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Empowering Lives Through Holistic Wellness And Authentic Connection – Interview With Reah R. Hagues

Reah R. Hagues is a wife to Quintin and a mother to 5 humans and 3 pets. She is the daughter of Kim (or Ma to her), and big sister to Raven. Reah has earned multiple degrees including a Bachelor's degree in Christian studies, Master's degree in Psychology, Master's degree in Holistic Mental Health and Wellness (with emphasis on family dynamics), and a Master's level certification in Life Coaching.

Photo of Reah Hagues

Reah R. Hagues, Owner/CEO

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

Well, my name is Reah (pronounced Ray-uh). I am a 38-year-old, 6ft tall mother of five, a business owner, an author, a lover of holidays and spooky things, an advocate for equality, a people person, and a believer in God. I have five children/young adults, and 3 pets I am allergic to because why not keep life spicy!

Can you tell me more about the history and background of Falolity, LLC? How and when was it founded?

Falolity was actually started during COVID. I was in college earning my degree in Psychology where I planned to open a Psychology practice in the future. However, since at the time; I only had a life coaching certification so, I decided to start with that. My job at the time closed due to COVID and my then kindergartener started school online. I quickly had to come up with a way to not only obtain income but secure our future. COVID made us realize how quickly things can change and I decided (no offense to anyone in the industry) that I was no longer depending on someone else to determine my career path. I wrote my first ever workbook in 2020, with my autobiography to follow. After that I continued writing and went on to write “COVID Momming/Dadding: A Pandemic Parenting Workbook” which is now a 2nd Edition “Mom Brain”/”Dad Brain” Parenting workbooks not COVID focused. Long story medium, I started Falolity LLC as a life coaching business with the intention of making it a Psychology practice and it is now a Holistic Wellness business. Life has plans of its own and if you water your seed consistently, the flower that blossoms will be so much more abundant that the sprout you predicted growing.

Who is your target audience, and what value or benefits do you aim to provide to them through your website or business?

My target audience is anyone who can benefit from it. It used to be parents, but it has grown into something that anyone of any age can benefit from whether they have kids, provide care to others, or need care themselves. I know I am supposed to pick an audience, but honestly Falolity is a place for virtually anyone who needs it to come and be loved.

What sets Falolity, LLC apart from competitors in the same industry or niche, and what makes it unique or special?

What sets Falolity apart is the fact that it is still a one-woman show. I have a couple of people helping me with small projects between the businesses but all of the production that comes from Falolity is carefully thought out and catered to by the person who started it with a purpose to provide faith, love, and equality to the absolute best of my ability. There are multiple avenues including self-help books, podcast, website, social media, outside references, and dedicated founder who is a people loving person who aims to make the world a better place.

How do you generate revenue or sustain your business model? Are there any specific products, services, or advertising methods that play a significant role in your income?

We offer family/relationship coaching services, but our main focus is the books and podcast. We are also an umbrella for a commercial cleaning company.

In what ways do you engage with your audience or community? Do you have any plans for future growth, improvements, or new features for the site?

I engage with the audience through my podcast, writing, and social media/YouTube. I also write for Brainz and appear on others’ podcasts. If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

If I could change one thing, it would be that we went back to being equally people-focused. Like most industries once they become profitable, some aspects of this industry have become for show. Not all, but I would make it so that every intention was pure.

What have you learned the most in your professional journey?

I have learned too learn from my experiences. Nothing is a failure which I definitely took a while to realize, as long as I keep growing from it. Manager my expectations to produce results, and respond overreact (I learned this from a frequent podcast guest turned mentor!

Photo of Reah Hagues

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