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Embracing Wholeness For Body, Mind, And Business Success

Corin Hinderegger is a trusted guide for conscious entrepreneurs, CEOs, coaches, healers, and change-makers, helping them align with their most authentic, thriving selves. With over 20 years of knowledge and experience, Corin leverages an extensive range of certifications to provide deep, transformative support.

Executive Contributor Corin Hinderegger

In today’s fast-paced world, we often overlook the powerful connections between our body, nervous system, history, beliefs, emotions, intuition, and business. Understanding this interconnectedness can help us cultivate more ease in our lives and create a fulfilling, abundant experience.

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This is why we often try to single out parts of our businesses or experiences and attempt to fix them individually, only to end up running into another bottleneck or backlash further down the track. Our experiences shape our beliefs, and those beliefs, in turn, create our future experiences. They form through everything we’ve witnessed and lived, sometimes extending to ancestral influences. These beliefs guide how we respond to various circumstances, especially when we feel activated, stressed, or uneasy.

Being in business amplifies these dynamics far more than a traditional middle-class or 9-to-5 job, where structure and a predictable paycheck provide a sense of security. In contrast, entrepreneurship can bring up many emotions, beliefs, and past traumas, making it challenging to navigate and create flow.

When we step back and observe the interplay among our beliefs, emotions, intuition, body, and business, we see how each element influences the others. It’s like a domino effect—when one block falls, it impacts all the others.

The role of the nervous system

Our nervous system holds the score of our experiences, primarily functioning to keep us safe and alive. When we encounter stress or activation in our lives or businesses, our nervous system responds, activating different states depending on our learned default dysregulated state.

The three primary states of our nervous system—Ventral, Sympathetic, and Dorsal—along with the blended states of Freeze and Fawn, each have unique impacts on our perceptions and behaviors. Recognizing which state we’re in is crucial, as it allows us to understand our reactions and regain control. Leaving this unchecked will affect how we conduct business, lead our teams, interact with our families, and maintain our relationships, as well as how efficiently we can support our clients.

The impact of our nervous system states is profound, as each forms a story that shapes our beliefs. These stories create our present reality, often putting us in a reactive state. It’s as if we were handing over the car keys to someone else; while we’re present, we aren’t in control and can’t act in alignment with our true selves. You can read more about this in my other articles or by tuning into my podcast, The Embodied Thriving Self.

Our nervous system will always choose familiarity over the unknown, even if the unfamiliar represents our dreams come true. To change this, we need to cultivate safety within our experiences, allowing us to expand our capacity to embrace the beautiful unknown where we can move beyond what we might have thought is possible for us.

The challenge of intuition

The stories and voices in our heads generate negative emotions that influence how we handle everyday challenges. These narratives create automated patterns dictating how we think, feel, and respond, leading to stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, and unhappiness. This not only clouds our decision-making but also distorts our intuition, sabotaging our experiences and client success. It is intimately intertwined with our nervous system.

Interestingly, our intuition often feels clearer when it concerns others rather than ourselves, as those stories lack personal agendas. This can lead us to distrust our inner guidance, making it difficult to hear our soul's whispers amidst the noise. We might find ourselves running on autopilot, making business decisions misaligned with our true selves, only to wonder why things aren’t working out.

Eventually, we may reach a breaking point, feeling exhausted or facing physical symptoms, sleep issues, burnout, or fatigue. If you’ve experienced this, know that it’s entirely normal—there’s nothing wrong with you or your body. Your body’s messages are meant to guide you back to your true self, urging you to pause and reassess so you can reconnect with your inner voice.

Cultivating a holistic approach to success and abundance

A thriving, soul-led business requires us to clarify who we truly are and what our definition of success is. This journey can be both rewarding and challenging. When we embrace the clues our bodies provide and peel back the layers of our experiences, we can experience the health and wealth we are meant to create and the impact our souls are here to make.

It’s crucial to recognize that being in “fixing mode” won’t yield the results we seek. When we focus on fixing our well-being, relationships, family dynamics, or business, we signal our nervous system that our current state is unsafe, activating stress responses and self-sabotaging coping mechanisms. This perpetuates a vicious cycle that often reflects the same underlying issues.

As we grow our businesses, unresolved patterns can magnify and resurface. Every client I support grapples with dynamics at various layers of their being, reflected in every aspect of their business, no matter how successful their life or business might look from the outside. This is why a holistic approach is essential.

One effective way to navigate this is by focusing on maintaining a regulated nervous system in alignment with our authentic selves and core values. When we care for our nervous system and prioritize alignment, we create fertile ground for other tools—like manifestation, 5D surrendering practices, mindset shifts, energetic practices, and shadow work—to thrive. This alignment enhances our capacity to receive and fully embrace the abundance that awaits us.

However, if we approach this with the mindset of needing to be regulated 100% of the time, we may end up blaming ourselves for not meeting that expectation, thus reactivating the cycle. Instead, I suggest prioritizing self-connection and nourishment over mere regulation.

Choosing self-connection allows us to experience our emotions, including dysregulation, without getting stuck. Through somatic work, along with other holistic practices, we can gradually build our capacity to embrace all aspects of ourselves, empowering us to show up in a more aligned and regulated way.

While a regulated nervous system provides the energy and resources needed to fulfill our purpose, the key lies in our bodies and the sensations we experience. Beneath every emotion is a sensation connected to a belief or past experience; connecting with and exploring these sensations can unlock your path to liberation.

Alignment and growth can be uncomfortable. Start by creating small pockets of time in your day for pauses and build awareness of your sensations.

Dedicate just 2-5 minutes throughout your day to intentionally drink a glass of water and notice what is present for you, which can be a starting point. Making this a consistent practice can initiate a loving connection with yourself and your life.

Begin your journey toward authenticity

Navigating the complexities of your body, mind, and business can feel daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. Take the first step toward embracing your authentic self and creating a life where you can thrive in the experiences you are having. Whether you’re a conscious entrepreneur, leader, healer, coach, or simply someone seeking deeper alignment, know that you have the power to transform your experiences.

If you’re ready to embody your true potential and interested in exploring mentoring or guidance options to find the best program for your vision, I invite you to connect with me here.

To your aligned success!

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Corin Hinderegger, Transformative Coach and Mentor for Conscious Entrepreneurs, Leaders, & Change Makers

Corin Hinderegger is a trusted guide for conscious entrepreneurs, CEOs, coaches, healers, and change-makers, helping them align with their most authentic, thriving selves. With over 20 years of knowledge and experience, Corin leverages an extensive range of certifications to provide deep, transformative support. As a popular teacher on Insight Timer and host of The Embodied Thriving Self™ Podcast, she uses her intuitive gift to pinpoint what’s missing, empowering clients to break through limiting beliefs, rewire their experiences, and embody their most aligned and thriving selves—creating success and abundance on their terms.

Having personally overcome mental and physical burnout, Corin deeply understands the journey to wholeness. Her holistic body-mind-soul approach equips clients to trust their intuition, align with their purpose, and become their own medicine—ultimately creating lasting impact, health, and wealth.

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