Aurée de Carbon is the founder and the owner of CARRHURE, an Executive Search Firm specialized in the Not-for-Profit sector. A French native, Aurée has 30 years of professional experience. Her exceptional empathy, expertise in identifying and assessing candidates as well as her servant leadership style make her approach unique. Prior to establishing CARRHURE, Aurée was Director International for several retained executive search firms where she directed engagements for large NGOs specialized in Agriculture, Climate Change and Health. She began her career managing sales and marketing efforts for French medias and the banking sectors (BNP and HSBC) as Wealth Management Advisor. She holds a BA in Arts from University Paris X and a degree in Communication and Marketing. She is a certified professional Coach, PNL technician and she is certified in several assessment Tools, such as 360° and DISC Model. Aurée is fluent in French and English.

Aurée de Carbon, Director General
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Humm… though question! I have 30 + experience of which over a decade in filling executive positions for non-profit organizations. I began my career managing sales and marketing efforts for several international media. Then I moved to the Banking sector. I had the chance to shift to Headhunting and to establish CARRHURE, my company, from scratch more than 10 years ago. Serving the Not-For-Profit sector is my passion and at 50+, I’m devoted to my work. I have the feeling that I finally found my place in this world while running this company. Why? because I have a profound aversion for social injustice.. In a two-speed world, I feel deeply revolted by indecent opulence on the one hand, and human beings living in complete destitution, suffering from hunger, living in miserable conditions on the other. This job is a small way to contribute and fight against social injustice; At least, my way and I am blessed to have a lovely and professional team, composed with committed and generous people across the globe. Apart from this passion of serving the developing World, I am the author of 7 books, preparing the 8th one, a detective story, I run twice a week and I love black cats (don’t ask me why! Perhaps because they have been persecuted over centuries)
For those unfamiliar, can you provide a brief overview of CARRHURE?
CARRHURE focuses on one objective: Find the right leaders for you. We recruit leaders specialized in Agriculture, Health, and Climate Change across the globe. We bank on the transversal capacities that allow us to reach across continents to fill any position. Our extensive experience, in-depth processes, and solid philosophy make CARRHURE Consulting an excellent match for your needs.
Our motto, “In the Heart of Business, Business with a Heart,” is at the core of how we do business. We are driven by our fervent dedication to finding good, influential leaders with a passion for work and the heart and compassion to lead and positively impact the industry.
Leaders should have a heart for their work and care deeply about the people they lead. We are passionate ourselves, which drives our dedication to help you find good influential staff members who will make an impact in any industry or field of expertise.
With a mission to support the UN 17 Global Goals (SDGs, MDGs), we strive to be a leading C-Suite boutique recruiting firm for NGOs and not-for-profit organizations within three to five years by providing excellent service with personalized care.
What kind of audience do you target your business towards?
By combining business know-how with empathy and compassion, we believe CARRHURE can make significant changes in the lives of those working in agriculture, food security, climate change, and other UN Global Goals.
We are committed to making sure that our work is done with heart. We strive to bring people together for the greater good, not just for profit. We aim to be the leading headhunting service provider for the NGO and not-for-profit sectors.
We want to develop strong relationships with organizations and individuals and help them find the right people for the positions. We are committed to assisting organizations in finding the right talent to grow their businesses and helping individuals find meaningful work that impacts the world.
Our approach is twofold: connecting the right people with the right organizations and helping to create and cultivate a robust, diverse, and knowledgeable talent pool. We will strive to ensure that our work benefits the organization and the individual, advancing the UN Global Goals and promoting people’s and the planet’s welfare.
What are your current goals for your business?
We are committed to making CARRHURE the go-to headhunting service provider for the NGO and not-for-profit sectors. We are determined to make a real difference and help create a better future for everyone.
What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?
As mentioned above, I do not want to expand CARRHURE excessively, to maintain a premium standard-service, tailored to each client’s need. What differs CARRHURE from other well-established firms in this niche, is that there is no big ego or “rock star” at CARRHURE. This unique approach, composed with professional people yet genius style, is primordial. In a nutshell, we won't be recruiting more than 3 or 5 additional experts who want to serve the World, who possess humility and an exceptional sense of service, and who will add-value, embracing CARRHURE's values and ethics to spearhead and act as ambassadors.
Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?
my father: He was an economist and worked with the developing World. During his career, he held various positions, including Director of Studies at French Central Fund for Economic Cooperation. Perhaps it’s Genetic. Or rather, a legacy.
Elizabeth, Queen of England.
What is your work inspired by?
By recruiting the right people, in the right place, we are making a modest contribution to the vision of the leaders of major institutions who are working tirelessly to help developing countries, who are working tirelessly, through funding programs, to fill the gaps and consolidate their needs in terms of food, agriculture, infrastructure and education.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
To have created this company, which has grown over the last ten years, from scratch without any help, is in itself an achievement.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
The perception that some large organizations have of a company run by a woman. I have noticed, in several occasions, our ardent desire to help international organizations has not been welcomed. It's a real shame not to give a chance to an honest company, well-known for its responsiveness, performance and the high standards of it work delivery, simply for the sake of networking and interpersonal skills.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
I'd lost my job with an international firm, quite unfairly, and applied for a job with a very large American firm. The CEO e-mailed me back (one of the things I particularly like about American culture) and staggered his travels to meet me between planes. The appointment was made at Roissy-Charles De Gaulle Airport, in a rather gloomy basement café. He asked me a few questions about my background and why I was applying. I explained myself honestly. Suddenly, he asked me, "What do the numbers mean to you?" I repeated the question, astonished, then answered what came to mind: "Numbers? The rules of the universe. The universe is mathematical and made up of sequences of numbers". His eyes widened, then he turned his screen towards me and said "so, this is our software and how we work"... He showed me the tools and I received my contract. It was magic. This businessman was my mentor, my role model. When I learned of his death, I was saddened. He was a remarkable man, with exceptional intelligence, flair, and elegance. In short, a true American.