Written by: Sam Mishra, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Throughout my career as a nurse, midwife, medical and sports massage therapist, and aromatherapist, I have come across numerous women who have a number of common issues, including heavy, painful periods, exhaustion, anxiety, despair, and issues with conception, which are frequently caused by a hormone imbalance.

I provide clients with medical massages and aromatherapy items tailored to specific conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, but I felt that a more comprehensive self-help manual would help women feel more in control of their condition because so many were coming in not really understanding much about it. With the help of various professionals (gynaecologist, fertility specialist, nutritionist, research nurse, personal trainer, herbalist, psychologist), as well as having experienced endometriosis personally and professionally, this self-help guide not only explains the condition but also gathers resources to provide a thorough action plan to help improve our hormonal health.
Treatment, lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, and sexual health are all included in the recovery journey outlined in the guide, following a methodical approach to facilitate long-term success.
My personal experience of endometriosis
After years of suffering with endometriosis, multiple misdiagnoses (first for pelvic inflammatory disease, then for PCOS), multiple laparoscopic procedures, and being told I would never become pregnant, followed by miscarriages, I was finally given a proper diagnosis. I would have excruciating pain and heavy bleeding for up to 32 days straight, sometimes to the point that I lost sensation in my legs, and mental and physical exhaustion.
Receiving a diagnosis of endometriosis can be challenging, and it's crucial to start with the fundamentals when treating endometriosis in particular and rule out any underlying or pre-existing hormonal disorders or reproductive problems that might be causing or exacerbating your symptoms.
Adhesiolysis surgery was not performed on me, but I underwent multiple laparoscopies, endometrial ablation (which burned away the uterine lining), various medications, zoladex injections (which were only authorised for a six-month period), an IUD coil that my body quickly spat out, and ultimately, a hysterectomy. Many women experience worse, such as many adhesiolysis operations, which frequently only provide a temporary fix since they feed the cycle of scar tissue and discomfort.
Endometriosis affects 89 million women of reproductive age and an estimated 2 million women in the UK, though the exact number is unknown. While rare in peri and post-menopausal women, it can occur. Severe pain, painful sex, irregular bleeding, painful menstruation, and decreased fertility can all have a detrimental impact on a person's capacity to work and form relationships, as well as lower their self-confidence. Some pelvic pain-causing conditions, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ovarian cysts, or irritable bowel syndrome, can also be misdiagnosed.
What is endometriosis?
Excessive thickening and shedding of the uterine wall, leading to endometrial cells being deposited in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, omentum, bladder, vagina, and, in rare cases, the brain, eyes, and lungs. During monthly hormone fluctuations, unfertilized eggs degrade and rupture, leaving the uterus via the cervix and vagina, but other areas of the body have no exit route, causing internal bleeding, pain, cysts, inflammation, chronic fatigue, fertility issues, and scar tissue formation, which pulls on other tissues and promotes the pain cycle. Fibrous adhesions, which form during healing, can cause tissues to stick together, potentially causing lifelong problems and fertility issues.
The cause of endometriosis is not completely understood, but retrograde menstruation (backflow of blood), transformation of peritoneal or embryonic cells into endometrial-like cells (the induction theory), implantation of endometrial cells into a surgical wound, transportation of endometrial cells through the circulation, and immune system disorders have all been suggested.
If left untreated, endometriosis can cause sciatica, bloating, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), irritable bowel syndrome, painful intercourse, painful urination or defecation, chronic pain and fatigue, infertility, anaemia, and endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancer.
Treating endometriosis with massage
While there is absolutely a place for conventional medical and surgical treatments to improve fertility and slow down the progression and management of symptoms of endometriosis, surgery is often only a temporary solution and increases the risk of adhesions, which will simply promote the pain cycle. Non-surgical options such as medication and the coil only go so far and won’t really deal with endometrial deposits outside the uterus. So many women are looking at home remedies, nutrition, and holistic options such as aromatherapy, acupuncture, and massage.
As a massage therapist, I struggle to comprehend why a large number of therapists still do not treat the abdomen, despite the fact that doing so can help a variety of illnesses, such as endometriosis, IBS, and other pelvic diseases. I won't claim that massage is a miracle treatment, but it can help women feel better and perform better in their daily lives, helping them return to their jobs and may even prevent the need for surgery.
Massage gently breaks down adhesions and scar tissue, flushes out stagnant fluid and toxins, and improves blood flow and nutrition into the muscles. Even in women with more advanced endometriosis and visceral adhesions, massage can calm the nervous system, reduce adhesions, reduce pain, improve blood and lymph circulation, and improve soft tissue mobility by reducing muscle holding patterns without tearing any adhesions. When endometriosis symptoms flare up, lower back muscles may go into protective spasms, which then increase abdominal pressure, but massage helps relax surrounding muscles and reduce pelvic congestion.
With hysterectomy being a last resort and ablation and adhesiolysis not permanent solutions, massage is becoming recognised as a non-invasive treatment for symptoms, improving quality of life, both physically and mentally, promoting independence, social interaction, and keeping family responsibilities. The most commonly used modalities are Swedish massage, myofascial release, neuromuscular massage, and abdominal acupressure, but research has shown that massage therapy is most successful as a three month course, with three sessions each month, two between ovulation and the next period, and one between the period and ovulation. While this is a safe treatment option, it is still very important to see a therapist who is qualified and experienced in dealing with this issue.
In order to address the symptoms of an imbalance in hormones, it's vital that the root causes are addressed, and these are often best treated through nutritional and lifestyle changes, which I examine in my self-help guide.
What is the natural approach?
Using complementary therapies and lifestyle changes to manage your condition does not imply doing so without a doctor's advice; it simply means without using synthetic medications or intrusive surgeries, and to do this, we must comprehend the root causes of endometriosis, such as stress, inflammation, and lifestyle choices.
Hormones, stress and inflammation
All bodily functions depend on hormonal balance, or homeostasis, and this can become imbalanced when external stimuli influence the feedback circuits that help regulate hormone levels. The release of specific hormones can be inhibited, or they can go into overdrive, and this can push other hormones out of balance as a compensatory measure. The most commonly observed imbalance in endometriosis cases is oestrogen dominance, where the oestrogen-progesterone ratio changes. Progesterone resistance, exposure to excess oestrogenic substances in diet and the environment, alterations in oestrogen metabolism and excretion, and excessive oestrogen synthesis can all lead to oestrogen dominance, causing inflammation, which has further negative effects on health.
The effect of chronic stress on hormones can also affect the reproductive system due to elevated cortisol levels, which impact on levels of progesterone and oestrogen, suppress serotonin, and can cause inflammation, so potentially endometrial lesions and inflammation may result from any chronic stress. Prolonged stress will also suppress the immune system, which is already likely to be compromised due to hormonal imbalances, affecting its capability to generate immune responses against lesions.
Endometriosis is an inflammatory condition; either your body develops a chronic state of inflammation as a result of endometriosis, or inflammation from other causes aggravates your symptoms of endometriosis. Inflammation will reduce progesterone synthesis, making the issue of oestrogen dominance worse and therefore contributing to symptoms such as pelvic pain and bloating.
Inflammation of the endometrium is also caused by stress and cortisol production brought on by persistent inflammation, which worsens endometrial lesions and increases insulin levels due to reduced cell sensitivity to insulin. The main protein (SHBG) that binds testosterone and oestrogen, is produced less when there is an excess of insulin, which further promotes high oestrogen levels.
There are further hormonal considerations around fertility and the use of hormonal contraceptives. Managing your fertility can be a frustrating and difficult process, but by learning more about the preconception phase, common fertility issues, and the numerous factors that can lead to miscarriage, you may gain a fresh perspective.
Hormonal birth control is often recommended for hormone correction in addition to being a contraceptive, but it can exacerbate hormone imbalance and doesn’t treat the underlying reasons for endometriosis, even if it may help manage some symptoms. It can suppress your hormone levels chemically, manage your menstrual cycle, and relieve symptoms, but in the process, it is altering your hormone balance in an unnatural way with potential long-term effects.
Then there is the issue of miscarriage among women with endometriosis. The relationship between miscarriage and an adverse pregnancy environment is believed to exist, despite the fact that the precise mechanisms are not entirely understood. This association may be due to progesterone resistance and oestrogen dominance, scar tissue accumulation, adhesions, or inflammation, which can impede foetal development and implantation. Additionally, research indicates that endometrial tissue outside the uterus secretes cytokines that have the ability to enter the peritoneal fluid and poison the developing foetus, blocking implantation.
I experienced really painful losses at 18 weeks and 10 weeks during two pregnancies I had in my twenties. I knew that miscarriages hurt emotionally before my own, but I had no clue that they could hurt so much physically as well. I had never experienced such intense pain throughout my life as I did during my miscarriage. I was grieving a loss emotionally while immobilised by physical pain.
I looked for answers after my loss, but everyone I spoke to said there was no way to determine what led to my miscarriage. Although that might have been the case, none of the medical professionals I spoke with recommended doing any additional tests to identify a possible cause of future miscarriages. Additionally, they made no mention of any dietary or lifestyle adjustments I could make to lower my chance of having more miscarriages. Regrettably, a widespread belief in both the medical establishment and society at large is that there was nothing that could have been done to prevent miscarriages. While it is undeniable that we are not to blame for a miscarriage, accepting that there is no reason and that nothing further can be done limits our ability to look further and find solutions.
This is another reason why I created the self-help guide—to offer these possible solutions.
Endometriosis and the big O
I know from experience that when you’re suffering from endometriosis, one of the last things you might want to do is have sex, because half the time you’re just exhausted, and even if you have the energy, it’s often just too painful. But research has shown that having sex once or twice a week is linked to more regular and fertile menstrual cycles, a decrease in stress, improved weight control, and promotes metabolic wellbeing and a stronger response to other healthy behaviours. This is due to the release of tension and the cascade of oxytocin, FSH, LH, endorphins (feel-good chemicals), and enkephalins (compounds that reduce pain) during orgasm. Oestrogen is required to synthesise oxytocin, which promotes relaxation, mood enhancement, and pain tolerance. and your body can better control oestrogen levels when you experience more orgasms, so they can be very helpful if you suffer from depression, mood swings, pelvic pain, oestrogen dominance or painful periods. Prolactin, melatonin, and vasopressin are also released during orgasms, aiding in good quality sleep.
Also, stress and cortisol levels are decreased by oxytocin, which, combined with the release of DHEA, an immunomodulator, will have a knock-on effect on the inflammatory response by reducing stress and increasing white blood cell counts, boosting the immune system.
If you’re reading this and thinking there is absolutely no way you’re having sex when your endometriosis has flared up, just consider that there will be periods of your cycle when you feel particularly driven, such as towards the ovulatory phases, when luteinizing hormone is released and you produce more cervical mucus, which is a natural lubricant, whereas you could require additional foreplay during the luteal phase. This is because the sex drive usually starts to wane during this phase, and a rise in progesterone causes cervical mucus to dry up.
By working with your cycle, you can have a more comfortable sexual experience while reaping the physiological benefits that can help with your endometriosis symptoms.
Changing your lifestyle
While lifestyle modifications may seem daunting, they can bring about change quite quickly, but even so, healing endometriosis requires patience, dedication, and persistence, and it is often the small, gradual adjustments to your daily routine that have long-lasting consequences.
For example, the menstrual cycle and reproductive hormones are thrown off balance when you don't get enough sleep, leading to irregular cycles and lower fertility. In addition to assisting with hormone balance, good sleeping habits will provide you with more energy and motivation to move your body, prepare meals, make good decisions, and much more throughout the day.
Lack of sleep causes stress and lowers your hormones. The body signals the adrenal glands to release cortisol when you don't get enough sleep so that the body can function. This ultimately prevents other essential hormones from being released, which is necessary to keep the menstrual cycle regular. The female reproductive system is greatly impacted by poor sleep patterns and sleep loss because cortisol inhibits the synthesis and release of your endocrine hormones. People who don't get enough sleep have been shown to have increases in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and oestrogen.
Stress also has a significant impact on hormone regulation, regular cycles, and overall well-being. The two primary chemicals that the adrenal glands release to regulate your stress response are cortisol and adrenaline, which provide your body with the energy it needs to complete vital tasks, but persistent stress causes harm to the body, contributing to issues such as low energy, infertility, irregular menstrual bleeding, dysbiosis in the digestive system, low libido, and chronic inflammation.
Stress isn’t only emotional (e.g., trauma, peer influences), but anything that jeopardises homeostasis, and this can be environmental (e.g., noise pollution, irritants), chemical (e.g., alcohol, pesticides), nutritional (e.g., allergies, malnutrition), spiritual, or physical (e.g., surgery, sedentary lifestyle) in addition to being emotional. I offer various ways to manage stress in my practice, which can also be continued at home, for example, aromatherapy massage, breathwork, or meditation. Several essential oils promote calm and sleep and can be used in various ways. I offer sleep sprays, bath oils, massage oils, etc. Some essential oils can also be used for their hormone balancing properties. The important thing is to consult with a qualified aromatherapist, such as myself, to ensure that you are not using any oils that may be contraindicated for you and that you are using the correct concentration.
I also offer breathwork and, soon, meditation sessions, which really help to lower stress levels by promoting parasympathetic nervous system activation, lowering heart and breathing rates, and fostering relaxation. Breathing more deeply raises the blood's oxygen content, which supplies the brain and other essential organs with more oxygen and nutrients.
Another important lifestyle consideration is how to minimise your daily exposure to toxins in anything from food and cookware to cosmetics and menstruation products, as this may balance your hormones and enhance your quality of life.
Toxins are present almost everywhere, caused by various environmental elements that are extremely damaging to the body, and it's likely that pesticides, food, waste, cosmetics, water, and industrial chemicals expose you to them on a daily basis. Toxins accumulate, and the liver is in charge of eliminating pollutants and hormones and preserving the proper ratio of progesterone, oestrogen, and testosterone, but toxin excess and stress eventually cause the liver to dysfunction.
Many personal care items, insecticides, and herbicides, as well as food additives, contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals that cause hormonal disruption, metabolic and excretory issues, affect homeostasis, and place additional strain on the liver. These chemicals have been connected to DNA damage, cancer, reproductive issues, and impairment of the nervous system.
The lymphatic drainage treatments that I offer not only help the body eliminate extra fluid but also remove waste products, poisons, and bacteria from the blood. By boosting the immune system, which can be damaged by stress, and assisting with the detoxification of these toxic chemicals that have been linked to reproductive issues, this type of massage can also be beneficial to those with endometriosis.
Diet and exercise
Perhaps two of the biggest lifestyle factors are diet and exercise, and as with sex, if you understand the four stages of the menstrual cycle, you can adjust your diet and workouts accordingly, moving in an intuitive way that promotes your hormonal health and is adjustable based on your cycle, mood, and preferences, whether you are new to exercising or have a well-established fitness regimen.
To put it simply, endo-friendly exercise is any form of exercise that promotes hormonal balance, taking into account the kinds and lengths of your exercises, avoiding overstressing your body, and placing a high value on rest and recuperation.
Exercise may be helpful in lowering the pain and inflammation associated with endometriosis. In addition to its beneficial effects on insulin and other hormone levels, exercise also helps lower the body's total oxidative stress level and facilitates the restoration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis's proper functioning.
When it comes to exercise, the effects of female hormones—particularly oestrogen and progesterone—on the body are all too frequently overlooked. During the follicular and ovulatory phases, you can work out more regularly because your body can endure longer. While your oestrogen levels are high, you may notice that you have a lot of energy. This means that it's easier to gain muscle now, so completing more bodyweight reps and heavier weights is possible at this time. Your body is also more primed for high-intensity endurance activities like sprinting.
During the late luteal and menstrual phases, however, your body typically requires additional time for relaxation, recuperation, and low-impact exercises. This is because progesterone begins to rise, and the resulting increase in cortisol secretion can lead to muscular atrophy with high-intensity workouts.
Just as there are endo-friendly workouts, there is also an endo-friendly diet that can promote hormonal health, treating the underlying causes of your symptoms. Hormones are in charge of a number of essential functions, such as metabolism, mood, satiety, and reproductive health, and some diets and fasting can affect your body's hormone regulation and have a variety of negative effects on your general health due to losing out on several vital minerals as a result, such as zinc, iron, vitamin B12, and key fatty acids.
Seed cycling is a simple and gentle method of hormone balancing that makes use of particular chemicals present in seeds to increase progesterone in the second half of your cycle and oestrogen in the first. By balancing the hormones in this way, you can alleviate PMS and perimenopause symptoms, control menstruation, boost fertility, and aid in the recovery of reproductive disorders, including PCOS and endometriosis.
During the first part of the cycle, oestrogen levels are low and gradually increase until they peak to cause ovulation, so during this time, specific seeds that help control oestrogen levels will be consumed. Then, during the luteal phase, different seeds will be eaten to support progesterone production and assist with lowering inflammation and controlling FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) levels. Progesterone levels rise after ovulation, and during the middle of the luteal phase, oestrogen levels rise as well. Sufficient progesterone levels contribute to the regulation of oestrogen, which lessens undesired PMS symptoms.
Compulsive eating, when your body's perception of hunger is altered by hormonal imbalances, can further throw off your body's normal hormone production, impacting your metabolism, fertility, and bone health.
Increased cortisol levels due to stress or as a result of imbalanced progesterone levels can cause the body to downregulate any functions that are not essential for survival, such as digestion, and cause blood sugar imbalances, which can contribute to overeating. Excessive synthesis of oestrogen can then result from high body fat levels, eventually leading to oestrogen dominance and exacerbating the endometriosis symptoms.
Menstrual function, blood sugar regulation, and stress levels can all be impacted by intermittent fasting and dietary changes since female hormones are more sensitive and follow a distinct pattern. Fasting can exacerbate pre-existing hormonal imbalances in those with PCOS, insulin resistance, blood sugar management problems, or any other condition where hormones are already out of balance. When the body doesn't get enough energy, it raises blood sugar levels by releasing cortisol. There is a complicated relationship between blood sugar and hormones (such as cortisol, glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and growth hormone). Intermittent fasting may help some people's hormone levels stay balanced (at least for some hormones), but it may also make other people's hormones more imbalanced and stressful. This has to do with abnormal blood sugar levels that put stress on the adrenal glands, which in turn alters your hormonal equilibrium and may impact your menstrual cycle.
A diet high in fibre absorbs broken-down oestrogens and ensures their proper excretion, which in turn reduces inflammation throughout the body. Protein supplies the amino acids that serve as the foundation for the production of hormones. Even fats are crucial for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, the regulation of blood sugar and hormone levels, the enhancement of immunity and brain function, the reduction of inflammation, the ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), the synthesis of pregnenolone (which is subsequently converted to progesterone), and the promotion of satiety. Omega-3 fatty acids also serve as building blocks for the production of hormones and are vital for the functioning of your immune system, cardiovascular system, brain, and other systems.
Many spices and herbs naturally have anti-inflammatory qualities, while fruits with a low glycaemic index tend to promote more balanced blood sugar regulation and provide a less dramatic blood sugar surge.
There are also foods that cause hormonal imbalances and can be potential causes of your inflammation, internal stress, and digestive problems, such as caffeine, alcohol and gluten. For example, high-temperature frying oxidises fats and makes them pro-inflammatory, potentially worsening any dysfunction of your blood sugar regulation as well as hindering your body's capacity to recover from wounds, tending to aggravate endometriosis symptoms.
Caffeine is a common endo-provoking substance as it stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol, resulting in decreased insulin sensitivity. Persistently elevated cortisol levels cause your adrenal glands to function harder, which keeps your body in a permanent state of stress. The potential effects on your health of a persistently stressed body can include high oestrogen levels, oestrogen dominance, and other oestrogen-related illnesses.
Acquiring the ability to control blood sugar can help you maintain stable hormone levels and consistent energy levels. If your hunger and hormones are very reactive because of sleep deprivation, excessive caffeine usage, dehydration, or mental discomfort, your insulin may not work as well, leading to exhaustion.
When blood sugar swings too high or too low for an extended period of time, the body interprets this as stress, so it sends signals to the adrenal glands to generate cortisol and adrenaline, preparing your body for a fight-or-flight reaction in the event of danger. These hormones raise blood sugar levels, so you have the energy to get away from danger. Thus, increased stress and subsequent blood sugar dysregulation are the outcomes of persistently raised stress hormones in reaction to elevated blood sugar.
As already discussed in this article, all of these factors will negatively impact anyone’s health, but particularly women with endometriosis, and a self-perpetuating cycle of pain, fatigue, inflammation, stress, cortisol and unstable blood sugars ensues.
Gut health
While your gut microbiota begins to develop in the womb when you consume amniotic fluid, a number of factors, including genetics, environmental toxins, disease and inflammatory foods, affect how bacteria colonise your gut, impacting your health with implications for neurological, metabolic, and immune system functions. People with a variety of chronic illnesses, including endometriosis, have been found to have less diversity in their gut flora, and this makes sense given the high incidence of irritable bowel syndrome in women with endometriosis.
Combinations of particular supplements can support your body's optimal functioning, rather than waiting for a nutrient level to drop before acting. When it comes to endometriosis supplementation, you can address hormone abnormalities by aiding the detoxification of excess oestrogen or address the fundamental root causes, such as inflammation, blood sugar abnormalities, and adrenal dysfunction, by helping your body stabilise your stress response.
Take vitamin B complex (containing folate, B6, and B12) as an example. This supplement will enhance the inflammatory and immunological responses, aid blood sugar stabilisation, and help with detoxification and liver function, among other benefits. This will benefit those with endometriosis by raising progesterone levels and eliminating too much oestrogen, reducing the possibility of birth abnormalities and miscarriage, reducing excruciating menstrual cramps, gastrointestinal discomfort and bloating, improving anxiety and mood fluctuations, and increasing energy levels.
Your hormones change monthly in accordance with the four stages of your menstrual cycle: the luteal phase, ovulatory phase, follicular phase, and menstrual phase (bleeding), and each phase has varied needs in terms of nutrition, calorie intake, activity, rest, and other factors, just as each phase has variable hormone levels that have distinct effects on the body.
The follicular phase is all about restocking and getting ready for ovulation, so adding iron and vitamin C will help your body produce red blood cells and restore iron levels. Collagen is essential for the formation of follicles. Vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and B vitamins promote follicular and egg production. The endometrial lining is also rebuilt with the aid of B vitamins.
This is an excellent time to consume foods high in phytoestrogens, as oestrogen levels start low and climb consistently during this phase. By raising or lowering oestrogen levels as necessary, phytoestrogens aid in maintaining oestrogen balance.
During the ovulatory period, when oestrogen levels are high, you might experience a rise in body temperature, so consuming cooling foods, such as raw vegetables, to aid in the body's removal of excess oestrogen, and fatty acids to encourage the follicle's opening.
Fibre will aid in the excretion of excess oestrogen and lessen any negative side effects related to elevated oestrogen levels, and B vitamins and the antioxidant glutathione will improve oestrogen metabolism and support liver function.
In the luteal phase, elevations in progesterone might cause an overall increase in appetite, so complex carbs and starchy vegetables help control sugar cravings and stabilise serotonin and dopamine levels to prevent mood swings. Fibre supports healthy bowel movements when progesterone tends to slow down digestion and aids in the excretion of excess oestrogen.
Magnesium aids in blood sugar regulation, hormone balance, reducing pre-menstrual bloating, and helping with muscular relaxation and sleep quality, which may suffer due to elevated progesterone levels causing a rise in body temperature.
Finally, in the menstrual phase, hormone levels are at their lowest, so calcium, magnesium and vitamin C help speed up the process of endometrial shedding and reduce the length of bleeding, while vitamin K helps with blood coagulation and reduces excessive menstrual bleeding.
As I have demonstrated in this article, there are numerous natural methods to reduce the severity of endometriosis symptoms and slow down the progression of the condition, meaning less need for surgeries, which are often only temporary and start a cycle of pain and scar tissue that is very difficult to stop. By gaining an understanding of each phase of the menstrual cycle, it becomes easier to adjust aspects of your lifestyle to really benefit your hormonal health.
This has been a brief overview of these methods, but if you are suffering from endometriosis and want to take control of the situation, you can contact me at sam@medicalmassagelady.com or via social media to order your self-help guide.

Sam Mishra, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Sam Mishra (The Medical Massage Lady), is a multi-award winning massage therapist, aromatherapist, accredited course tutor, oncology practitioner, trauma practitioner and breathwork facilitator. Her medical background as a nurse and a midwife, combined with her own experiences of childhood disability and abuse, have resulted in a diverse and specialised service. She is motivated by the adversity she has faced, using it as a driving force in her charity work and in offering the vulnerable a means of support. Her aim is to educate about medical conditions using easily understood language, to avoid inappropriate treatments being carried out and for health promotion purposes in the general public.
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