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Coach Nami's Mind Quotient™- The Game-Changing Tool for Mastering Your Mind

Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview


As a highly sought-after coach and speaker, Coach Nami is a recognized expert in teaching individuals to master their minds and reach their full potential. After 15+ years of mentoring and coaching in professional organizations, Nami has developed a unique approach that combines deep insights, practical strategies, and empowering techniques to guide clients on a transformational journey of self-discovery and empowerment. As a dynamic and captivating speaker, Nami has delivered inspirational talks and workshops to diverse audiences, including corporate teams, learning institutions, and community groups. Her speaking style is engaging, interactive, and thought-provoking, leaving people feeling inspired, motivated, and equipped with practical tools to master their minds. Nami has a unique ability to connect with audiences, ignite their inner spark, and inspire them to take bold actions toward unlocking their full potential.

Coach Nami
Coach Nami

Can you provide an overview of your background and experience?

My instinct would be to walk you through my career path—from being a research scientist to a healthcare business leader and eventually transitioning into leadership coaching and motivational speaking. But what truly qualifies me for this work is my life experience. A few years ago, I discovered I have complex PTSD, and since then, I’ve been dedicated to my healing journey. The tools I learned have transformed my life, teaching me how to live with trauma, find courage in the face of adversity, and, most importantly, live in alignment with my purpose. In my personal life, I was living with more peace and clarity, and in my professional life, I became a more decisive, more impactful leader. By combining the skills I’ve gained throughout my career with these deeply personal experiences, I have reached a place where I can now serve others, sharing the tools and strategies that have supported my growth.

What inspired you to become a motivational speaker and focus specifically on helping people master their minds?

During the pandemic, I saw many people struggling to get through the day, unable to pull themselves out of the darkness. At that time, I was well into my own healing journey, and I had shifted from merely surviving to thriving. The tools I was using had a profound effect on my mental state and well-being, and I wanted to share those insights with others. I realized there was a gap between the standardized language and methodology to assess well-being—especially around mastering the mind. So, I began by creating a simple assessment to help people kick-start their healing journey or improve their well-being, recognizing that their greatest asset was already within them—their minds. The Mind Quotient™ was founded to expand this work.

You often ask people the question, "Who are you?" Beyond roles and titles, how do you guide individuals to truly discover their authentic selves?

This is one of my favorite questions to ask. Many people initially respond by listing roles and titles, but I encourage them to dig deeper. I guide individuals to explore their innate strengths and unique qualities—the traits that make them who they are, beyond societal labels. Often, women especially tend to shrink their gifts to let others shine, which is something I used to do. I learned firsthand that “staying small” leads to dissatisfaction and resentment. Now, more than ever, the world needs people to show up as the best version of themselves, fully embracing their strengths. I’ve developed workshops designed to help participants unlock their potential, identify where in their lives they can shine, and bring their best selves to the table.

Coach Nami
Coach Nami

Can you elaborate on some specific tools or techniques you use?

Absolutely! One essential tool I provide is the Mind Quotient™ (MQ) assessment, a simple daily check-in that helps people assess their mental state and offers strategies to elevate it. By practicing this daily, clients build self-awareness and develop self-management skills, becoming more in tune with their mental well-being. Over time, they become more attuned to what supports their state of mind. This awareness empowers them to make intentional choices throughout the day, leading to more balanced emotional regulation and increased mental clarity.

From there, we build the MQ Method, a personalized toolbox of techniques designed to help clients master their minds, optimize their well-being, and achieve their goals. For example, I worked with one client who was constantly overwhelmed, and after incorporating their custom MQ techniques, they began to feel more in control, energized, and productive. The key is consistency and integrating these tools into daily life so that managing stress and elevating well-being becomes second nature.

Energy and productivity are key themes in your work. How do you help individuals tap into their internal energy reserves to stay motivated and productive throughout their day?

I call it boosting your MQ! After completing their MQ check-ins, my clients are presented with MQ Boosters—simple actions to elevate their mental state. These could be anything from taking deep breaths, connecting with nature, grounding, or engaging in something that brings joy. These boosters help increase their MQ, keeping them motivated and productive. It is vital for them to understand that energy and productivity are not static; they ebb and flow. By incorporating these MQ Boosters into their daily routines, clients learn to recalibrate their energy throughout the day rather than pushing through burnout or stress.

For executives and leaders especially, being in tune with their mental state is crucial for maintaining high performance throughout the day. The Mind Quotient™ provides a framework for doing just that. Leaders often need to navigate complex challenges, and MQ boosters help them quickly shift gears and reset their mental state so they can remain focused, energized, and effective in decision-making.

You work with a variety of groups, from community organizations to corporations. How do you tailor your approach to mastering the mind based on the needs of different audiences?

One of the most important things I learned early in my coaching journey is the importance of meeting clients where they are. Whether I am working with a local community group or a Fortune 500 corporation, the process is the same—guiding individuals from their current state to where they want to be. Some groups might want to master their minds to focus more on self-care and joy, while others, like high-performing teams, might seek to optimize creativity and innovation. The content I share is tailored to move them along the MQ scale and help them achieve their specific goals.

For corporations, this might involve focusing on leadership development, mindset mastery, and fostering a culture of well-being. For community organizations, the approach could be centered around self-care, mindfulness, and enhancing personal resilience. The flexibility of the MQ Method allows it to meet the needs of each audience, ensuring the tools and strategies resonate and are applicable to their unique circumstances.

Coach Nami
Coach Nami

Are there any specific areas you are interested in exploring or incorporating into your practice in the future?

Expansion is on the horizon! Currently, the MQ Method is used with the clients and organizations I work with directly. However, we are developing a platform to make these tools and strategies available globally. Our mission for The Mind Quotient™ is to provide every person with the ability to improve their well-being and bring more of their light into the world.

In addition to broadening access, we are also exploring the potential integration of technology that could provide real-time assessments and personalized suggestions to users worldwide. This would enable people to engage with their MQ in a more dynamic, interactive way. Our goal is for MQ to become a widely recognized concept—perhaps even making it into the dictionary in seven years! I am also in collaboration with educational organizations to incorporate MQ into curricula for young people, helping them build resilience and learn mindset tools from an early age.

For more info, follow Nami on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, X and visit her website!



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