Gillian is a complementary and holistic medicine practitioner focusing on positive change and life transformation, working with women who are ready to release and heal their emotional ‘baggage’ and reframe outdated mindsets to create a life they truly love. She brings together a ‘magical’ mix for getting lasting results.
Gillian’s mission is to inspire women to get back in the driver’s seat of their own life, realize they can find and feel inner peace to create and live a life they truly love, full of purpose, confidence, and happiness; overcoming limiting beliefs and self-doubt and replacing them with self-worth and self-love.

Gillian Hughes, Life Transformation Coach & Holistic Therapist
Hi Gillian, please introduce yourself! Tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Yes, of course! Hello. My name’s Gillian Hughes, I live in Wiltshire in the UK with my husband, two older children, and our dog, Blossom.
I’m a self-help junkie and love all things spiritual too! I’ve been playing Tarot for the longest time and love the magic that this divination technique offers, to this day, it never fails to blow my mind!
One of the biggest transformative moments in my life was when my Mum passed away when I was 13. It was a tough time and took me many, many years to come to terms with and heal from the loss. Times were different then, I wasn’t offered counseling or therapy. In my late teens, I was always drawn to people who had also suffered loss, and all these interactions slowly began to piece me back together.
It was like an unseen force gently putting me in the right place at the right time, to learn, discover something new, release and heal.
I strongly believe this life experience (as well as a few others!) has led me to do what I do today. Whilst healing myself I was learning all the techniques that I later qualified in. Through the years I have become a “Gill of all trades” and a master at bringing them all together to help my clients get lasting results.
I love music and singing my heart out whilst busting a few moves. It’s good for the soul and I strongly recommend you throw any inhibition out the window and give it a go! I’ve always been blessed with a positive outlook, looking for the silver lining in the most negative of situations, it’s just what I do and who I am. I realize this is a great gift to be bestowed upon me, it has come in useful countless times throughout my life, helping not only me but others too.
It was in 2015 I began to learn the path I was to take, and from this time forth, one thing after another began to fall into place. I wasn’t happy in my current job, so decided to leave the corporate world and work for myself.
I’ve spent thousands of pounds and hours to get to where I am today. I’m trained and certified in a variety of complementary and holistic therapies. Continuous development is so important and I am an active member of The Complementary Medical Association and an Executive Therapist member at IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine), where I keep up to date with the latest breakthroughs in my industry.
Life is a gift and each moment should be cherished. This is why it’s so important to make peace with your past, discover your life’s purpose, and experience inner peace and happiness.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
My business is called Chatty Flamingo and it’s based on positive life transformation. I use a hybrid of healing, coaching, teaching, guiding, and mentoring, as required to get the most from and for my clients.
We’re all on different paths, with different experiences, although one thing’s for sure, our past can certainly keep us stuck if we allow it to. I work with my clients to empower them to make peace with their past, reframe outdated beliefs and mindsets to feel inner peace, and create a life they truly love. I provide gentle coaching and healing modalities for people with a variety of ailments, whether they’re physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. As a specialist in healing therapies, I work closely with each client on a case-by-case basis using many different healing techniques to help them create balance and flow within their body and life.
I have devised The FLAMINGO Way methodology which I share with my clients and encourage them to adopt into their daily lives. I know it works, as I use it myself.
There are a number of ways to work with me. There is the traditional one-to-one coaching, group coaching programs, monthly memberships, and one-to-one therapies too. It’s important to me that I offer a number of ways that appeal to anyone who wants to access life transformation coaching, which is why I developed The Flamingo Lounge, my monthly membership for people who want to transform their life at their own pace without the price tag of one-to-one coaching.
Why Chatty Flamingo?
Chatty – because it’s good to talk! And Flamingo, because I like them! Seriously! But also spirituality is running through my business at its very core. The Flamingo Spirit animal represents many of the characteristics I encourage my clients to adopt. One of the main goals in life is the need to maintain a sense of balance and the flamingo does balance effortlessly! Other key attributes associated with Flamingo Spirit include communication, beauty, brightness, joy, family, relationships, healing, open-heartedness, equality, alliance, community, and our destiny. So Chatty Flamingo is the perfect name for my mission and my business.
What kind of audience do you target your business towards?
I work with women over 40 who are feeling stuck, fed up, or a little lackluster with themselves and their lives. Women who know they have more to offer, and require a little help to begin the process of change and learn the tools to use as well as feel supported as they create lasting change.
I work with women who have secrets in the closet that keep them awake at night because they’re worried anyone should ever find out what they are, and these worries weigh heavily on their minds. I help them come to terms with these ‘secrets’ and release and heal them to transform and flourish in life.
I believe the pandemic created space that allowed everyone to reflect and take stock on how they were living. And I am thrilled so many people are now ready to embrace positive change.
Who should hire/work with you?
Anyone who has had enough of settling, just existing through life. Everyone has a story, and it’s up to each of us to decide how our next chapter reads. If you’re ready to take action and do the work required to break free from what’s holding you back and start being authentically you, YOU most definitely should work with me!
What is your work inspired by?
It’s more a case of WHO is my work inspired by! My work is inspired by every person I’ve ever met who has forgotten how wonderful and amazing they are. Every person living in the shadow of their limiting beliefs and self-doubt. By every person who doesn’t feel good enough or feels invisible. I am inspired to help these people break through these feelings and empower them to believe in themselves once more, love themselves for who they are, and to create and live a life that makes them happy.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
The one thing I would change is any stigma attached to having therapy, in the UK especially. I would like to see it widely understood and accepted as the norm, that having therapy is essential for physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing and personal growth. That it’s a positive to ‘chat’ things through and strength to be able to reach out so you can be the best version of yourself.
It really is so good and beneficial to chat through issues to prevent them from becoming problems. And it’s life-changing to make peace with your past, heal and release emotional ‘baggage’ to reframe mindsets to help find inner peace and life purpose.
What are the top three benefits of working with you?
Simply put the top three benefits would have to be:
Freedom of mind
A feeling of Inner peace
And a huge sense of relief!
If you’re ready to begin your wonderful life transformation, get in touch with Gillian here. The majority of services are available both in-person and online via Zoom.
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