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Empower Your Well-Being – Exclusive Interview With Jennifer Jones

Jennifer Jones is a certified STOTT PILATES® Matwork Instructor, registered E-RYT 200HR, 500HR Rasa Yoga teacher, and a CNTRD Wellness Meditation teacher. For many years, health and fitness have been an important part of her life in helping manage frequent back pain. As a teacher, Jennifer's passion is to educate and empower her students and clients by providing them with useful tools to support their well-being. Her classes are inclusive, creative, fun, and educational. Jennifer is a highly experienced pilates and yoga instructor who holds multiple certifications including specialties in Group Matwork, Core®, Hot Yoga, and Yin Yoga.

Image photo of Jennifer Jones

Jennifer Jones, Pilates & Yoga Teacher

Please tell us more about you.

Oh wow, whenever I’m asked this question, I’m never quite sure how to answer but I’ll give it a go! My name is Jennifer Jones, but you can call me Jenn. I like to think of myself as smart, with a great sense of humour, and intuitive. I was born and raised in Barbados and have two older brothers and one sister. Yes, I’m the youngest and before you say I must’ve been spoiled rotten, I wasn’t. I was quite independent growing up, I never asked my parents for much, and I had my very first job when I was 16! I grew up in a home where both parents were pretty old school. I wouldn’t say they were overly strict, but my father could be hard on us and pushed us to be better than our peers. He didn’t always convey this message in the best way as it often left me feeling that I wasn’t and may never be good enough. As an adult, I understand now that that was his way.

As I got older I always felt a little lost, I never knew what I wanted to do career-wise and fell into becoming a graphic designer. It wasn’t planned, at all, and while it was fun, it didn’t light me up, and I often wondered what might. Fast forward to my late 30s/early 40s, and I believe I found my calling – helping people become better versions of themselves. It just goes to show, that it’s never too late to make a change in your life, you just have to decide what you want and go for it! And that’s exactly what I did.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

Two pivotal moments have brought me to where I am today. Let’s start with the fitness aspect of my life. I started exercising for two main reasons. One, both my parents became diabetic later in life and I swore that would not be my story. I never had terrible eating habits, but I became mindful of what I ate and started exercising consistently. The other reason was because of my back. In my 20s I was diagnosed with Scoliosis, after which I began practicing yoga on the advice of a physiotherapist but I soon gave it up. I can’t recall how long after, but I then found Pilates.

The combination of strength training, Pilates, and yoga helped me overcome major back pain and reduce the curve in my spine tenfold! I was so grateful! My back would hurt so much while doing simple things like sitting to watch a movie or sweep the floor. I still get some back pain from time to time, but thankfully it’s nothing like what I used to experience.

The second pivotal moment was recently in 2015. It was during an immersive 200-hour yoga teacher training in Toronto. We were discussing communication - how to speak to students and ourselves. This was the moment I realised I needed to change how I related to myself, and ultimately work on developing a healthy relationship with myself. That was such a turning point for me. I had to take a deep dive into getting to know myself better to understand why I had such a dysfunctional relationship with myself. I had to consider when it started, why, and how to change it to begin to heal. Having begun this work, I say “begun” because I don’t think this journey ever ends, it just gets easier to navigate over time. You begin to identify old habits and patterns that no longer work for you, and make better choices for yourself. But I remember thinking to myself, surely there are many women out there dealing with the same thing and I can help them! I want to help them! From that moment on, it became my passion to help women learn how to get to know who they are and to love themselves. I had always had this desire to help others and this was how. I fused my fitness knowledge and my personal experiences into an offering I call, The Full Embrace: An Invitation To Embrace Your Truth With Love!

What is your motto?

Oh, this is easy! I have two mottos! The first one is, “Be free, be true, and always be you!” I end every yoga class with this. It’s a call to action! With the hands in prayer at the forehead, be free – free your mind from limiting beliefs that stifle your growth; lower the hands to the lips, be true – be truthful in your thoughts, words, and actions, always and all ways; hands to the heart, be you - because you exactly as you are is amazing.

The other one is, “Keep moving while you still can!” I strongly believe that it doesn’t matter what type of movement you do, or whether it looks perfect or not, but that you enjoy it, and are moving your body as much as you can for as long as you can.

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

My students and clients inspire me! They’re the reason I do what I do. I genuinely want to help them be the best possible versions of themselves. I’m so happy when I’m able to help them reach a goal or exceed their expectations. It’s truly inspirational to see their faces light up and fills my heart with so much joy and love! It’s my fuel to keep going!

A woman wearing white while doing yoga at the beach

What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

I want to achieve so many things for myself and my business, but for now, my main goals are to expand my confidence coaching business by offering group programmes and workshops. Collaborate with more like-minded businesses to offer wellness retreats and events for women of colour. I started this work two years ago with Collective Healing, a health and wellness community for women of colour. I offered an online yoga class on a sliding scale to make it financially accessible. This work is very important to me and I would love to continue it on a much bigger scale. As a result of this connection with Collective Healing, I was inspired to offer a retreat here in Barbados last year and I loved it. So yes, making more of these types of offerings available is one of my goals.

One other thing that’s been rolling over in my head, is to maybe write a book one day when I retire in the next 15 years!

The Business

My business name is JenZen Wellness and it’s based on a nickname one of my colleagues gave me back in the day when I worked in corporate as a graphic designer. I think it’s perfect!

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

My main target is women over 40 who want to prioritise their health and overall well-being. However, as I teach in the hotel circuit, I have both men and women of all ages in my classes. Truthfully, I think anyone who is on the path of healing and wellness can and will benefit from my classes regardless of age or gender.

What services or products does JenZen Wellness offer?

JenZen Wellness offers online and in-person pilates and yoga classes and confidence coaching sessions. The yoga and pilates sessions can be private individual or group. Corporate and special events classes are also available. Alternatively, clients can join my group classes which are open to everyone.

How do they address the needs of your target audience?

Well, it all depends on what a client’s needs are. For example, if a client is recovering from an injury, working with me privately is the best way to go as I can create a programme tailor-made for them. Alternatively, if they’re seeking connection and aren’t focused on anything in particular but want to regain some level of fitness, they can join a group class either online or in person.

What are the criteria for a client to work with you?

I’m so glad you asked this question. To work with me, you have to be ready, know what you want to achieve, and be prepared to do the work. You have to be willing to try and not give up on yourself otherwise there’s no point. If you’re not ready, you won’t get the results you want. I’m here to guide and motivate but I can’t do it for you.

What sets JenZen Wellness apart from other services in the industry?

Hmm, I think what sets me apart from other services in the industry, as I am JenZen Wellness, is that I have a holistic approach. I teach the whole individual; mind, body, and soul. I encourage deep thought and self-reflection/introspection through the themes of my classes by weaving yoga myths, philosophy, and personal experiences throughout my classes and sessions. I like to refer to it as planting seeds of contemplation. When it comes to the body, I don’t just tell a person where to put their arm or foot, but I also take the time to explain why and encourage them to try other options that may work better for their body. I aim to impart to them the importance of developing deeper connections to themselves and building self-awareness. I want them to be equipped with enough knowledge to continue practicing at home or confidently join any other class knowing what works for them and what doesn’t. My ultimate goal when I teach a class or one-to-one is to educate and empower. I hope they leave my classes with a deeper understanding of who they are or want to become, and appreciate how their body functions. I think that’s what sets me apart.

A black woman holding lemons while having yoga at home

Can you share any success stories/achievements that JenZen Wellness has experienced?

I have helped many women over the years, but two stand out.

The first woman was born with hip dysplasia and we have worked together one-on-one and in a group setting for many years. She is so strong and fearless when it comes to her fitness. She has the best attitude, knows what she wants to achieve, and is willing to try anything I offer her. She is such an inspiration. Here’s a snippet of her experience working with me.

“Jennifer is a knowledgeable, positive, and encouraging instructor, who works with you to create programmes for your specific needs. I was born with hip dysplasia and her attention to alignment has helped transform my body and for that, I am truly grateful.” — R. S.

The other woman is a breast cancer survivor. She opted to join my group yoga and stretch classes. Having joined my classes has helped with her recovery, and in her everyday life.

“I resumed yoga after a life-changing cancer experience. Jennifer's classes were the perfect blend of gentle acceptance of who we were and steady movement toward what we could achieve. We learned to balance our expectations and fears with our reality in an emotionally supportive environment which encouraged us to never give up while being gentle with ourselves if things didn't go quite as we wanted. What I've learned about myself in class I've carried into everyday life as well as there's nothing that a few deep breaths in and out to centre yourself can't improve. Thank you Jennifer for your guidance, patience, and care. Blessings always.” — K. H.

I’m forever grateful for the trust they both placed in me and I’m beyond the moon delighted to have been a part of their journey thus far!

A few achievements I’ve had over the years are as follows. I had the honour of working with the Barbados Defence Force in 2023 providing yoga and breathing techniques to the soldiers. I worked with The Ministry of Health and Wellness two years in a row at their annual World Health Day events and provided fitness breaks at SIDS Conferences in 2022 and 2023, and PAHO in 2023. Also in 2023, I had a lot of fun working with teens at a summer camp hosted by The Ministry of Youth, Sports & Community, it was their Empowerment Summer Camp and I will be participating again in July 2024. In 2022 I was one of the chosen instructors to host a 30-minute stretching segment on our local television station Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation [CBC] called Get Up and Move courtesy PAHO and the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

In 2023, a colleague and friend and I got together and created a podcast called Elevated Feminine. Our focus is female empowerment, we provide a platform for women to have much-needed conversations about common issues we face today. In March of 2024, we celebrated our first anniversary and look forward to continue uplifting women in business and beyond!

Thanks for asking this question. I can get so caught up in the running of the business that I sometimes forget how much I’ve accomplished. This was a great reminder!

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

If I could change one thing about the health and wellness industry, it would be that everyone, regardless of who they are or their financial background, would be able to afford healthy whole foods/supplements, fitness classes, equipment, and nutrition guidance. Why? Because I believe being healthy is your birthright!

In your experience, what are some common misconceptions about yoga?

In my experience, some of the misconceptions I have encountered here in Barbados is that yoga, more so than pilates, is only for wealthy, skinny, and flexible people. I have also heard that it’s demonic and none of these things are true. As long as you have a body, you can practice yoga. Many think that yoga is “just stretching” but it’s much more than that, it’s a way of living. As for the demons referred to in yoga mythology, they’re representations of unhealthy traits we can have such as greed, love of power, jealousy, and so on.

How do you and your business address them?

I address them through my teaching and what I share on my social media platforms. In the past, I hosted an online event where I invited people to join and ask questions they might have. I think being accessible and willing to have open conversations is healthy and important. Oftentimes we shy away from things because of what we’ve heard someone else say rather than find out for ourselves. I’m here to have those conversations and share as much as I can based on my understanding. If there’s something you want to know or discuss, let’s talk about it.

For readers inspired by this conversation and eager to start their journey, what first steps would you recommend?

I hope readers are inspired to start their journey with me! As a first step, I recommend booking a free 30-minute discovery call. During that call, we’ll discuss what challenges you’re facing and how we can work together to help you overcome them. I look forward to taking this next step with you, so let’s connect!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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