Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview
Emma is a motivated and dedicated business owner and Master Certified Coach. She loves people, culture, diversity, and inclusiveness. Emma believes in endless human capacity. She is experienced in producing programs and teaching material, and she is specialized in coaching and leadership programs. She loves a good balance of teamwork and individual work. Emma's coaching can help you achieve personal success.

Would you like to start by telling us a little bit about yourself? Who is Emma beyond her career and success?
What I often hear as feedback is that I am perceived as a passionate and creative person. I agree with that kind of feedback since I am passionate about people and their infinite capacity to learn and grow, and becoming the people they are meant to be. I would also like to add that I am thirsty for knowing and learning new ways on how to maintain the harmony of the body and soul. In other words, a holistic approach to human beings. Harmony between doing and being.
It is of my opinion that what we do shall represent who we are. Actually, not only what we do, but also how we do it. I make sure that I grow and outgrow myself every day. What I also learned about my character is that I am inclusive, dedicated, loyal, persistent, personal, and quick-thinking and I love doing the most challenging task first thing in the morning. Procrastination is not on my menu.
"On my menu, there is only a positive attitude and a daily dose of humor."
Tell us about your company CoachCompanion! Who are CoachCompanion and what kind of services do you offer?
Coach Companion, which turned 18 this December 2022, is an education company providing coaching and leadership education globally. Accredited by the International Coaching Federation, ICF, we stand for quality and sustainability in the coaching industry, equipping people with the latest tools on the market. Among our participants are managers, leaders, business owners, parents, governmental organizations, people in the middle of a career change, and people who want to learn more in order to be more, for themselves and their surroundings and society. We, at CoachCompanion, are professionals of all ages and different backgrounds with a vision: We Change the World. And yes, together with our participants, we change the world, one person at a time. Our participants are preparing themselves to become ICF-certified coaches who will impact people in their organizations and private lives. Another large group of our participants for who we provide training and educational services are people who want to improve their management and leadership skills. Popular pieces of training in this field are Team Coaching and Coaching Leadership, Propellermodellen®. Brands are not to be translated by it means The Propeller Modell.
You work a lot with your "Propellermodellen®", can you elaborate and tell us what this means?
Propellermodellen® is a leadership model easy to understand and apply. You can apply it directly, after a couple of days of training. Often, it is both challenging and confusing to make tough decisions, lead and inspire, and at the same time be a fellowman, totally present in the organization. It takes different approaches all the time to shift into different roles. Most of the time, some of these blades that represent our Propeller are omitted leaving negative consequences either on the organization and the profit, the employees and their wellbeing, or the leader himself/herself. Propellermodellen® makes sure that all three blades, representing different areas are taken care of. It will benefit the organization, the employees, and the manager. So why choose? Would you take a ride in a helicopter with one blade missing or damaged? Of course, it is a rhetorical question. Our leadership model, Propellermodellen® is successfully applied to personal leadership, as well. Unfortunately, some people let other people make decisions for them (blade one) they are lost without inspiration coming from the outside, (blade two) not hearing and listening to their own needs and signals from the body (blade three) It is a rough example. For more information, please feel free to get in touch with us at CoachCompanion. Poor mental health and lack of well-being is the largest threat to modern society. Read more at WHO (World Health Organization)

How should we balance our private and work lives to achieve increased efficiency and well-being in the best way?
Love what you do is my immediate advice. Find your own, specific, and unique way of “how”. In my mind, serving other people is the most rewarding way of working. Many people think that they work with IT, sales, education, management, accounting, plumbing, painting, and cleaning…what most of us do is that we work with people. You are seldom totally alone and isolated. Make your relationships your priority and watch what happens. If you don’t love what you do, you either fall in love with your work or look for another job. If you don’t find it, hire yourself! Starting a company and becoming your boss is always an option. You will still need to make relationships your priority because you will work with people. What are you passionate about and you would do it for free (if only you had enough money)? Get excellent in that so that people will pay you for your services! You will find out more about how to find your purpose, by attending our Coaching Education, Master Certification Programme for Coaches and Leaders. There is a huge difference between a career and a purpose. In your career you will need to climb, to live your purpose, you need to be yourself. Unless you are a professional mountain climber, please do yourself a favor and find your purpose.
I love the quote I think belongs to Mark Twain: The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.
Welcome to your true self!
Who should approach you for your services?
Our customers who enroll in our education, are people who care for themselves and their surroundings: their team, their coworkers, their organization, their company, the community they belong to, and their family. We welcome both individuals and companies.
Today we serve several global companies that book training for their staff and coworkers. Should a company have special wishes, we love to listen first and offer the best possible solution for their purposes. Our training, courses, and education programs and today offered in English and Swedish. We operate globally via the Zoom platform, your place, or our place. The choice is up to the customer, our participants. The tools we teach are unique and according to our participants, life-changing. To see is to believe!
What motivates you in your work? What makes you want to develop and grow even more?
People! To see the glow in the eyes of people when they start seeing the results of their training and education. Improving their lives, healing their relationships, impacting their society, and becoming better colleagues, managers, parents, daughters, sons, neighbors, and human beings. How? Simply by using the universal tools that we teach. I am always seeking inspiration and space for improvement. A better way to learn, work and be.
Finally, what are your future plans and dreams?
CoachCompanion’s plan is to reach even more people globally. Today we work in different time zones and with people on all continents. We would like to host even more people. Our participants meet, exchange ideas, learn and develop while attending our education in a non-judgmental and safe learning space. We, people, appear different only to the eye. We all want and need love, respect, peace, stability, and a better future for ourselves and the coming generations. To continue changing the world is our Grand Plan.
The plan for the coming months is to publish the new edition of the book Propellermodellen®, which is planned for June 2023. Preorders are available by emailing me at
I am a master of manifestation. My dream is to work remotely from different parts of the world, such as the UK, USA, Australia, and Japan. I am playing safe with choosing English-speaking countries in the first place except for Japan. If only I could understand Hiragana or Katakana, or is it both? (Laughter) With the amazing team at CoachCompanion and all we learned and shared over the past 18 years, I could easily upgrade this to a plan instead of a dream.
The dream is to impact people to truly love and respect themselves and their own needs first, and then love and respect other people they come across with. Search for new experiences and meetings with people. Acceptance of what is, who we are, and a non-judgmental world are so close but so far away. It needs a new mindset for every human being. I truly wish to impact people to improve their self-esteem and get rid of limiting beliefs. As the name says, it is only a belief, not a truth. I see nature and understand that there is a season for everything. Nature is ever in a rush and the timing is always perfect.
It sounds to me that I am on my way to becoming a kind of spiritual teacher, cool!