Written by: Artemis Avici'Na, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

How many times have you told someone that you're going to start something amazing and the answer has been "you can't!". So you've returned home and convinced yourself that you can't do it.

Those 2 words are a brick wall for so many people and while at times there are some obvious things that you really shouldn't do. If someone tells you that you can't do something, which you know is in your best interests or the interests of others around you, the chances are the person who said 'you can't', is the one who either doesn't see your true potential or sees your true potential and does not support you.
This is what we call a negative response, so how do we escape these? If you get these regularly, you're going to want to listen up!
Accept yourself
We live in a world defined by what is socially acceptable and what is not! Unfortunately, this has lead thousands upon thousands of people into believing they need to be accepted by others.
The fact of the matter is that the only person that needs to accept you, is you! The words "you can't" can be turned around, not to argue, but to prove to people that you can. An inspiration if you will.

Words for positive mindset
If you struggle with a negative mindset and other people's negativity then this will help you immensely. Here is my top tip to change your mindset to a positive one so that you can empower yourself and believe in your dreams!
Write 3 I am affirmations in the morning. I am happy, I am loved, anything that comes to you in the moment. You then need to say these affirmations out loud and repeat a second time. Repeat this 3 x a day for 20 days. Your mindset will change!

Artemis Avici'Na, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Lady Artemis Avici'Na is a master at reading people and their energy... she has been clairsentient and clairvoyant her whole life, however these gifts became heightened in power after she battled an incurable cancer in 2018. Artemis assures us she is well now. However, this was a life-changing experience and it came after 40 years of battling against trauma... The past trauma that Artemis overcame, sparked a passion for observing and learning from people. Artemis understands humans, their actions and emotions on a much higher level, this is where her talents shine.