Written by: Erlinda Vo, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

My name is Erlinda Vo: I am the Energy Alchemist that transforms your frequency into a high vibrational pattern
Everything that surrounds us — material or no — emanates energy, and transforms into more energy. A famous alchemist once said: “nothing is created or destroyed, everything is transformed,” and the same thing happens with energy. We are constantly transferring it to each other, with every action, every word, or even by sitting quietly in a room: we certainly are vibrating to a specific type of frequency. The question I get asked the most is, what is my frequency? On my website you can do a little exercise to know where you are. How else will you know where to go if you don’t know where you are starting from.

My name is Erlinda Vo and I use Energy Alchemy to transform the way people vibrate. Up-leveling your life and increasing your well-being is my passion. My life purpose is to push individuals into reaching their highest potential and becoming their best selves. By raising your frequency, you’ll be able to attract all the things you want and live the happy, high vibrational life you know you deserve! I’m here to help you achieve it!
Everything is Energy, and everything has a frequency
As we know, everything is energy, and therefore, everything has a frequency. Emotions have a frequency and so do thoughts. The difference lies in the varying levels of frequencies. Not all of us humans vibrate at the same level, and we don’t always vibrate at optimum energy frequency states. One main reason this difference happens is because we allow our negative emotions and limiting thoughts to be in charge. Sometimes, we can even catch those bad frequencies, or bad vibes, from people or places that suddenly — and without any apparent reason — makes us feel drained and low.
This condition is often caused by allowing other people’s judgments or dense environments — like social media or the news — to enter our vibrational space and affect our mental or emotional state. Have you ever been discouraged when someone says something negative to you and you can’t get it out of your head? Or hear something on the news or social media that makes you feel drained? Have you ever entered a room and suddenly you were in a bad mood even when nothing actually happened to you?
Another reason we don’t vibrate at optimum Energy is because we have an unhealthy lifestyle. In simple terms: at a physical level, frequency is the measurement of how quickly our foundational cells are circulating and regenerating within the body. The greater the movement within the cells, the freer the body is to self heal. The slower the cells move within the body, the greater the chance for disease to develop.
When we are out of balance excessively, and over prolonged periods of time, our body’s natural ability to heal itself declines. We are not able to operate optimally. Consequently, we find that we are not in the best state to attract abundance and live the life we desire.
With proper guidance and tools, it is possible to change those unbalanced frequencies at which you are vibrating so you can start attracting good things into your life. By using Energy Alchemy you can transform the low vibrational state you are in and vibe up your life!
What is Energy Alchemy?
Let’s start by breaking down the two words as they apply to us.
Energy: the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
Alchemy: the process by which we can transform something ordinary into something extraordinary. Originally, it was used to transmute metals into gold and to discover the secrets for long healthy life.
So, by merging those two words, we get a process in which it is possible to transform low vibrational energy into a high vibrational frequency.
Energy Alchemy is a four step process:
Clear your energy
Repair your energy
Build to the next level
Maintain the next level frequency
An Energy Alchemist is a healing facilitator who uses Energy Alchemy to support an individual’s healings on the emotional and spiritual levels, mainly through the use of energetic frequencies like essential oils and other spiritual modalities. We transform the frequencies of your current energetic vibration to a higher frequency.
We help restore the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul for increased well-being in all aspects of life, with unprecedented effectiveness.
Our vision is to help people on their wellness journey, providing them with the necessary tools for Soul empowerment practices. Our mission is to Vibe Up the Planet and by Vibing Up Ourselves we help in fact elevate the Planet by not adding extra stuff to the already struggling planet.
Catch a good vibe with us with our monthly Vibe Up membership.

Erlinda Vo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Erlinda Vo, the Energy Alchemist, is a visionary leader. A leading expert in personal motivation and breakthrough technology. As an experienced business and success coach, aka an Energy Vibe coach, she has developed a new modality called "Energy Alchemy" — a tool to empower others to produce life-changing results and to live a life that lights them up. Her mission is to Vibe Up the Planet. Join her community today to actualize career, romantic, financial, and self-expression goals using business and spiritual techniques.