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Exclusive Interview With Courtlyn Jones – Founder Of The Design Database

Courtlyn Jones is a graphic designer and creative entrepreneur. She is the CEO and Founder of The Design Database, a new online platform and community designed to be a support system for Creatives (artists, designers, illustrators, photographers, writers, and more). With her platform, Creatives can connect with clients who are looking to hire now, connect with other Creatives in the community to form partnerships, gain inspiration, and make new friends, and also host and sell their work. She has partnered up with other amazing businesses who share the same mission as her to support Creatives by providing tools and resources to help these independent workers be successful in their careers. Her mission is to help create change in the creative community and bring people together because she believes that when Creatives come together, true magic happens!

Courtlyn Jones, Graphic Designer, Creative Entrepreneur, and Founder of The Design Database

First of all, congratulations on starting your own company! The Design Database seems like a wonderful platform and something that is very much needed at this time for the creative industry. We’re excited to hear your story. Tell us about who you are and how this all came to be.

Absolutely! And thank you so much!

My name is Courtlyn Jones. I am a 29-year-old graphic designer, visual artist, and the founder and CEO of The Design Database.

I’ve been an artist my whole life. I started as a Fine Arts major and I would never go anywhere without my sketchbook and pencils. As a child, I dreamed of being an artist with my work hung up in galleries. I was always in the art programs in school doing painting, drawing, sculpting, and mixed media and I even got to take classes at The Cooper Union when I was in high school. That is one of the biggest highlights of my life! Unfortunately, I realized that there isn’t much money in Fine Arts (or at least that’s what I was told), so I switched to Graphic Design in the 10th grade for my college major. Regardless of what I was doing, I always knew I was meant to be Creative and always pictured my career to be so fun and creatively fulfilled.

I have been working in the creative industry for about 8 years now since graduating from the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC. I was laid off from my job last year due to the pandemic but was fortunate enough to find a new job shortly after. I was hired as a graphic designer at my "dream company," 10 years after I set that as my 10-year goal, and I was super excited to have achieved that milestone. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a nightmare and I abruptly quit after only 5 months without a plan. This was shocking for me because I've stayed at my last job for almost 9 years now, so I am definitely not a quitter. I realized then that I couldn't work under anyone anymore so I decided to continue on as a freelance designer because I’ve always loved how much freedom and happiness that gives me. That plan quickly changed when I realized I just wanted to design for myself and help others. Instead of working as a freelancer, I decided I would start my own company and help other freelance Creatives find work and succeed in the creative industry. I want to give others the support that I never had and have always wanted because Creative jobs aren’t valued enough or taken seriously, and that’s completely unfair.

That’s amazing! So let’s talk about the work that you do. What makes The Design Database different from other freelance platforms?

The Design Database is an online membership-based platform designed as a global community to support Creatives. By Creatives, I mean designers, illustrators, web developers photographers, writers, content creators, etc. The platform connects them with other Creatives, as well as with clients and companies looking to hire. With The Design Database, Creatives can host their work, sell their work, connect with other Creatives in the community forum or in private chats, and of course apply to jobs.

This is not your typical freelance platform and we are NOT a recruiting agency. I want to clarify that. I’ve actually never used a freelance platform before. I’ve moonlighted as a freelancer all throughout my design career, but I’ve always gotten clients from friend referrals or responding to posts on job boards. Personally what I don’t like about other freelance platforms is that they take a large commission from the Creatives.

The Design Database is membership-based, NOT commission-based for Creatives, so that is a big difference right there. Creatives keep 100% of the revenue earned from their jobs. We operate with membership packages at affordable pricing. Clients who are looking to hire can post unlimited job postings for FREE and we only take a very competitive and affordable 3.5% commission after they have hired their talent from our website. Since our customers can host their work on the website, this takes away the stress and pressure of having to build their own portfolio sites, which saves them time and money.

It is designed specifically to help artists and designers build the career of their dreams by allowing Creatives to pick and choose quality clients and projects to work on, and providing them with the tools and resources to do so successfully. We are also a community of companies that have partnered up to give Creatives guidance through podcasts, videos, courses, project management tools, invoices and contracts, on-demand video-calling for advice, and access to a drop-shipping service to print, sell, and ship their work or products to customers.

Our platform is especially useful for new freelancers who are just starting out, recent graduates from art universities, and anyone in the creative industry who needs to feel supported. We basically bring everyone who needs each other all together in one place. Bringing so many people together allows for true connection and growth.

All of the stars align there. That’s awesome! How did you come up with the idea for The Design Database?

I’ve always loved freelancing because it allows me to be in control of who I work with and what projects I work on. I feel that makes working as a Creative more fun because I’ve learned that working as a designer for someone else means that you’re more limited. My previous job, which will be my last time working for someone else, really stifled my creativity and I was being made to design in my boss’s vision instead of my own. That was my breaking point. I was being underpaid, as most Creatives are incorporatea , and I was being penalized for working overtime, which is ridiculous because inspiration is not limited between the hours of 9–5. Inspiration can leave you hanging all day and then strike at 4 am. Also, every Creative is different and works differently, but I was feeling so imprisoned and afraid to be creative because no matter what I did, my boss kept wanting me to change it to look more like his work.

All of this made me see just how flawed the creative industry is. After leaving that role, I realized that I'm meant to do way more than what I was doing. I’m meant to be a leader and I needed to find a solution because I know I’m not the only designer, artist, or other Creative who feels this way or has gone through these struggles before.

Everything happened very quickly. I threw out the idea for The Design Database onto a message board on Linkedin a few days after quitting my job, just to get some "feelers" out there and start a conversation about building a community for Creatives. Within 30 minutes of that post, my inbox was FLOODED. Creatives understand the struggles of not feeling supported, so when they hear that someone, especially a fellow Creative, is creating something to help resolve these issues, word was able to spread around pretty easily.

I love that it’s a support system. That’s a great way of describing it. We all need to support each other more. Tell us a little more about how your company provides to the community and who is your target audience?

I have founded The Design Database intending to provide Creatives with an environment that would nurture their growth and help them cultivate connections. I really wanted to build a place for Creatives to connect with other Creatives because no other freelance platform really offers that. It’s mostly about client and Creative connections instead. This allows Creatives to make new friends, find inspiration, gain mentorship, and support one another. The response so far proves that I am on the right path.

The Design Database aims to build a community where Creatives can build confidence in their craft and feel valued. The platform works as a marketplace for businesses and creative professionals to meet. Companies can easily reach out to the Creative that fits the role they want to fill. Likewise, Creatives can link up with recruiters and managers to discuss possible opportunities and available positions in the company. It further streamlines recruitment by enabling Creatives to quickly secure jobs and begin work on the projects much faster.

Through our partnerships, we also offer clients a video-calling on-demand feature (coming soon) that allows them to receive quick advice from experts, and a drop-shipping service that allows our Creatives to set up their own individual shops, print their designs on physical products, and sell and ship their work to customers within the community and externally.

You definitely sound like a leader and I love that you saw a problem and decided to build this platform to not only help you but also help others going through the same struggles. As a leader, what would you describe as your three biggest strengths and why?

Thank you! I would say my three biggest strengths as a leader are: My voice, my creativity, and my ambition. When I say my voice, I mean my ability to express myself in a way that resonates with so many people and makes them feel connected.

I do not like the way artists and designers are being treated in the creative industry, so instead of complaining about it, I’ve created my own solution. I am always the first one to stand up for something or someone when I feel it is needed. Something about me makes people feel that they can trust me instantly, which they can because I genuinely care and I am very kind-hearted. A true leader is someone that people can look up to and turn to in times of crisis. A true leader is someone who is willing to fight for change.

I have a special gift for problem-solving. Creatives are known for being scattered and disorganized. I have a very rare quality of being both extremely organized, as well as extremely creative. I have worked in production management, project management, and design all at the same time. I’m great at multi-tasking. When facing a problem, instead of thinking “I can’t do this,” I always think “How can I do this?”A leader needs to not only think on their feet but also own up to their mistakes and know how and when to pivot. I am someone who acts fast when inspiration strikes but will circle back and make changes along the way because I know that there is always room for improvement.

I describe myself as “the most determined person you will ever meet.” I don’t accept failure. If something doesn’t work out, I don’t give up. I try again because I know that if anyone can do it or make it work, it’ll be me because I have the ambition and the passion to create anything I want. I create my own reality and I know that if I believe in myself, I will always succeed.

Yes! I love that confidence. What would you say are some of your biggest achievements so far?

I would say one of the biggest achievements so far would definitely be running a successful campaign on Kickstarter and raising over $10,000. Unlike GoFundMe, crowdfunding on Kickstarter is a big risk because it’s an “all or nothing” system and only about 38% of campaigns are successful. I chose Kickstarter because it is designed for creative projects, whereas GoFundMe is designed for disaster relief and other causes. We were very blessed and ended up exceeding our goal. That is a very big win, but also one of the most stressful parts of my journey thus far. What made it possible was having the support of my friends, family, and former colleagues.

Another win for us would definitely be being chosen as a finalist by HerSuiteSpot to participate in a pitch competition to win additional funding. Public speaking terrifies me to my core, so I was panicking for days because it was my first pitch ever, and in front of a live audience, and I had to present in front of three judges. Definitely super nerve-wrecking! But I did it and I’m so proud. We won third place and were rewarded with grant funding, which is amazing!

This really shows how stepping out of your comfort zone is very much needed in order to get what you want. That’s the only way to grow. My bravery inspired a lot of people, which is also an incredible win so I feel that we are off to a very exciting start!

Wow! You’ve done so much in such a short period of time. These are great wins! As far as challenges go, how has the pandemic affected your company?

I’ve definitely have had challenges, but the pandemic hasn’t been one of them. ”The Great Resignation," has arrived because of this pandemic and it works more in my favor. People, especially Millennials like myself, are quitting their 9–5 jobs in order to work for themselves as freelancers. That was another huge reason why I knew that if I was going to do this, now would be the time. Aside from the fact that a lot of people do not want to go back to working in the office after being home for so long, people are also just tired of working under people and want to have more freedom. I believe that we will continue to see more employees switching over to the freelance world and that will successfully impact my business because those are the people that The Design Database is mainly designed to support. However, our platform allows for both full-time and freelance positions.

This also helps companies and clients who need to hire talent because some companies can’t even afford to hire full-time employees anymore and are looking to hire more freelance roles right now, so this platform is definitely needed at this time.

Very true! So tell us how are you doing today and what does the future look like?

We are still in the early stages, but I have big plans for The Design Database. My plan is to continue growing our partnerships, expanding our platform significantly, adding more resources, hosting live events in-person and virtual, creating merchandise, and increase our marketing to reach more countries. Currently, we have four partnerships that we are developing now and we are so excited to have this incredible community that is going to revolutionize the creative industry. We will also be expanding our marketing to art universities because The Design Database is the perfect platform for college students to start looking into for their career start. This is a very competitive industry and it’s easy to feel so lost and confused when you are just leaving school and starting out. Our mission is to make the transition from a recent graduate to a full-time worker run smoother.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

To me, success means doing something that you love and makes you truly happy. It doesn’t matter what it is or how much money you are making. If you are happy with your life, and you wake up every day feeling happy and grateful to be alive, and excited to start this new day that you’ve been blessed with, that’s what I consider success. I consider that to be wealth too. I don’t define wealth by finances. I define wealth and success by our mental states. Our mental health is so important and we are only on this Earth for a short period of time. If we are happy to be alive and we are living our truths, I consider us to be successful. If you’re not happy with what you’re doing, please change it. Life is too short, and I know we hear that a lot, but it’s true. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Use your time wisely and let go of things, people, and situations that are pulling you down. That’s how you become in alignment with your highest self and that’s how you become successful and reach your full potential.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

Right now, we are making changes to the website but you can find us at All subscribers will receive FREE access to the platform for 30 days. My email is Feel free to email me or connect with me on Linkedin or Instagram (@thedesigndatabase). I want to hear from all of you, beautiful Creatives!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. You may also visit my website for more info!

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