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Exclusive Interview With Award-Winning Film Producer Greg Reid

Award-Winning Author | Keynote Speaker | Film Producer | Founder Of The Secret Knock. Greg is an entrepreneur known for his giving spirit and a knack for translating complicated situations into simple, digestible concepts. As an action-taking phenomenon, strategy turns into results fast and furious, and relationships are deep and rich in the space he orbits. A firm believer in the role of win-win partnerships and making a difference in others to succeed.

He can be found having a great time brewing up inspiration, occasionally breaking into song and dance, and being of service to those around him.

Mark Sephton, podcast host at Brainz Magazine, interviewed Greg on The Brainz Magazine Podcast.

Greg Reid
Greg Reid

What’s the one most harmful silent killer which penetrates our thoughts and short circuits our power?

The lack of understanding that we truly have as an individual. If you look back at life and see the setbacks and those things that didn’t work out, and can frame them in a way that we got through 100% of the challenges we have faced in the past.

What historic event in your life triggered you to be what you are now?

I had a great role model in my mom, I have surrounded myself with multiple mentors and coaches in my life, who is getting the results today that I want?. They are the people I go spend time with. I follow the blueprint of other's success.

What’s your number one tip for keeping your brain sharp and active?

Don’t keep letting people put garbage into your mind. If someone came to your home, and your wife is cleaning up and they bring in a bag of rubbish and start dumping it in your living room and yet we keep opening up our minds and let someone pour in their crap onto our positivity.

What has kept you hungry to keep creating and building?

Always the next thing. Let’s take Richard Branson; he has done so many things that failed, but the two things he did well he achieved great success with, we are always striving to see what’s next. Can I go bigger? Can I expand on what I have already created?

Who are you really impressed by right now and why?

All these new things that are coming out which I am not familiar with, but I am learning every day, Bitclout, I am always looking for what is next, what’s going to disrupt the world we live in.

What is your favorite brand, and why is it your favorite?

Apple. It’s so human-friendly, hand an apple product to a five-year-old and they are so intuitive with how to use the interface. I love the fact that their products sync up with each other and talk to each other.

What habit makes the biggest difference in your everyday life?

Do the least amount possible. I believe in the power of delegation. Work my strengths and hire my weaknesses. I have amazing ghostwriters that craft my creativity, I create amazing things by bringing in amazing people, and collectively we create something beautiful.

What are you afraid of but do it anyway?

The three biggest fears we have, are the fear of pain, the unknown and the biggest one is the fear of judgment, but news flash, nobody is thinking of us. They are dealing with their own situation. Act in spite of that fear. Nobody is thinking about me. I am going to take action.

For anyone creating content, whether through a written article or video, what’s 1 thing people should really consider?

Write from something you know and an expert in, look for things that you want to learn from others, interview them and then write about it. That way, you educate yourself and provide knowledge to those who also need this newfound wisdom.

Who would you most like to meet, living or dead and why?

Dalai Lama and Billy Joel. Dalai Lama is the most noncommercial faith-based individual I know and I would love to glean from his mind. Billy Joel really is an association from my childhood, I love his music and can imagine me creating music with him.

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