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Empower Your Value – Exclusive Interview With Carolyn M Rubin

Carolyn Rubin is a Certified Leadership Development Speaker, Mentor and Certified DISC Trainer and Consultant. She has spent 32 years in the healthcare field and has worked in pharmacy, clinical and operational roles. She approaches each day with a remembrance of her grandpa and the message he shared before losing him to cancer; 'Each day you go to work, you walk through the doors with the eyes of a patient, if you do that you will always be successful.'

Carolyn M Rubin, Leadership Speaker and Mentor

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

My name is Carolyn M Rubin, I am married and between my husband and I we have 5 children, 11 grandchildren and 1 great-granddaughter. I love to travel, and watch the New Orleans Saints, Chicago Cubs and Chicago Blackhawks play. I have run in nine ½ marathons, multiple 10 and 5 Ks and love working out. I am an Amazon Best Selling International Author with an Amazon Best Selling International Book, You Can Overcome Anything! Vol 8 with Integrity, a contributor to the Amazon Best Selling International Book, Top 50 Fearless Leaders and a contributor to Hero’s, Leaders, and Legends. I am a founding member of Maxwell Leadership Corporate Facilitator Program and a Certified Speaker, Mentor and Coach for Maxwell Leadership. I am a Servant Leader and I love setting people up for success and watching them grow into who they aspire to be. I have been in healthcare for over 32 years as a pharmacy technician, medical assistant, and now in operations. I am a patient advocate and work to ensure patients have access to care. At the same time, I work to minimize the operational burden of their clinicians so they can focus on their patients. I live by a saying my grandpa once said to me; ‘Everyday you go to work you walk through the door with the eyes of a patient if you do that you will always be successful’. What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

My business is Empower Your Value, I provide leadership development, mentoring, growth strategies, operational guidance, team building and transformational leadership support. What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

I have been in the healthcare space for over 32 years and work with physicians and hospital CEOs. I also mentor individuals and provide leadership development outside of healthcare. I like the fact that I can create programs for any business venture to help teams reach their full potential. What are your current goals for your business?

My goal is to help individuals keep their strength and reach their dreams, to help businesses with leadership growth and development so they can watch their teams succeed and to provide transformation to servant leadership.

What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

I would like to achieve global recognition, so I am able to mentor teams to be all they want to be, to provide leadership development to corporations and provide transformational guidance to a servant leadership mindset. I want to help others succeed and watch them obtain the life they want for themselves and their teams. Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

The support I received and memories that I have of my grandparents and stepdad, and my mom, dad, husband, and family. Everything I do reflects the love and support they have provided. What is your work inspired by?

My passion and inspiration are driven by all the changes that the healthcare industry has seen over the last 32 years. Some of these changes have had an impact on patient access to care and have added operational workloads to the clinicians, leaving them less time to take care of patients or with less resources to take care of them. Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

There are several so this is tough. I worked with insurance companies to have policies written that allowed cancer patients access to needed medication after chemotherapy. I have educated physicians, nurses, clinicians, and their staff on policy changes to ensure they knew how to capture information to allow patients to receive the treatment they needed. I was a Medical Assistant Instructor providing education to future graduates and I had my own Coding Certification program, providing new opportunities for students who were changing professions.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

More transparency and engagement with medical personnel and patients before insurance companies and government make changes that impact the care they can receive. Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

I have lost grandparents, stepdad, and aunts to cancer, I lost a brother to a massive heart attack, a sister to a massive stroke and friends/colleagues to Covid, suicide or other illnesses. This has been my drive and inspiration to ensure patients have access to care. It has also been my inspiration for my company, Empower Your Value, Keep Your Strength, Live Your Dream. Everyone has the right to achieve their goals, their dreams, regardless of health, educational background, finances, profession, sex, marital status, or age. My goal is to help others achieve their dreams as I continue to achieve mine.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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