Adrian Treacy is a Success Mindset Coach. Very early on he became enthralled with Maslow's theory of Becoming all that you can Become. During his career in various industries he regularly came into contact with people who were settling for less than they were capable of. This inspired him to take the leap himself and is now dedicated to helping others to get out of their own way and actually achieve their desires.

Adrian Treacy, Quantum Leap Consulting
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better. (Feel free to share your hobbies, your passions, your family life, your pets and anything that makes you unique.)
Hi, my name is Adrian. I am a husband, father of two amazing girls and a Mindset Coach. My girls are 11 and 6 and they really keep me busy. We also have a cat in the family, Monty, who is just over 2 years old and he is quite possible the fluffiest cat you have ever seen.
I love traveling and riding my motorbike. I came to motorbikes late in life after I got married but absolutely love it.
I’ve lived in Ireland, Germany and the USA during my life and I loved both, but for really different reasons. Munich is an amazing city in the south of Germany and I lived there for about a year in my early 20’s. It has an amazing culture and some of the best beer you will ever drink!
When I was in the USA, I lived in Baltimore on the East Coast. Coming from a small village in Ireland this was something very different from what I was used to, but I really enjoyed my time there and I also got to travel around the States a bit which was awesome.
I am really passionate about personal development and helping people to see and believe that there is more to life than whatever their current situation is. I get an amazing sense of fulfilment when I am able to share a different perspective with people that gets them to think differently about what they are capable of! Can you provide an overview of Quantum Leap Consulting's core services and specialties?
At Quantum Leap Consulting our core speciality is helping people to understand how their minds work! I like to keep things simple and easy to understand and so we have partnered with the Proctor Gallagher Institute, which was founded by what I consider to be the Grandaddy of personal development, Bob Proctor.
We offer a very specific training program that helps people to understand more about why they do what they do and why they don’t do what they want to do! And it all begins in the mind and in our mental programming. What inspired you to start Quantum Leap Consulting, and what is the mission behind the company?
I was in my mid thirties and I felt stuck. I felt that I was like a hamster on a wheel, or asleep at the steering wheel. I was progressing through life, doing rather well in my career, but all the while feeling empty inside.
Don’t get me wrong, my family were and are amazing, but there was very little fulfilment outside of that. I remembered back to when I was a kid and in my early 20’s how ambitious I was and realised that I had let life take over and had given up on most of the dreams that I had as kid.
I had settled and I distinctly remembered the day when I was having a conversation with myself that ‘you’re in a good job, you’ve got a good wage, you have most of the things that other people strive towards, just settle!’ Now that didn’t sit very well with me and I remember a few months later thinking, what a load of **** that was and to WAKE UP!.
Long story short this is when I decided that my mission was to help others to get off the hamster wheel, to wake up behind the wheel! To stop been an extra in the movie that is their life and to embrace the Star role!! Because we are all the stars of our own movies, we just need to acknowledge it and embrace it. So that is our mission at Quantum Leap Consulting, to help as many other people as possible to WAKE UP and take control of their destinies. What approach does Quantum Leap Consulting take to ensure that its services are tailored to each client's unique needs?
Our belief is that success is a very personal thing. What success means to me is going to be completely different to what it means to you and so while the program is quite rigid, we base everything on what each individuals desires are. And that is actually the first thing that we work on with people, what is it that they want/desire.
If I had a Euro for every time I asked someone what it is that they wanted and they said ‘I don’t know, but I’ll tell you what I don’t want!’ I would be able to retire already!! So we first work on helping our clients to decide what it is they are going to aim for, and then we work on their thinking to help them change their perspectives and open their minds to new idea’s. Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
As a coach and in my career before getting into coaching, the thing that has given me the most satisfaction has always been to help others to succeed and to be happy. Back in my car rental days, I was managing a local downtown location and over the course of a coupe of years, not only did I manage to get most of my team promoted on to bigger and better positions to help further their career, but I also had the best customer service scores in my country for over 12 months in a row. This is many years ago now but this is always something that stayed with me and even now looking back on it I am very proud of that achievement. Keeping customers not only satisfied but Completely Satisfied took an immense effort from my entire team and I was delighted to be able to help guide them towards it. If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
Sometimes the coaching industry comes in for attack by people who believe that coaches and mentors are only in it for the money and are not really interested in helping people at all and this really can be quite frustrating at times. And of course that coaches are too expensive!
Nearly all of the coaches/consultants/mentors that I have ever come across are the most genuinely helpful and caring people you could ever be fortunate enough to meet. They do of course, charge for their services but most people are looking at these costs from a ‘lack’ mindset. Ie they believe that money is scarce and you need to hold onto it for dear life 😊. Any coach that I have every had has gone above and beyond what I have paid them to really help me make that Quantum Leap forward with my own business and so to the doubters and non believers out there I would say one thing only. If you look at anyone who is at the top of their profession and professional sports players are a great example, they all understand the benefit in investing in a coach/consultant/mentor. They could be the best in the world at what they do but they will still have someone to help them get better.
So if you want to get better, then you need a coach! Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
When my wife was pregnant with our first child, I was still a smoker. I used to smoke about 20 cigarettes a day. I knew that it was bad for me. I knew that I should give up. I personally knew smokers who had contracted lung cancer and had died. But I didn’t quit because I didn’t have a strong enough ‘why’.
But then one day I was looking at someone I knew who was working in a company beside where I was working. Now this guy was only probably about 10 years older than me, but he looked to be about twenty years older! He had kids that where 10+ and I clearly remember thinking, that that would be me one day. I didn’t want my as yet unborn child to have that version of me in her future and so I made the decision to quit. And that was that! I quit!
I keep that story with me and I keep remembering it as it reminds me of two things.
One, nothing happens till you make a decision. It doesn’t matter what you are thinking about, nothing happens until you decide that you are going to do it.
Two, when you have a burning desire to do something, nothing will hold you back. It wasn’t easy to give up smoking, as anyone who has done it will attest to. But anytime that I was tempted to smoke, I had to reconnect with my ‘why’ and that temptation went away.
Any time I now get discouraged in building my business, I remember these two things and it helps to keep me on track and focused on what I am trying to achieve.