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Embracing The Journey Of Shadow Work & Transformation – Priestess Alissandra Moon, The Wise Witch

Priestess Alissandra Moon is a Spiritual Alchemist, Soul Coach & Mentor for Witches. She has co-authored an international best seller and is a regular guest on Radio, TV and Podcasts. Founder of Raven Moon Academy of Magick, she is on a mission to heal the world.

Executive Contributor Alissandra Moon

Everywhere you look, in the spiritual & wellness space lately, you will see someone preaching about Shadow Work. Unfortunately, though, the majority of people don't fully understand the magnitude or dangers of going it alone.

Beautiful woman with shadow

In fact, most people are actually referring to self-reflection and calling it “Shadow Work”, so I am here to clear things up and guide you on your path of healing and self-empowerment.


Shadow work stands out as a transformative practice deeply rooted in psychology and embraced by spiritual seekers. This powerful exploration of the hidden, often repressed aspects of the self leads to profound healing, self-acceptance, and personal growth. This article will look at what shadow work really is, its significance, and the essential practices of spiritual hygiene and self-defence that support this journey, as well as the dangers and precautions.


What is shadow work?


Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist, popularised the concept of shadow work, teaching that our psyche includes both the conscious self and the unconscious. The unconscious harbours not only positive attributes but also perceived "negative" ones—our fears, insecurities, repressed memories, unhealed wounds and trauma, collectively known as the "shadow." Shadow work involves journeying into our subconscious, confronting these suppressed elements, and bringing them into our conscious awareness for healing and integration. This process can be extremely challenging and requires proper guidance and support.


Why is shadow work important?


  • Self-awareness: It enhances our understanding of our behaviours, thoughts, and emotions, enabling us to make conscious choices and change harmful patterns.

  • Emotional healing: Shadow work serves as a profound tool for healing repressed emotions and traumas, leading to emotional well-being and inner peace.

  • Personal growth: It acts as a catalyst for personal transformation, helping individuals break free from self-sabotage and self-limitation.

  • Empowerment: By confronting and integrating our shadow, we free ourselves from the influence of suppressed fears and insecurities, boosting our confidence and ability to pursue our dreams.


The role of spiritual hygiene and self-defense


Spiritual hygiene and self-defence are integral to maintaining a balanced and healthy spiritual journey, especially when undertaking shadow work.


  • Spiritual hygiene: This involves practices and rituals to keep your energy field clean and protected, such as grounding, cleansing your energy bodies, balancing chakras, centring and setting boundaries, to name a few. These practices help clear emotional and energetic residues that could cloud your perception and emotional state during shadow work, personal or spiritual development and any magickal practices.

  • Spiritual & magickal self-defense: This aspect focuses on protecting yourself from external harmful influences like psychic attacks, harmful energies & entity attachments, or unhealthy emotional entanglements. Techniques include building energetic protective barriers, wearing amulets, using spells and prayers etc… to maintain a clear and secure space for confronting and integrating your shadow.


Engaging in spiritual hygiene ensures a clear and grounded approach to shadow work, preparing a clean, safe space for deep emotional and psychological work. Spiritual self-defence protects this vulnerable state as you uncover and integrate shadow aspects, preventing the absorption of harmful energies during the process. Together, these practices support a healthier, more effective approach to shadow work, allowing for a safer and more profound exploration of the self.


These should be part of everyone's daily practice regardless of whether or not they are involved in shadow work. Think of it like physical hygiene. If you never washed yourself or your clothes, you would be in a pretty bad way! It is the same when it comes to energetic hygiene. Just as physical germs make us sick, so too do energetic ones. The harmful energy causes blockages AND physical ailments. In fact, most illnesses have an energetic root cause.

An example of this- Trauma damages our aura and we end up with energetic poison darts embedded in our field. We can do all the therapy in the world but we will never be free of the effects until we also remove those barbs and darts and heal energetically. Whilst they remain in our field, they are literally poisoning us and causing a whole host of problems on the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels.


Most Autoimmune disorders and Cancers start this way.


I run a 6-week course on Spiritual Hygiene & Self Defence Called “Wield Your Shield”. Mention this article or use code BRAINZ for a cool $111 off.


How to start your shadow work journey


  • Self-reflection: Examine your life's patterns, triggers, and emotions through journaling or creating voice notes on your phone, if you prefer to just speak.

  • Psycho-spiritual therapy or coaching: Before you begin, it is important to seek professional guidance from a therapist or coach who specialises in shadow work, like myself and the other professionals at Raven Moon Academy. We can provide insights and techniques to aid your journey as well as the right guidance and support to ensure you do not cause yourself harm and that you are ready to take on shadow work. Without being emotionally, spiritually, physically and psychologically ‘fit’ enough, shadow work can trigger a downward spiral. It is heavy work and you must be ready. The rewards are infinite and unparalleled when done right.

  • Meditation and mindfulness: These practices deepen self-awareness and facilitate access to the subconscious. This is another practice I recommend doing daily.

  • Acceptance: Approach shadow work with compassion and acceptance, viewing your shadow as an integral part of your being.

  • Start small: Tackle less intimidating aspects of your shadow before progressing to more challenging areas.


Shadowwork is a courageous path of self-discovery and healing. By confronting the shadow aspects of ourselves, we unlock self-awareness, emotional healing, and personal growth, leading to greater self-acceptance and a more authentic, balanced life. If you're ready to embark on this profound journey, consider integrating the practices of spiritual hygiene and self-defense to navigate the complexities of your inner landscape safely and effectively. Embrace the transformative process of shadow work and discover the untapped potential within your psyche.


Click here for more information on our 6-week course.


Read more from Alissandra Moon


Alissandra Moon, Priestess, Spiritual Alchemist, Soul Coach

Priestess Alissandra Moon is a world-renowned Healer, Coach, and witch who specialises in Shadow Work, Magickal Mentorship, and transformational Coaching. Obsessed with personal and spiritual development, she has more qualifications than any one human needs! Alissandra is extremely passionate about Animal Welfare & Raven Moon Academy is the official Supporter of Animals in Australia. Determined to make Magick & Paganism mainstream, with self-awareness, empowerment, healing, and compassion becoming the new normal. Alissandra calls for the lightworkers to unite for a common cause- To make the world a better place!


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