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How Allison Mones Went From Burnout To Building A 6-Figure Business In 6 Months - Exclusive Interview

Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview


Allison Mones is a high-performance health and business coach and functional nutritionist, focused on empowering high-achieving, ambitious professionals to reach their limitless potential without burning out. She is a former professional engineer and management consultant with a Master of Science in Sustainability and spent decades solving complex business problems for Fortune 500 and other high-impact global companies, before becoming an entrepreneur and scaling her first consulting company to six figures in less than six months.

Inspired by her years of experience in the corporate world, her passion for health and wellness, and her own journey to pharma-free mental wealth and flourishing in spite of 5 concussions, a Bipolar diagnosis, trauma and severe burnout, she launched her second company, Evolved Equilibrium, to create a new paradigm where peak performance in health, life and business is possible. Her multidimensional mind-body-environmental approach to ‘vitality engineering’ weaves in aspects of natural healing, biohacking, metabolic health, performance neuroscience and human flourishing, supporting other high achievers to reclaim their energy and vitality, unlock mental clarity and capacity and to evolve from burnt-out to bright and boundless.

Allison Mones
Allison Mones

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

My latest business name is Evolved Equilibrium. ‘Equilibrium’ means a state in which opposing forces are balanced. For me, that means having a clear and calm mind, a strong and healthy body, feeling connected in my home and work lives and living in harmony with nature, while at the same time succeeding in business and creating financial abundance. 

I help empower my clients to unlock an evolved state of equilibrium, using a multifaceted mind-body-environmental approach that aims to increase energy, optimize mental and metabolic health, and improve business performance. I call my approach ‘vitality engineering’, as it pulls in aspects of my engineering and business experience, my own journey with mental health and burnout, and my passion and leveled-up designations in health and wellness. 

As a functional and clinical nutritionist and somatic trauma practitioner, I weave in aspects of food as medicine and natural healing. As an integrated health coach, I leverage Dr. Stephen Cabral’s, DESTRESS Protocol™ (Diet, Exercise, Stress, Toxins, Rest, Emotions, Supplement, Success Mindset) that pulls in functional medicine, eastern wisdom and Ayurvedic science. As a performance and flourishing leadership coach, I leverage the latest research and neuroscience on peak performance, flow and human flourishing. I integrate all of these principles, along with biohacking principles, technologies and AI tools into a variety of programs that empower high-achieving, ambitious professionals to go from burnt out to energized, with the tools to heal themselves and create aligned lives and business opportunities with limitless potential.

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

I target high-achieving, ambitious professionals, including executives, business owners/founders, managers/leaders, or aspiring entrepreneurs. I am open to working with men too but tend to focus more on the feminine frequency, so my ideal client is any high-performing ‘superwoman’ over 35 who is checking traditional boxes of success yet feeling like they’re surviving not thriving, and feeling all or many of these pain points: 

  • Overwhelmed & burnt out

  • Low energy & brain fog

  • Unwanted weight gain

  • Chronic stress, anxiety, or depression

  • Mental health diagnosis & not thriving

  • Time scarcity

  • Lack of work-life balance

  • Missing out on what’s really important

  • Not living your soul-aligned dream life

What are your current and future goals for your business?

To build a multi-seven-figure business and scale faster than my first business ($500k+ year one revenue goal) so that I can curate a team of bad-ass women working with me to create a greater impact. Ultimately, my vision is to make a global impact in the burnout and mental health epidemics, shifting the current paradigm, and empowering more high-achieving women with the mindset and tools to heal themselves, create abundance in their lives and then shine their light on others. An underlying goal is to create more time and location freedom to focus on philanthropic activities within my company, including my Canadian ambassador role for Set Her Free Uganda, which aims to empower and restore the lives of vulnerable girls formally enslaved by sex trades.

Allison Mones
Allison Mones

What is your work inspired by?

My work is inspired by my own journey to pharma-free mental health, brain health and flourishing. I’ve had 5 concussions, a mental health crash and a Bipolar diagnosis, experienced severe burnout twice in the corporate world and have also been catalyzed by dealing with a lot of personal trauma and loss. In spite of it all, I’ve been able to succeed in business and build a pretty amazing life where I feel fully alive, so want to be a ‘natural healer’ and ‘darkness to light alchemist’ to help others do the same.

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be? 

My greatest inspiration comes from knowing what ‘not good’ feels like. After having been in the depths of brain trauma, depression and burnout, feeling fully alive feels amazing and I’m never willing to stop striving for my most aligned, healthy and limitless potential. Having been through a lot, I am also inspired to be my best self and use my voice and platform to empower others who are struggling with mental health challenges or extreme burnout with the tools they may not know are available to them to heal themselves.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

I was definitely proud of achieving my Professional Engineering designation, but after I left my corporate work as a professional engineer and management consultant, I scaled my first business to 6-figures in less than 6 months after leaving corporate completely burnt out, so became even more proud of that. Since my new company is the passion project I’ve been building for years, my guess is my answer will be different by next year, as I’m just getting started with my soul-aligned purpose to create a large-scale impact.

Allison Mones
Allison Mones

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

My new company spans two industries - the corporate world and the mental health industry. My goal is to be a status quo disruptor in both of those industries. In corporate, I want to reduce burnout as an accepted consequence of success, by teaching people to work smarter, not harder and targeting the root causes of burnout such as lack of control or values conflict. In the mental health space, I want to empower people to heal themselves, so that we can see a huge reduction in mental health prescriptions being handed out for conditions such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder, without first asking about other psychological, biological and social factors that contribute to mental health symptoms, such as trauma, stress, lifestyle, diet, sleep, social and environmental factors.

Last but not least, if you could share one valuable piece of advice or insight with our readers today, what would it be?

Life can be full of ups and downs, stress, loss, grief and can test our resilience. The corporate world has been built on masculine energy that often prioritizes profit over people and western medicine is far too entwined with big pharma. We are exposed to more toxicity in our workplaces, products and food sources, than ever before. But life can also be magical, wild, precious and full of positivity and joy and financial abundance. No one person gets to experience only the good or bad. So, I challenge every high achiever out there to ask yourselves if you feel fully aligned in your mind, body and business. If the answer is no or if there’s room for improvement, there’s no better time to start becoming an advocate for yourself. With the right foundations, tools and support, we all have the innate capacity to heal our minds and bodies, thrive in our workplaces or businesses, reclaim our highest energy frequency and live a life of abundance, feeling fully alive..

For more info, follow Allison Mones on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and [launching Q42023]



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