Caroline Brewin is a professionally trained Executive and Confidence Coach, complemented by over 18 years of Global Investment Banking experience. From Chief of Staff to complex Regional & Global roles, she’s seen it first-hand: the long-term success and profitability of organizations are inextricably linked to the trust, motivation & diversity of their people. She is the founder of Brain Powered Coaching, which uses a neuroscience-based approach to improving Confidence and Leadership; enabling lasting, exceptional results. Through Executive Coaching and her unique Authentic Confidence program, she is committed to empowering Individuals and Corporates to achieve their personal and professional potential.

Caroline Brewin, Executive & Confidence Coach
Who is Caroline?
Corporate woman turned Confidence Coach! My home is in London, but I got stuck in Sydney when Australia locked the borders for Covid! Thankfully my (new at the time) partner and I got on and I’ve been here since. I spent 18 years in investment banking and decided to leave in 2019 to pursue my side hustle as an Executive & Confidence Coach. I started my company, Brain Powered Coaching, in 2020 and it's been a hell of an exciting ride since! I’ve lived and worked in Australia, Singapore and the UK and LOVE to travel, meet new people and experience new cultures. I’m the youngest of 4 kids in my family, with 2 wonderful parents now together +50 years. They are my inspiration and the most incredible support.
Coaching is what totally lights me up, knowing that I can use my experience, skills and training to help people be their best. I even look forward to Mondays (but maybe don’t tell anyone that…)
What is it that you do for your clients?
I use the power of neuroscience to empower people with life-changing confidence. I saw over many years people, particularly women, not achieve their amazing potential because they lacked confidence. It’s at the core of so much of what we do, (or don’t do) in our lives. The neuroscience bit is about integrating how your brain works and so how it drives your behaviour; it’s fundamental in powering real change and high-impact coaching. I’m especially passionate about empowering women, because I genuinely believe they are the future and have so much to give this world - it just needs to be cracked open so the light can shine through.
In terms of the different channels, I have 3 main areas of my business. I deliver one-to-one Executive Coaching, my exclusive Executive Authentic Confidence course (a bespoke intensive 6-week course for corporates for 2 hours a week) and a new online course called Brain Powered Confidence - a 7 step roadmap for unstoppable confidence. I also do Corporate Advisory work, with a big focus on psychological safety and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda.
Who should hire/work with you?
I’ve had people say “I never realised why I hated my job so much until now” “I’ve left the toxic relationship I was stuck in” and “I’ve finally had the confidence to leave the job I hate”. So it’s anyone who wants real transformation in their confidence personally, professionally or for their organisation. I work with individuals, corporates and multinational organisations - particularly forward-thinking organisations who are committed to their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Agenda. Having been there, I ‘get’ how they work and all the pressure women feel in those environments - it can be exhausting. But I’ve seen so much training and development courses over the years that only work on the tip of the iceberg - I go deep because that’s where you make real shifts. It’s super exciting seeing people change their lives and organisations learning from real life experience and science-based research!
What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
I want to impact 10,000 people through my courses, training, podcast and a book (the latter 2 are goals for 2022). Over the next 10 years, I hope I continue to have the privilege to meet and work with more inspiring people, as I am today. The entrepreneurial journey is such a gift in that way - I hadn’t appreciated that until I was really in it. It would be amazing to look back and know I’ve lived with courage, creativity and fun - wherever I am.
What’s one piece of advise you would give people about how to improve their confidence?
What many people think is that confidence is a destination; once I have X then I will be confident. This isn’t true. In fact, confidence is about letting go of who you think you ’should’ be, and instead of being unapologetically yourself. That’s real authentic confidence.