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Every One Of Us Has The Energy And Resources To Fulfill Our Desired Dreams ‒ Interview Deni Andonova

Denitsa Andonova, PhD. Candidate, is the founder of The Holistic Academy by Deni Andonova, How thrive®, Thriving Bulgaria Foundation for mental health and thriving mindset.

Deni Andonova helps people to do the desired shift – from surviving to thriving mode and to re-connect to themselves, re-wire their brains, re-write their lives. Her concept about the level of Holisticity, published in the bestselling collective book Emerge, in co-authorship with Brian Tracy and other experts all around the world, creates new horizons for open-minded people, who want to live amazing dream lives and to enjoy more love, gratitude, success, balance, lightness and joy. Deni Andonova is a organizational and positive psychologist, speaker, trainer, certified corporate wellness specialist, certified K-Power® instructor, HR specialist, kinesiologist, Bush flower essences therapist, specialist and certified Instructor Neurographica® – art therapy and aesthetic coaching, certified Neuro-Agility® practitioner. She has 3 master degrees in Psychology and Human Resource Management and PhD in Corporate wellness. Book Author: Nutrition on Cell level: Holistic guide for self-care and love; New Level: Holistic Guide for transformation and positive change; Emerge – with Brian Tracy.

Denitsa Andonova, Оrganizational and Positive Psychologist, PhD Candidate, K-Power instructor, Neurographica Instructor, Wellness specialist, Kinesiologist, Holistic mentor

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better. Hello, and thank you for having me here. My name is Deni Andonova, I am from Bulgaria. As a professional, I am a Ph.D. in Corporate Wellness, Psychologist, Neurographica & К-Power Instructor.

I have a dream come true with my Holistic Academy by Deni Andonova and my other projects: How thrive®, Thriving Bulgaria Foundation for mental health and well-being at all levels.

I help people to do the desired shift – from surviving to thriving mode and to reconnect to themselves, re-wire their brains, and re-write their lives. My concept about the level of Holisticity, published in the bestselling collective book Emerge, in co-authorship with Brian Tracy and other experts all around the world, creates new horizons for open-minded people, who want to live amazing dream lives and enjoy more love, gratitude, success, balance, lightness, and joy.

I am an organizational and positive psychologist, speaker, trainer, certified corporate wellness specialist, certified K-Power® instructor, HR specialist, kinesiologist, Bush flower essences therapist, specialist and certified Instructor Neurographica® – art therapy and aesthetic coaching, certified Neuro-Agility® practitioner. I have 3 master’s degrees in Organizational and Positive Psychology and Human Resource Management and Ph.D. in Corporate wellness. Book Author: Nutrition on Cell level: Holistic guide for self-care and love; New Level: Holistic Guide for transformation and positive change; Emerge – with Brian Tracy.

For more inspiration and strategies on thriving mindset and manifestation tools, follow me on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Personal background – I am happy and proud of my wonderful family and 2 amazing daughters.

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

My inner authority, wonderful children and my clients.

What is your work inspired by?

My biggest inspiration is the results, that my clients have, enjoy, and manifest. I am so happy, proud, humble, and blessed to be a witness to the dreams come true.

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

I am happy and blessed to help people to shift to Thrive – to share with them powerful tools and methods, to inspire them to practice and transform.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

I am blessed to have had many pivotal moments in my life. Every one of them was my stepping stone to a New level.

For example, at the age of 23, I was depressed, burned out, and almost diagnosed with cancer. This made me shift to a different level, where I focused on claiming my health back and helping people do the same.

After this, step by step, I started to expand my expertise, I opened my eyes and heart to the holistic approach and found methods such as kinesiology, Neurographica, and many more.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

I want to change this – to empower the people, not the gurus. I deeply believe that every one of us has the energy and resources to fulfill our desired dreams. That’s why my mission is Thriving people. Thriving business. Thriving world.

What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future? To live this mission to the fullest.

What are your current goals for your business?

To find international partners to collaborate together to achieve this shift thrive.

Here is a GIFT for you!

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