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Empowering Women Through Heartbreak To Rediscover Self-Worth & Confidence – Interview With Sasa Evans

I am Sasa Evans, the founder and CEO at Sasa Evans Coaching. I am a mom to an amazing daughter as well as a spiritual mother to another beautiful soul. You may be wondering what a spiritual parent is a spiritual parent stands in the gap for someone's biological parent. In this case, her mother passed so I am literally in the role of her mom. I have 5 beautiful grandbabies, the youngest being fraternal twins. I am a budding author having self-published two books on Amazon Kindle, and one is a 52-week jornal titled Journal with Purpose. The other is a children's book titled Norman and the Mailman which I wrote for my grandchildren. I was inspired to coach after going through heartbreak and realising how difficult it is to navigate the healing path on my own.

photo of Sasa Evans

Sasa Evans, Mindset Coach

What is your business name and how do you help your clients? 

My business is Sasa Evans Coaching and I support women who are going through heartbreak or are affected by traumatic events that have left them doubting themselves, lacking confidence and having low self-esteem. I support them to take ownership of their healing journey, using the four pillars of their being – spiritual, mental, emotional, and behavioral – to rebuild a stronger, more vibrant life. 

-What are your current goals for your business? 

My goal is to expand my business beyond the UK and reach more women. I am also thinking of expanding the clients I support to include men. I know some men are going through the same things like low self-esteem, lack of confidence and heartbreak.

What is your work inspired by? 

My work is inspired by the notion of being blessed to be a blessing. I know my healing was a blessing so I could help others find joy and happiness again. We all deserve happiness and healthy relationships. I would like to see women put their self-worth first and be compassionate and loving to themselves so they can be able to love and care for others. If they are hurting, they can not do that well.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

Thirteen years ago, I found myself on my own at age 50, being replaced by a younger version of me. I was devasted, heartbroken, and crying myself to sleep, especially for the time I had wasted building a future that had fallen apart. The most important thing I learned in my healing journey was forgiveness for myself and the other person and to love me all over again. But what was difficult was that I had little to no one to turn to. My friends wanted me to go back and give it another time. People do not understand when you tell them you are emotionally abused, as there are no visible scars. The journey was so difficult so I decided to pack up my things and move across the world to the UK to start over. This gave me the motivation to support others going through such because no woman needs to navigate this pain alone.

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