Written by: Kristi Peck, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

What happens when you burn your hand while cooking? You immediately retract or pull back in. This is a natural instinct in response to an external stimulus. And conditioning has always been taught in this way. We are evermore conditioned to respond than we are to actuate.

Furthermore, conditioning is perpetuated as a constant form of behaving and believing due to the convergence of energy and mindset. What you put energy into and focus on becomes reality. The mind is always the outlier.
There is a soul to the energetics of decision-making. Think of this as a heartbeat. Something within you has spoken as a sensation to ignite a passionate plea for something outside of you to adjust, adapt, or change.
There is unbounded energy surrounding why and how we make decisions. We can trace back to the pivotal moment a decision was determined in response to an experience. All decisions are made from 3 points of reference:
Avoidance – running away from or rejecting a stimulus
Attaching – getting and holding onto something based on need and want
Lack of Knowledge –some consider this to be a state of ignorance or little to no training
Everyone makes decisions by way of conscious thought or an unconscious pattern. Using the points of reference can help you uncover the true intention of the decision.
Activate authentic decision-making by recognizing the pattern.
We must be conscious of the pattern in order to witness that it exists. How to make a pattern conscious? Simply by giving it energy through the action of focus from the mind. Get curious about why you choose the actions you choose. Notice the similarity in your decisions so that you can begin to determine an avoidance or an attachment style.
Questions you might ask
Does this choice bring me a sensation of goodness or does it feel constricting?
Is this decision bringing me closer to my desire for joy and bliss?
Where else do I choose in this way?
What is the impact of this choice on myself and others?
As you begin to inquire of yourself for yourself, you build a self-agency system constructed less on conditioned patterns and more on the opportunity to exercise free will. The freedom to choose is a mechanism for authenticity.
Imagine a light bulb goes dim. It does not mean there is no light. It means the energy with which the light becomes charged to its full capacity is not getting enough electric current to become bright.
Your decisions cannot and will not lead you to your desired outcome if you are not receiving the flow of your own brilliant self. Only all that you are can bring your inner light to its full capacity. Nothing outside of you will ever be able to define you or help you shine. Only you can change your inner brilliance to its potential.
Recognizing our patterns is the simplest, messiest, and most challenging aspect of change. The energy that is infused into your aligned decisions comes from how willing you are to notice the pattern. You cannot change what you are unwilling to notice.
The pattern is the threshold. You can keep avoiding the pattern and stay within limitations or you can dig your way through and uncover the gifts that have been hiding waiting for you to shine your light on who you are.
The pattern leads you home.
Energize your decision-making power for a conscious lifestyle by awakening the pattern that keeps you from your true self.

Kristi Peck, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Kristi Peck creates a legacy of love. As an Intuitive Life Coach, a Spiritual Mentor, and an author, she works with adult children to heal the ancestral shadow and liberate the lineage of dysfunction. From conflict to connection, Kristi helps estranged daughters find a higher purpose and establish a new partnership paradigm in the family system.
Kristi has been trained as a Master Life Coach in Jungian Psychology, Eastern Philosophy, and Social Neuroscience, as well as mediumship, energy, and channeling of the angelic realm. She has additional certification as a Jungian Relationship and Dreamwork Specialist through the ICF Accredited Creative Mind University. For over 30 years as an educator and coach, Kristi has helped people reclaim their sense of self and the power to make purpose-impacted choices.
Kristi believes we are whole and our greatest superpower is believing in our own agency of strength and courage. She loves sharing stories that captivate and inspire people to take adventurous leaps of faith beyond old conditions and outdated influences.
Kristi is the author of Coming Home – A Love Story, and the podcast host of Living the Liminal: Braving the Edge. She has a wealth of transformational life experiences and her warmth and vulnerability have been described as a “soft-toughness”. Kristi is fierce in her compassion to learn, opens her heart to courageous choice-making, and deeply understands the human dynamic. Her passion for living life consciously is a game-changer.