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Exclusive Interview With Aimee Clark ‒ Wellness Coach, Giggle More Wellness

Aimee Clark is a Wellness Coach with Giggle More Wellness. Her area of interest involves guiding people to recognize their innate self-worth, amazing brilliance, and powerful purpose. She offers structured coaching sessions with an emphasis on self-discovery, seeing purpose every day, and creating fun and joy in life. As a wellness coach, Aimee hopes to partner with people to value and appreciate all aspects of life ‒ to see how struggle and joy work together to craft our inner-core. Her passion is to help people not only see their greatness ‒ but to live in that truth every day. Enjoying the journey is imperative to our well-being. Aimee is confident we can learn to do this through the tough times and easier experiences ‒ as we move forward in our lives.

Aimee Clark, Wellness Coach, Giggle More Wellness

How does your approach to life impact your wellness coaching?

I like change. I thrive on reinventing myself and that’s what I’ve done throughout my career and personal life. This quality has helped me connect with people who are in the midst of a life change, stepping outside of their comfort zone, or struggling with making a transition.

My life experience has placed me in some unexpected situations. I’ve lived in India; traveled through Asia, Australia, Europe, and Latin America; worked as a television writer and reporter; received a graduate degree in the field of clinical mental health; worked as a social worker with people who have braved life’s challenges with strength and resilience – all the while facing extreme challenges myself and growing stronger as a result. I see life as a collection of ‒ what appears to be ‒ contradictions but are actually complimentary qualities ‒ rooted in love and working together to weave a tapestry of beauty, struggle, joy, pain, and purpose. My focus in coaching is to help people enjoy their life journey, learn from their experiences, see their purpose, uncover their inner-spark, and recognize their greatness. Finding joy in the midst of hardship isn’t easy but it can be done and I believe faith, love, hope, and peace lead the way.

Some people struggle with understanding their purpose in life? How do you define purpose and how is this reflected in your coaching?

We often think of purpose as an idea that is bigger than ourselves. Something that is a calling or a mission in life. After years of aligning my purpose with the qualities of my profession ‒ I now see it as an innate and inherent part of each of us. We bring purpose to life. Sometimes, this can be experienced as an overarching part of our lives that may be understood through a specific career, relationship, or focus. Other times, it may be experienced as taking small and seemingly simple steps each day which move us forward by: helping a loved one, supporting a co-worker, encouraging a stranger on the street, or showing compassion at just the right moment. I believe purpose is all-encompassing. We are imbued with it and our ability to see this purpose comes down to which lens we are looking through. But how we ‘see’ it doesn’t change the truth that we are with purpose in every moment of every day. There is not one second that does not have meaning, purpose, and intention. I see purpose in life as – living, being, and thriving. I know that just my being here has purpose. My daily thoughts, actions, and experiences are all part of that purpose which at the simplest and grandest understanding, is to love and be loved.

A big part of what your business focuses on is helping people find joy in their lives. What brings you joy and happiness?

I love being with people ‒ helping them, learning from them, connecting with them, and encouraging them. It’s funny that I’m an only child because I thrive on engaging with others – through talking, sharing, and growing.

I am open, kind, compassionate, and funny. I love a good giggle (hence the name of my business – Giggle More Wellness) and appreciate experiencing the lighter side of life – when I can. My joy comes from knowing that while I may be on my own, I am not alone. God is always with me – helping, guiding, supporting, and loving me. This brings me great strength during harder times.

What makes your wellness coaching meaningful and impactful?

In my coaching work, I focus on the whole person. I dive into their inner strengths, gifts, talents, values, beliefs, and intentions. Sometimes, people don’t recognize these qualities within themselves; they underestimate their self-worth. I’m a firm believer that we are all equipped to live this life ‒ and to live it with joy, strength, abundance, and hope. Yes - we are constantly growing, learning, and evolving. At the same time, we are our most perfect selves at any given moment. We can stand in the truth of our goodness, love, and perfection. I help people find meaning and purpose in every part of life – whether easy or difficult. Through a combination of goal creation, self-analysis, interactive exercises, and mindfulness – I work with people to help them uncover their inner-spark while seeing the fun, joy, and adventure in life.

You recently started your wellness coaching business. What was your journey leading up to starting Giggle More Wellness?

I like to try new things every so often – things that take me out of my comfort zone. I spent my twenties working in broadcast journalism – primarily in television news. I wore every hat in the industry: writer, producer, reporter, editor, anchor, and photographer. I loved connecting with people, writing about their lives, and learning how they bravely faced their challenges. After nearly a decade, I left my career – moved to India and traveled throughout Asia. While there, I visited small rural villages, traversed huge cramped cities, volunteered as a writer, and met amazing friends – both foreigners and native Indians.

I eventually made it back to the US and embarked on a different kind of journey – one that allowed me to connect with people in a more personal and intimate way. I started working in the field of social work ‒ helping people who had mental health challenges find employment, obtain job placement training, and further their education. I eventually received my graduate degree and spent the next 15 years guiding, supporting, and advocating for people who needed help with the social determinants of health – housing, food, energy assistance, employment, and medical care.

I can now see how both of these careers paved the way for my start as a wellness coach. I learned how to relate to people; see their strengths, care for them, and be their biggest advocate. The core of these two career paths is also the essence of wellness coaching – communicating, caring, guiding, and connecting.

So, your business focuses on coaching others – but who has been the biggest support in your life journey?

Well, thankfully that’s an easy question to answer – God! I have gone through difficult experiences, been through easier moments, felt the ups and downs of living – all the time with God by my side. I’m also happy to say that my understanding of God has changed throughout my life. I now see God as all-encompassing and all loving. I still struggle with fully grasping God’s magnitude but I’m glad to say my view has expanded over the years. I used to be very concrete in my thinking of God, even limited in my perception. But now, I know we are all accepted, loved, cherished, and valued regardless of religion, background, belief, and really, any factor. I feel grateful to be here and to have the gift of life.

Follow me on LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!

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