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Empowering Women To Success – Exclusive Interview With Darla Delayne

Darla Delayne is a master coach and speaker whose expertise in educational psychology has served her well in her 35+ years in business. With experience ranging from the real estate and entertainment industries to several direct sales businesses, she got her start by selling encyclopedia’s door to door after she left public and corporate education. Darla is founder and CEO of SHE’S C.E.O. that empowers women to skyrocket success and multiply their time through a fusion of mindset, energy and business structure and strategy. It offers business coaching as well as in-depth courses for startups through scaling. Darla’s mission is to make business education available to women around the world.

Image photo of Darla Delayne

Darla Delayne, Founder & CEO SHE'S CEO

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better. Hi! I’m Darla Delayne and I’m a “yes, and” type of person. I was born and raised in southeast Texas and have lived in NYC, LA, and Vegas and am now back in Texas on a farm. So it went full circle. I lived in Manhattan for many years and also consider myself a New York City girl.

Country and city… yes, and. I love travel, dance, reading, hiking, shopping, theater, film/TV, and working on my farm. I have 4 amazing grown children from 2 marriages, 3 awesome daughters-in-law, and 2 adorable grandchildren so far. I recently became engaged to the man of my dreams and have added 4 more precious grown children to my heart. I love trying new things I’m passionate about which has led to a varied business history. I’m a deep diver when it comes to learning something new and it’s usually because I’ve discovered something that will help me with a solution. I then tend to test it out, create my own systems and structures then teach it to others and help them with their mastery. My experiences of moving to new places without knowing anyone, several severe physical and mental health situations for myself and my family, financial abundance and ruin, and going for my dreams no matter what have all guided me along a path with some struggle and suffering. Each time it has always led to quantum leaps of growth which guide me back to more happiness and bliss. It also reconnects me to my mission and purpose to inspire women to rekindle their innate power and their permission for abundance in all forms. How does this varied life and business experience enhance your work? There’s a definite theme to my life that has brought me to where I am now. My background is in education, psychology, and math and I’ve had multiple businesses and all of these included my helping build and grow someone’s business. This is the common thread running through my experience and is the cornerstone of my work and services. I’ve also been through a lot in my personal life so when I say, “I’ve been there”, my clients appreciate the compassion, understanding, and knowledge that goes along with that. I started my career life as a public school teacher, student teacher mentor, and curriculum specialist, and also worked as a corporate trainer before starting my entrepreneurial endeavors. I’ve owned real estate and mortgage brokerages, been a Director of Real Estate Referral & Relocation worldwide, and managed a NYC real estate office for a large brokerage. I’ve done real estate sales and luxury rentals and also had businesses as a home stager, loan officer, and real estate consultant and coach. I’ve had life, marketing, and business coaching online businesses, done direct sales, was a producer, director, and actress in the entertainment industry and it all started by selling World Book Encyclopedias door to door. I did all this while raising 4 kids and living all over the country. So when I say, “I’ve been there,” I probably have and in each one, I focused my work on helping build and grow someone’s business in that industry.

What is your business name and how do you help your clients? I own SHE’S CEO and we guide powerhouse women to have skyrocketing consistent growth without working harder. This then empowers them to align with their own vision and allow their success with more ease all while multiplying their time. Everything we do is a mix of mindset, energy, and business structure that meets at the cross-section of the client’s vision and how to get it all done. We put those pieces together using two unique proprietary systems. These systems address the two parts vital to complete the vision; the mastery of a person’s inner world and the creation of the necessary foundational business pieces. The first one is the Growth Driver System which teaches understanding and mastery of a person’s inner world and how it relates to creating their outer world. It addresses mindset, time, energy, and alignment within structures and systems that support these topics. It’s based on mastering three areas; authentic love for yourself, a necessary level of knowledge and respect for how it all works, and the ability to monitor and adjust in the present. This drives growth in a way that shuts down massive action, lack, and limitations and lowers fear. At the same time, it builds the momentum of appreciation, abundance, and the reality of infinite possibilities that create more passion, purpose, and profitability. The second system, QuickStart Business School, addresses the foundational creation of the parts that all businesses have and is designed to guide the business owner to build an aligned business she loves that makes money without the overwhelmed. There are four areas of foundational pieces for the structure and formation of all businesses. These include the setup and administration of the creation and running of all of the parts of the business and the lead generating or startup which is how a business lets its ideal clients and customers know about the product or service. There’s also selling or conversion which is how a business takes someone who knows about the product or service through to the process of purchasing. The last area includes the delivery of the product or service as well as how to incorporate the next level of each area.

No two businesses are ever exactly the same even though they all have the same foundational parts. Once these four parts are created, it’s the right and responsibility of each business to create their own aligned strategies and specifics to highlight their uniqueness. I’m a business coach who has an oracle gift of being able to see these unique aligned strategies and specifics within each client. I’m then able to translate that back to them to place into those foundational parts. This has the client doing exactly what they want to do instead of what everyone else might be doing. For example, if someone is struggling with feeling like they don’t have enough time, I can see unique ways for them to add more time to their schedule that might only work specifically for them. By using the growth driver system that helps maneuver and master the inner world of the business owner and the QuickStart Business School which teaches how to create the foundations that hold unique business systems and structures, along with my guidance, my clients begin to master putting these two togetherand constructing their business and life as they want it to be. All while feeling better and better along the way! Get more information on these programs here.

How have your struggles helped you? My struggles make me relatable and credible to my clients because I’m transparent about them and I offer explanations and practical steps to get out of them. I’m also a woman who’s a type A, driven, creative, dreamer. That may not sound like a struggle but in the world I was born into, it was. The more I’ve learned about myself through human design, astrology, numerology, quantum physics, etc, and about how it works from Abraham-Hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Wayne Dyer, Lousie Hay, and many others, the more it all makes sense. I was going about it backward. All roads lead to happiness and bliss for me and I’m determined to follow them. The question is always…HOW? As I do the work on the parts of me that formed from fear in order to protect and provide for me and I release these for healthier perceptions and patterns, I'm able to help my clients do the same. For many years I did life as an overachiever and people pleaser thinking I needed to use massive action to force it or make it happen. Instead of leading with my creative, dreamer and letting my type A, driven part flow when I’m inspired. Whenever I do it this way…happiness and bliss. What direction are you excited about your business going now? I’ve been working with powerhouse female business owners (CEOs, independent contractors, freelancers, etc. meaning she runs her own business.) She’s self-disciplined, driven, and ambitious about her dream and is open to a new way to have what she wants. What she's been doing isn’t working for her, it may be taking too long or she’s working all the time or she might just really not like how she’s doing it. She knows it can happen speedily without working harder and she’s curious and determined to find out how.

Over the past several years I've been working exclusively with experienced business owners who are scaling their business to the next level. They’ve been able to incorporate our work to get amazing results, some of which include working less while making more money and tightening up the foundations of their business. They’ve all expanded, changed, grown, and overall are feeling better emotionally and are more comfortable in moving forward quickly.

I still love working with this stage of business owner and my heart is calling me back to the woman who is at a different stage as well. Maybe she wants to start a business for the first time or has had one that never took off, or wants a fresh start on an existing business. She might be right out of high school or college or just retired and ready for a second career or a return and redo. I'm feeling passionate and drawn to revisiting, expanding, and exploring this place in my work. I’m really excited about how the programs at SHE’S CEO are set up for both areas of the business growth journey. Check them out here.

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