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Exclusive Interview With Christine Hansen – Business Coach & Consultant

Christine Hansen is an award-winning business coach & consultant for online entrepreneurs who want to embrace their inner lazy, profit like a pro, and add philanthropist to their list of credentials—without ever undercharging or feeling like they have to be anyone but themselves again. She combines hardcore strategy with lush personal development so that entrepreneurs can build and scale businesses that are still soul-aligned all the way. With 10+ years as a sought-after TedX France and keynote speaker, Christine’s work is featured in Forbes, Business Insider, National Geographic, and more. Having built two successful online businesses herself, Christine found out the hard way—like losing money on sketchy business investments and ruined “put your damn laptop away!” vacation moments—that most entrepreneurs are closer to burnout than they are to reaching 6-figures. (And they’re still worrying, “Am I overcharging?!”) Christine is famous for sharing cautionary tales from the trenches, tell-it-like-it-is tips, her all-time go-to (no-brainer) tech tools she uses to get twice as much done in half the time, and gushing her best secrets to help you bust past your blind spots, be true to yourself, and breakthrough to 6-figures in under a year...all while donating to charity, taking vacations every 6 weeks, and spoiling yourself with something nice on a very regular basis.

Christine Hansen, Business Coach & Consultant

Who is Christine?

I come from a very traditional family, not entrepreneurial at all, from Luxembourg in Europe (which is a very, very small country) . I grew up focusing mainly on academics and I worked in academics for the first 10 years of my professional life.

I am a mother and my daughter lives mainly with her father because that works best for us by choice. (And that is a whole other story on traditional views of motherhood). I live with my partner and with our little dachshund Gusti, and three cats.

I actually only realized that I was a born entrepreneur quite late in my life, and I think I need to explain why that was the case. In Luxembourg, an entrepreneur is someone who is in construction who builds malls or roads or apartment buildings. And so it's not the same as a small business owner or someone who creates businesses. And even though I studied English literature, entrepreneurship never really came up during my degree.

So it was only after I received a newsletter from a baby sleep program when I was expecting my daughter, where they were talking about becoming a baby sleep consultant, that then led to a very convincing sales page (now I know better), that I understood that you could work for yourself and make a certain amount of money and have a lot of freedom, or at least that's what they sold.

So I started my own baby sleep consulting business called Sleep Like A Baby but realized that I don't like babies apart from my own.

I did like the topic of sleep though because I saw how well it was received. So from a business perspective, it was a good choice. Hence I created Sleep Like A Boss and stopped working with babies and focused on adults instead, and developed the Sleep Like A Boss method.

However, again after a few years, I discovered that I really prefer building the business than necessarily working with my sleep clients. And so I got a team to work with my clients and I only focused on business and now one of my team members is the new CEO and I am in the background as the founder, because I'm now focusing on my business, consulting and coaching which is what I love doing.

What is it that you do for your clients?

What I do for my clients is to provide them with structure, clarity and strategy, but also with personal development, support and mindset strengthening. So everything that you need to either build and grow a business or to help them get perspective when they want to shift their business.

I help people who only have an idea of vague idea of what they want to do to become clear and have precise stepping stones and milestones of how to get to their goal in a way that works for them in a timespan that is realistic and also using strategies that feel natural and easy to them rather than blueprints that are commonly recommended but might not be ideal for them.

I also help them with their blind spots. I help them to become happier with themselves and to love themselves even more so that they can share that with their new clients and become even more efficient in what they are doing.

Who should hire/work with you?

Anyone who is in that situation of wanting to create a new existence online or who is stuck with a business that they don't love anymore. should get in touch for sure.

What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

My big goal is always changing. My goal is to live my life as I am doing it right now. With something that I enjoy doing, that makes me money that I don't need to worry. And I love traveling so hopefully very soon I’ll be able to curate my business tripper community to travel the world with entrepreneurs to gain perspective to develop new ideas. To grow together and see new places together. And that is what I see myself mainly doing in 10 years from now.

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