or may not think about what you’re posting, I very much doubt she’ll even notice!
What’s one piece of advice you would give people to boost their confidence?
I would say, write a list of everything you like about yourself, all your attributes, all your achievements big and small, compliments people give you, things you do well, situations you’ve overcome, literally everything positive about yourself. Then read it to back to yourself, regularly. When you first do it, it will give an immediate confidence boost, when you’re doing it regularly it will help to build the foundations of your confidence. This exercise will remind you what you’re capable of and how amazing you actually are. It will also give you the confidence to face the next challenge.
Follow me on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!