Written by: Louise Siwicki, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

How do our emotions affect our hormonal health and our fertility? Emotions & Hormonal health. Emotions such as stress, anxiety, fear, and constant worry can affect our hormonal status and cause conception difficulty and even lead to infertility issues.

Emotions & infertility
Our human body uses 50 hormones to regulate different systems and bodily functions, and this also includes a number of hormones that help regulate the development and release of the female reproductive cells or eggs. Emotions such as stress, anxiety, fear and constant worry are typical emotions that the majority of women (and men) experience during the journey of trying to conceive. These emotions cause a hormonal reaction and create an imbalance within the body and the reproductive system. This, in turn, contributes to an environment that is not conducive to conceiving and, as a result, can make conception difficult and lead to infertility issues.
Emotions are linked to hormone production
Our thoughts and emotions are directly linked to hormone production as they influence our endocrine, immune and nervous systems. This directly affects our hormonal balance in the body. In the book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water,” F. Batmanghelidj states that “emotions are biochemical reactions in the brain.” These biochemical reactions influence our brain waves, blood vessels, heart rate, and breathing. This, in return, affects glands that control our hormones.
Emotional energy
Thoughts and emotions are influenced by many different things, including patterns of thinking, our beliefs, our parents and other people in our life, our physical environment and even the type of food we eat. Dr. Frank Lipman explains that” Emotions are not limited to the brain.” In fact, there are over 100 types of emotions that exist in the body. These emotions stem from an energy called “EMOTIONAL ENERGY.” This type of energy is what we have within our bodies and it’s a form of energy that is being produced through our nervous system, which directly affects hormone balance.
The mind, body connection is not a new concept. Most will understand the mind has to influence the body and vice versa. However, it is critical to consider your health holistically at this important stage of life. Mental health is essential, and we need to give consideration to what our thoughts are really doing to our bodies and our fertility.
If you are currently considering trying to conceive, are currently on the journey, have been diagnosed with infertility or secondary infertility, or have suffered a miscarriage, your mental health and mindset are crucial in moving you forward on your journey to becoming a mother.

Louise Siwicki, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Louise Siwicki is a specialist in the fields of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy, and Fertility Coaching, expert. She offers specialized programs for both women and men suffering infertility issues through pregnancy and early parenthood.
She uses different practical processes and techniques to rewire the brain of her clients and build new neural pathways. This eliminates and heals the root cause of stress and anxiety, the negative emotions and limiting beliefs holding them back from achieving the success and happiness they desire in life.
After suffering through 6 years of infertility issues herself, she has since dedicated her life to supporting women and men through this very challenging time in their lives. She is the founder and CEO of “Louise Siwicki Coaching,” author of "The Secret to Getting Pregnant is not Just in Your Body but in Your Mind" and a public speaker.
Her mission: To help everyone understand the importance of the mind and body connection. If you don’t master your mind, your mind will master you.