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Embracing The Power Of Choice

Luke Whelan – Psychic Medium, Transformation Mentor. Utilising conscious living with universal understandings to bring and maintain sustainable growth in life. Providing accurate, valuable transformative readings and mentoring sessions via

Executive Contributor Luke Whelan

We face choices consciously and subconsciously repeatedly throughout our days, hour after hour. During this, we build up a force through our actions and choices. Some choices have a large impact, whereas others have a smaller…but don't be fooled many small impacting choices create a big momentum behind them.

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In my manifestation lessons, I speak on the smaller actions that support the larger steps we wish to take. Bigger choices can have larger impacts but usually can be adjusted or worked with. Whereas many small choices can take you down paths that take much time and energy to maneuver out of.

So, you see. Power of choice is one of the biggest, most important lessons to learn.

I never really understood the power of choice till I was between the ages of 17-19. I wasn't surrounded by mindful people, but actually quite the opposite. Taught and nurtured to be self-destructive, aggressive, and careless.

Which ultimately led me to a long battle through my teen years with addictions to alcohol as well as countless street drugs. Leading me to work with an outpatient rehabilitation service till I was 19 years old.

The choices I learned were influenced by many factors. Your understanding develops in childhood through to adolescence. Your mindset and attitude, as well as your emotional responses or patterns. Your anxieties, fears, and phobias (linking to the past are the biggest roles)

Receiving multiple diagnoses made me become ultra-mindful of my actions, beliefs, and reasoning mentally/emotionally. This led me to practice learning to make conscious choices, either heart-based or logical-based, depending on the situations I encountered.

For me, with high emotional disregulation, making heavier emotionally fueled choices as possible. Both personally and physically growing choices. When I speak of heavier emotionally fueled choices, I mean frustration, anger, grief, self-hatred, and self-destruction mode.

As someone who could create as much chaos as I could happiness, this mentality had a huge impact on the stability i would experience.

At the end of 18 year old, 2017 I watched the famous “The Secret” which then infused my newfound passion for mind, action, and development into a powerful phase of understanding on a deeper level the use of emotion and thought (intention) energetically when it came to times of choice.

What would become a passion and purpose.

I managed to start creating stability through my choices (the best I could at that time) and manifesting more of the things I wanted in my life. I found I would learn from my setbacks to make more consciously empowering, aligned choices.

Slowly, from just focusing on one choice at a time, I saw less regret or disappointment in a lot of cases I knew I shouldn't have made. And more choices that I'm grateful I made, even the ones that took the courage to stand firm.

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3 tips for making better, supportive, impactful choices

1. Some choices shouldn't be rushed, so don't feel the need to do so

It's super important to know what type of choices you face, and what state of being you are looking for. A lot of logical-based decisions can call for practicality, whereas others can call for emotional intelligence and others can call for a little of both.

2. Don't make decisions while emotionally charged

As stated before emotionally charged decisions are a huge downfall for many people, even the best of us fall victim to this. When we are emotionally charged, our reasoning and precognitive functions to be able to weigh up the repercussions are drastically low. It is always a good idea to calm yourself before taking action.

3. You are always one decision away from what you are currently experiencing

A big one I wish I accepted sooner in many cases. You are always a choice away from a fresh start and a new beginning. Especially if you have been stuck for quite some time. Sometimes we get ourselves into situations that we feel like we can't escape, and at some points, we may not be able to. But in due course, there are many crossroads. If you need to configure a plan so you can structure those choices, do so. That is a choice in itself. One choice at a time!


If you feel you would like support in overcoming cycles in your life, hypnotherapy is a transformative process that helps you uncover the root of the issue. But then supports you in empowering yourself and your life.

8 structured sessions of analytical hypnotherapy can set you free from many cages!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Luke Whelan


Luke Whelan, Psychic Medium, Transformation Mentor

Luke Whelan is an amazing, accurate transformative worker. The owner of Luke Whelan Psychic. Due to his childhood obstacles and mental health challenges and addictions through his teens and early adult years. Luke started to learn manifestation during his depression episodes at 17/18 years old, which led him on a path of empowerment and alignment with his purpose.

His readings focus on personal empowerment and have taken him around the UK working with many establishments. It's all about energy with Luke, universal consciousness, the soul, and growth is his forte.

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