Written by: Marsha Parcou, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In this day and age, everyone has an opinion on how others should live their life, but rarely do these people examine their own lives.

“Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.” — Les Brown
Coming from a small island, seychelles we experience this on a daily basis and it can become very frustrating. Can you relate to that? I’m yet to meet anyone who has all their affairs in order. This is why we should not judge others because everyone is painting their own masterpiece, as best they can.
During my early adulthood, I worried about the opinions of others, which impacted my self-worth and self-confidence. What they thought of me was not something I could live up to.
Eventually, these relationships dissolved because I wasn’t willing to minimise my self-worth to appease them. As I matured through personal experiences in different areas in my life, I try to live according to my values and what’s important to me, even if its meant making mistakes and failing; which I embraced gracefully. I remind myself I am a work in progress and I am evolving and continue to learn and grow.

“If we believe the opinions of others determine who we are, we are less likely to live an authentic life”, by Marsha
As we live in a world of comparison we regard the opinions of others because we want to be accepted and fit in. Many people are influenced by the opinions of those closest to them, such as family, friends and work colleagues.
Whilst it is important we are accepted by our family and friends, we must not place our self-esteem in their hands. Acceptance of oneself helps us connect with our core-self values and truest – self and allows feedback on who we are.
If you live a life that demonstrate your values, set your own goals that is meaningful for you, automatically you come in a state of fulfilment, you respond positively as you are authentic and love what you are doing.
Each one of us must walk our own path as this is how we learn and grow as individuals. And yes, it is difficult to see a loved one make unnecessary mistakes, but they might be necessary for their personal evolution.
In summary, we must not allow other people’s opinions to determine who we are because their opinion is not a fact.
Naturally, our life path evolves as we mature, and we will experience many highs and lows, where it might seem like our life is spinning out of control. BUT this is part of the journey where we discover our authentic self, buried amongst the ruins of failure, dead- ends and despair.
At some point we all have to go through trials and tribulations. Whenever I go through challenges I remind myself that I have emerged other setbacks and as a result I developed character that I did not know I had.
I have experienced an expansion of consciousness that led to breakthroughs in my life. I experienced new insights about my life during those moments of despair. So true that sometimes pain will force us to evolve, so life can take us where it needs to.
Regardless of what happens we must not resist these experiences but learn from them. It may require going in one direction and hitting rock bottom, so we discover our true potential in those darkest moments. So, whether you are experiencing difficulties remember “it shall come to pass”.
Don’t get caught up in the suffering because it is only temporary and it will eventually recede. We Discover Our True Potential in Our Darkest Moments.

Marsha Parcou, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Marsha Parcou is an entrepreneur, based in the Seychelles Islands, on a mission to empower corporate teams and employees to find confidence in themselves and maximize their wellness and productivity.
As the founder and figurehead of Fasinasyon, she runs a multi-faceted lifestyle brand that promotes a healthy and holistic approach to the body, mind, and soul through a range of services, from corporate and life coaching to beauty and skincare products. Accredited by the Health Coach Institute, USA, she coaches using International Coach Federation (ICF) tools and exercises whilst delivering her own unique framework for personal and team transformation.
Marsha is also an accomplished public speaker, she has been interviewed on SBC, Paradise FM and TeleSecel. She also recently held an event to celebrate the launch of her debut book 'Becoming A Famn Fasinasyon'.
Alongside her work within the wellness industry, she is also the co-founder and part owner of Chatterbox Café located at Eden Plaza, the famed first ever 'coffee shop' on Mahe Island, Seychelles. Previously to owning and operating her businesses, Marsha has 10 years’ experience in tourism marketing management having worked for Seychelles Tourism (then known as the Seychelles Tourism Board).