Written by: Karen Mc Dermott, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
To be successful we must also embrace creative transformation and evolution.
The Oxford Dictionary definition of alchemy is ‘a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or a combination.
There's also a scientific definition, but I like that one because when you're a soulful entrepreneur, not only do you need a savvy business mindset, you also have to be very creative. There are ebbs and flows in business and you have to be able to pivot with demand and often rethink on the spot.
Some people don't have the ability to do that or will operate differently. What I'm talking about is really getting to the heart core of what your passion is in life and helping others through that passion without compromising any of yourself or your values in the pursuit of success. Entrepreneurs are often thought to be reckless but I do not believe that.
Entrepreneurs can act from a higher vibration and have faith in the process of the Universal Laws. That is why it helps to understand those laws so later I will share a chapter on my insights into them. I will also share my seven life principles, which are my creative process, and part of my transformation was really getting to know and action those laws in my life.
I was already using them, but not to the highest ability because I wasn't doing it mindfully. And whenever you mindfully do something with intention and love, magical things happen. So when you choose to embrace alchemy in your business, really capture the essence of that definition. Choosing to be a soulful entrepreneur is being innovative, really growing yourself and your business, and making amazing things happen in your life.
Whenever you embrace the alchemy of that, the creative process, and the magical energy that comes with that, you're harnessing the best potential outcomes possible because you will see what others don't see. You will hear and action what others will never have even thought of. Being a soulful entrepreneur and embracing the alchemy in that means that you can go next level, you can be more efficient, you can get results faster.
You can make amazing things happen in your life and also be happy and joyful in it. If what you are doing is stressing you out and you are not enjoying it, you are not engaging in your best self and pouring that into everything that you do, then what is the point? We know what stress does to our bodies, we know what it does to our lives and we know what it does to our energy fields.
Being a soulful entrepreneur means that you're connecting with your passion. It means that you really focus on your genius zones and you outsource the rest because you want to stay in that energy. I have included a chapter on staying in your genius zone and some tips on that. But when it comes to the alchemy of life, these are my top three tips:
Really embrace the creative ideas that you have; see them as gifts and have the courage to action them.
Believe in the magic and have faith in the process of what can be. There are no limitations.
Understand that nothing is impossible. You can make happen anything you want. But be mindful that for it to be really fulfilling and rewarding, you first need to embrace the journey and align with your values so that you're not compromising yourself and your happiness. Otherwise, it won't feel worth it when you get there.
Take a moment to think about what alchemy is for you. Where can you be more creative? Have you been dismissing creative thoughts? Really resonate within yourself and ask that question, because creativity comes from different areas. It may come from within or be inspired externally, but when you put your own innovative thoughts and your own self into an inspired thought, an action that and execute it in your own way, that's creativity in motion.
That's you showing up and being an inspired leader and a soulful entrepreneur, so embrace that but really get to know what that is for you. You are the one with those answers. When something catches your attention, pay attention because it's for a reason. I remember listening to Jack Canfield talk on The Secret about how the National Enquirer started jumping out at him in the stands and it was because he set in motion a thought process that he would love to make 100,000 dollars.
And if he sold 400,00 books, he would have 100,000 dollars in his bank account. He didn't know how it was going to happen, but he believed that it would. Suddenly these other things that were always in the background before started to jump out at him and come into the foreground. A few weeks later, he spoke at a conference and a reporter came up afterward and said they wanted to interview him for the National Enquirer. His book was featured and it set the ball in motion for him and brought him to where he is today.
You have to own your success, know the potential of it, and really embrace the alchemy of your soulful entrepreneurship journey. Really learn to start paying attention if something jumps out at you and action it straight away. Don't wait. It's an inspired thought, so action it and see what happens.
Karen Mc Dermott, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Karen Mc Dermott is an award-winning publisher, multi-genre author, and TEDx Speaker. Karen realized her passion for the story after an epiphany led her to write her first novel in only 30 days.
Karen has gone on to build a publishing empire and is the publisher for many well-known best-selling authors and also aspiring authors alike.
She is a regular Forbes writer and her signature book series is the Alchemy of Life Magic series.
Karen is a passionate teacher and runs her own publishing academy, Everything Publishing Academy, which recently won an award for innovation.
Her motto in life is 'When time and circumstance align, magic happens.'