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The Power Of Breathwork And Energy Healing - Maz Dela Cerna's Success Story

Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview


Maz Dela Cerna is the author of “I Deserve Better”, a breathwork facilitator, energy healer, and the founder of the Phoenix Rising Collective Tribe, coaching and guiding others to heal from their past, release suppressed pain and trauma, so they can get into energetic alignment and start manifesting the lives they desire. Maz now also teaches other facilitators, healers, and coaches her methods to create a ripple effect of profound change and transformation.

Maz Dela Cerna
Maz Dela Cerna

Can you explain what your business does and the positive impact it has on your clients?

Phoenix Rising Collective Tribe was created to assist those who were ready to ignite that spark within them and rise from their trauma, conditioning, and limiting beliefs, so they could move forward in energetic alignment, awaken their intuitive/spiritual gifts, and start manifesting and creating the lives they desire. Through my online courses, live events, workshops, retreats, and the Phoenix Rising Academy, an online community with lifetime access to masterclasses and healings, I help others transform their lives for the better, saving them years of struggle.

In many testimonials, my clients have expressed how they have shifted drastically, manifested pregnancy, health, abundance, love, and career goals, and experienced massive breakthroughs, heightened intuition, increased self-awareness, physically and emotionally lighter, and the happiest they have been in their lives. Many stated how they have rapidly transformed and got more in just one healing session, event, or retreat than they have ever experienced from decades of therapy, coaching, or spending years ”doing the work” and trying many other healing modalities. My clients also find they have a stronger connection to their higher selves and the divine, allowing a life filled with more ease.

Can you tell us about your career path and the key steps that brought you to your current role?

When I first started in this space, I thought I was going to help inspire and motivate others through my writing. I was blogging and sharing personal development/mindset tips as well as fitness hacks. This then shifted into me becoming a mindset coach, however things only took off once I became known as a healer.

I had no idea that Phoenix Rising would have such a profound impact on others. When I started as an energy healer, my business quickly gained many referrals, and I found myself being booked out 6 months in advance. After doing this for a couple of years, it was apparent that this wasn’t sustainable and that’s when the Phoenix Rising Academy was born, an online community of like-minded souls from around the world healing and transforming their lives.

I am also now training and teaching other coaches, facilitators, and healers what I do (it wasn’t long before I realized that I was doing things very differently to other healers and coaches and that I had created a new healing modality) and the effect their clients are having is too also profound.

What drives your passion for your work and keeps you energized?

The tears of happiness from clients, the look of gratitude, witnessing people shift and transform right before my eyes, seeing people finally finding themselves, stepping into their purpose, and experiencing inner peace after living a life of struggle and anxiety. It’s priceless. Words can’t really explain but it literally lights me up (and often brings me to tears I’ve got tears now as I’m writing this). It’s literally the best feeling in the world knowing I was able to play a pivotal role in a small part of their journey. I know exactly what it’s like to feel helpless, hopeless and stuck in life so being able to help others out of that darkness and find their own light is literally something that has given me great purpose and motivation in life.

Maz Dela Cerna
Maz Dela Cerna

What are the top priorities for your business at the moment?

Helping as many humans heal, transform, and awaken to who they truly are. My top priorities right now are to grow the Phoenix Rising Academy and the Phoenix Ascension facilitators program causing a ripple effect of humans waking up to their superpowers.

Do you have any upcoming projects or initiatives that you're particularly excited about?

I have one more heal, breathe, and transform retreat this year in Vietnam and I also launched the Phoenix Ascension Facilitators program earlier this year. The next facilitator program is in December. I want to share the Phoenix ascension method with as many facilitators, healers, and coaches as I can as it has not only resulted in my clients having profound shifts and transformations but the clients of those I have taught also have life-changing experiences.

Your book, "I Deserve Better," talks about many personal challenges. What inspired you to write it?

After a toxic relationship ended, I spent 5 years deep in my own healing. I then met someone who I thought was the love of my life yet it ended up being another toxic cycle. Unless you have experienced domestic violence or emotional abuse, it’s difficult for anyone to really understand the cage you are in during that type of relationship. I didn’t want anyone else to feel the pain I was feeling, and it pushed me into helping others stuck in that situation.

I was finally able to break the cycle and start becoming someone I was truly proud of. my manifestations started coming to fruition, this then motivated me to share what I knew with as many people as I could.

Maz Dela Cerna
Maz Dela Cerna

What message do you want readers to remember most after finishing "I Deserve Better"?

My intention for the readers is to have many aha moments, insights, and epiphanies on their patterns, and behaviors, discover how to break toxic cycles and move forward. My book takes them on a journey through telling my own story while taking them on an inner journey of self-discovery, resulting in the reader having their own breakthroughs. The main message I want my readers to receive is that regardless of the hand we are dealt in life, we always have the power to choose our next move.

What long-term achievements are you aiming for with your business?

I want to continue growing the community I have created and witnessing more people awakening to their true powers. One of the things on my third vision board is that I also want to give back to the community and bring healing, food, and shelter to those less fortunate and help the communities in southeast Asia. I was born into poverty in the Philippines, and still have many family members in the lack so I want to be able to give back as much as I can.

Can you share a career highlight that you're especially proud of?

Honestly, I can’t pinpoint one thing. I think just the pure fact that I used to be homeless, addicted to drugs, an alcoholic, struggling through life, and riddled with unhealed trauma to now being in a position where I can help others transform their lives for the better is already a massive achievement. I’m just proud of who I’ve become despite my past.

What key piece of advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?

If your heart is pulling you towards something, listen to that pull. If there’s a nudge leading you to do something, follow that nudge. The more you listen to your inner being, the more you follow your heart, and the more you will see how the universe literally rolls out the path for you leading you to a life you always dreamed of.

For more information about Maz Dela Cerna, visit her website, follow her on Instagram, Facebook and explore her Healing Package.



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