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Empowerment For Eclipse Season

Nichell has done over 10,000 Readings. She uses a person's Astrological Natal Birth Chart to read from. A birth chart is like a blueprint of a person - mind, body, and spirit.

Executive Contributor Nichell Delvaille

The Pisces Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, followed by the Libra New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2nd, can be a gateway to Divine love or a self-imposed hell.

an artistic design of two hands reaching upward, with a mystical owl flying above them.

The Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a portal to meet the Divine on the most sacred levels of yourself. The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse is a portal to connect with the highest love of a lifetime.


On Tuesday, September 17th, a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at 26 degrees illuminates the sky at 10:34 p.m. EST. This is the Harvest Moon when all of your intentions and goals are finally showing the fruits of your labor. Life can feel like the Crucifixion, or it can feel like the Last Supper. This eclipse is conjunct with the mystical healer Neptune at the final degrees of Pisces. This eclipse at the final degrees of the entire zodiac symbolizes the culmination of a deeply emotional and long transformative chapter. Water, the essence of feelings, beckons us to remain mutable and fluid as waves of change flow through us. The water is there to support, nourish, and cleanse you. This is not a time to resist the current but to let go, surrender, and allow deep healing to take root.


A lunar eclipse is feminine in nature. This eclipse is significantly empowering for the Divine Feminine. Generations of emotional wounds carried by the feminine lineage are being brought to the surface. The Divine Feminine is ready to be released and healed. She is ready for her ascension. We are witnessing the revolution of the feminine spirit. She is breaking free from societal constraints and returning to her authentic and primal power. It is a time to honor the lessons our pain has taught us. With clarity, we release old traumas that help us shed the weight of lifetimes.

Relationships are experiencing their moment of reckoning. Expect clarity in love. You will be shocked and, at first, in disbelief.

Reigniting passion comes forth like a stick of dynamite being lit. For many, they will enter into the beginning stages of a deep connection or reunion with a soulmate. This union or connection is long-term and serious.


This eclipse is just the beginning, as the Pisces-Virgo Eclipse axis sets in motion a new 18-month cycle. The South Node enters Virgo, while the North Node moves into Pisces in January of 2025.


Let’s talk about Venus, the love planet herself, sending sultry winks to Jupiter, the planet of luck and blessings. Venus at 23 degrees of Libra trines Jupiter at 20 degrees of Gemini. Relationships undergo a dramatic rebalancing. Old cycles end, and new beginnings burst forth. Mars in Cancer squares the North Node in Aries, igniting the call for self-actualization and action. This is a moment to ask yourself: Who am I now? And what relationships truly support my growth?


Listen to your inner voice. Feelings suppressed during this time will only intensify and eventually explode. The eclipse asks us to create safe spaces, both within ourselves and in our relationships, to do the deep emotional work necessary for growth. Uranus squaring this eclipse from 27 degrees of Taurus may bring sudden disruptions or unexpected emotions. Uranus’s trine to Pluto at 28 degrees of Capricorn ensures that whatever breakdowns occur will ultimately serve as breakthroughs. We are tying up loose ends that began in 2008. This is your final chance to close a chapter and prepare for what is next.


It is graduation time. The journey you have been on for the past decade-plus is culminating. Pluto’s presence reminds us that transformation often comes through the dismantling of old systems and habits. Are you living up to your own standards, or are you still carrying the expectations of others? Break free, rip off the chains, and rewrite your own destiny.


Many of us will be tested as Uranus shakes up our routines and Pluto forces us to confront our shadows. But if you embrace these shifts, you will emerge transformed. Break free from outdated paradigms and make space for what truly aligns with your soul’s journey. Remember, Pisces encourages us to flow with the Divine, not to escape into overindulgence. Be mindful of the temptations that may arise, whether through substances or emotional avoidance. Now is the time to seek support, not distraction.


Looking ahead to October 2nd, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra at 10 degrees (2:49 p.m. EST) marks the next chapter of this eclipse season. Conjunct the South Node in Libra, this eclipse signals a break from the past or perhaps the chance to reconnect with someone or something from your past to build something entirely new. A Solar Eclipse is masculine in nature. It is a call to action for the Divine Masculine to create a whole new cycle.


Eclipse season is a time when the veils are thinnest between realms. It is the perfect energy to connect with the Divine, your soul guides, and any other spiritual entities. It’s a time to work your magic so that you can co-create a better life for yourself and those around you. In this moment of cosmic clarity, ask yourself: How can I be open to love and vulnerability? Whether in romance, friendship, or spiritual connection, the energy of these eclipses holds the potential for deep emotional intimacy. Push past your fears to align with your highest feelings. This is not a time for ego or old wounds. It’s a time for truth, ownership, and liberation.


The message is crystal clear: these eclipses represent an awakening or reawakening–a call to align with your highest self. Release the karmic patterns that no longer serve you, and embrace a new way of relating to yourself and others. You are invited to step into your power, heal your heart, and approach relationships from a place of authenticity and spiritual connection.


This is your activation point. Whatever begins during this eclipse season will play out over the next two years, shaping your future in ways you might not yet fully grasp. Let go of the need for perfection and instead focus on forgiveness of yourself and others. The more compassion you bring to this journey, the more profound your growth will be. For many, this time will bring the blessing of true love, pure, deep, and everlasting.

If you are curious about how these eclipses will affect your personal journey, I invite you to book an astrology birth chart reading with me through the EverClear App.

Together, we can explore the karmic lessons meant to help you grow and evolve to your highest potential.


Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

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Nichell Delvaille, Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer

Nichell is a Wellness Practitioner. Healing effects all aspects of a person. She is a Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer, Reiki Master and Herbalist. Nichell also has certifications in Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda.

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