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End Of Year Declarations To Help Create The Best New Year Ever – December 2022

Written by: Andrea Lewis, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


As the sun is about to set on the current year, many personal coaches, business coaches, sports coaches, and other types of coaches have been discussing with their people to start setting up the next year by reviewing their strengths, weaknesses, wins, losses, goals, and intentions of the present year and from that determine what they want to do to have a better, if not, great new year. The problem that may arise from this goal setting or intention setting is that the person may be creating those goals or intentions from an emotional place that may not be in the present moment but hanging the space of a negative past mindset. And if that is the case, that person may be setting themselves up for a repeat of the current year, which may not be what they want to design. Especially if the current year was not so great.

This is where the daily if not every few hours declarations come in. I use the word declarations as opposed to affirmations because some may have some sort of internal negative bias towards the word, affirmations, and may tune out. The definition of declare is, to make something known formally, officially, or explicitly ( The scientific “research has shown that talking to yourself out loud can motivate you to move forward with your goals, help you focus on a task at hand, and combat self-criticism”. (Science-Backed Reasons to Say Your Self-Talk Out Loud | Shine ( The Biblical reason is from Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has the power of life and death”. Which in my humble opinion means that what you speak out loud brings life or death. Blessing or cursing. Whether on yourself or others. To make your declarations more powerful, when verbalizing, go out into nature, such as the woods, beach, a park, a reservoir, etc., and say, out loud, your declarations while walking or running. Why? When you add the movement of the body, you are syncing the mind and body to agree with your declarations and powerfully create emotion. Have you ever had something exciting happen to you and you are very animated, happy, and just energized? And you can feel the air around you fill with that excitement? So much so that anyone with you feels it too? Look at the word emotion. E – motion. Energy in motion. When you do that, it helps cement what you are saying in your energy systems (and we have 9 of them), your body, and your brain. Powerful!! Now, I’ve tried this, but I always wait until no one is around, because otherwise, I feel silly and embarrassed. I’m not at the point where I don’t give a hoot what others say. I’m getting there, but not quite. So, I completely understand if you have some hesitancy about doing so! I hope you do try it a few times as it will create grace and ease in taking the inspired action(s) towards those declarations for a healthy, abundant, and joyous New Year.

That’s how speaking declarations out loud can help you change your mindset to one that will help you create a better new year from a more powerful internal place. This works for everyone.

Declarations are very powerful! However, they won’t work if you have that negative nelly voice in the background laughing and saying, “Yeah, right! Who are you trying to kid? You’re no powerhouse! You’re just some little black girl, who doesn’t realize she should just sit down and be quiet and go along to get along!”

So how can you quiet that negative nelly voice and have your declarations be effective? Of course, by using EFT Tapping to tap and release the negative nelly voice. When you don’t deal with and release the negative nelly voice, it makes your declarations non-effective. The negative nelly voice is the subconscious keeping you safe and in your comfort zone. And as I’ve heard recently, everything you want is outside of your comfort zone.

What do I say for my declarations, you may be asking? A lot of my affirmations are based on who God says I am and are from the Bible. I am sure that you can find similar declarations in whatever spiritual book you read. I say God or Abba, but you can substitute who you talk to, Universe, Source, or Spirit. Here are a few of mine:

I am created in the image and likeness of God, I am of God, want to know what God looks like? Look at me, I am victorious, I am strong, I am courageous, I am funny, I am kind, I am patient, I am forgiving, I am powerful, I am sound minded, I am loving, I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am marvelous, I am gorgeous, I am intelligent, I am capable, I am surrounded by the best most amazing people who have my best and highest good at heart, I am beautiful, the forces and people for me are greater and louder than those against me and God reveals them to me and to others, I am bold, I am well able, I am more than a conqueror, I am worthy, I am deserving of all that God has for me, I am more than enough, I am a strategic thinker, I am a relator, I am a great learner, I am empathetic, I am fabulous, I am a breath of fresh air, all things are possible, everything always works out for me, always has and always will, I am quirky, I am a co-creator with God of my life, I am thriving, I am healthy, I am whole, I am complete, I am forgiven, I am fun, I am adventurous, I am a traveler, I am a child of God, I am a warrior, I am a business woman, I am a CEO, I am beloved and loved by God, I am blessed, I am highly favored, I am the best and brightest of all God’s children, I am creative, I am a photographer, and I am a skier. You get the idea!

This is especially important to practice and to teach to your daughters and sons as they come against peer pressure and bullying issues. This will help them to know who they are for themselves and not by someone else’s judgement. Your play work is to create your list. Ask your family to create their list and have fun with it. Someone takes the other's list and reads it back to them while using their name. For example, “Jessica, you are loved and loveable”. Or “Jonathan, you are courageous and funny”. Have fun with it! And take note of anywhere the negative nelly voice pops up and tap on it until it releases, and it no longer pops up when you state that declaration.

Remember, diamonds are made under pressure, and we are all diamonds!

Let’s shine on!

Buckle up! Here we go! Let’s tap!

  • Side of the hand. Even though I hear this negative nelly voice when I say my affirmation…I deeply approve and accept myself

  • Side of the hand. Even though I hear this negative nelly voice when I say my affirmation…it’s okay

  • Side of the hand. Even though I hear this negative nelly voice when I say my affirmation…I deeply love myself anyway

  • Top of the head. This negative nelly voice

  • Eyebrow. This negative nelly voice, be quiet already

  • Side of the eye. This negative nelly voice, shut up!

  • Under the eye. This negative nelly voice, cállate!

  • Under the nose. I’m not feeling this affirmation

  • Under the bottom lip. This affirmation doesn’t feel true, and I don’t know why

  • Collar bone. I’m feeling triggered by this affirmation

  • Under the arm. I wonder why?

  • Tap the inner wrists together. Why isn’t this true for me?

  • Tap the back of the wrists together. Negative nelly, what do you want me to know?

  • Take a deep breath.

How do you feel? What came up for you? Did another emotion appear? Do you have the same emotion, but now you feel it somewhere else? What is the intensity level now?

These are the probing detective-like questions the EFT Tapping practitioner will ask you. And you continue tapping.

That’s a traditional EFT Tapping round. Normally you would then continue until the intensity of the feeling or emotion is down to zero.

Let’s do another round.

  • Side of the hand. Even though negative nellies are still popping up and that is okay

  • Side of the hand. Even though negative nellies are a nuisance to hear and listen to, I’m still okay

  • Side of the hand. Even though the negative nellies are annoying, and I feel bad, I am willing to love and accept myself anyway

  • Top of the head. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself at powerful

  • Eyebrow. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as strong

  • Side of the eye. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as courageous

  • Under the eye. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as sound-minded

  • Under the nose. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as loveable

  • Under the bottom lip. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as kind

  • Collar bone. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as triumphant

  • Under the arm. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as worthy and deserving

  • Tap inner wrists together. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as being a masterpiece

  • Tap the back of the wrists together. Negative nelly, I’m choosing to see myself as being created by God in his image and likeness

  • Take a deep cleansing breath

How do you feel after those 2 rounds? Better?

Let’s tap one more time without the set-up statement.

  • Side of the hand. I’m choosing to see myself as virtuous

  • Top of the head. I’m choosing to see myself as wonderful

  • Eyebrow. I’m choosing to see myself as powerful

  • Side of the eye. I’m choosing to see myself as courageous

  • Under the eye. I’m choosing to see myself as handsome

  • Under the nose. I’m choosing to see myself as bold

  • Under the bottom lip. I’m choosing to see myself as strong

  • Under the arm. I’m choosing to see myself as loved

  • Tap inner wrists together. I’m choosing to see myself as worthy

  • Tap the back of the wrists together. I’m choosing to see myself as a diamond

  • Take a deep cleansing breath

Feeling empowered? I sure hope you do!!

Keep looking up at the sky!!

Each month, this magazine will feature a new EFT Tapping round or two from Andrea for you to follow along.

Find out more about how Andrea can guide you to embrace change and boldly and joyfully live beyond the expectations of family, society, and culture to live life on your terms at her website, EFT Tapping | Online EFT Classes | Solace4me

Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and on her 30-minute online radio program, The Power of EFT Tapping, on Sundays, 12PM EDT, on Live365 Radio Stream WNJR-Radio.Com | WNJR-Radio.Com (


Andrea Lewis, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Andrea D. Lewis is an Accredited Certified Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner (EFT Tapping) and often states that, "EFT Tapping is an answer to a prayer." She started using EFT Tapping in 2014 when she searched for a way to relieve her fears and worries that often left her feeling reluctant to leave her home to go to work or do other outside activities. She was so encouraged by the results she received from 50 days of 10-15 minutes of daily tapping that she wanted to share this newfound knowledge with others and became certified. EFT Tapping does not do the healing. It just releases the stuck emotional charge of past events to help the body do what it was created to do, which is to heal itself and to enable the person to move forward confidently in life. You can listen to her weekly internet radio program, The Power of EFT Tapping, on Sundays at 12PM EST on Her mission: To help clients thrive by being emotionally healthy and happily engaged in their life.

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