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Elevate Your Brand To Luxury – Exploring The 4 Steps To Become A Luxury Entrepreneur

K. Joia Houheneka is a global leader in luxury entrepreneurship. She is the founder of Club Elevate+Aspire+, an application-only exclusive community for entrepreneurs building high-end, premium, and/or luxury businesses.

Executive Contributor K. Joia Houheneka

Luxury entrepreneurship may not, yet, be for most. However, if you are already an entrepreneur with a sense of vision, creativity, and commitment to excellence, then elevating your brand to luxury might be your best strategy, especially if you desire to create high-quality work as part of a high-quality life. This might just be the most important insight I’ve gained thus far on my 12+-year entrepreneurial journey…


White & blue crystal

“Like a diamond in the sky, Your self-chosen destiny to dwell among, to rise Ceaselessly reaching Seizing toward that further pinnacle desire. An enigma, yet clarified: Decide Your legend-making statement of greatness. Act. Be. Timeless – Simple – Rarefied.”

(From “Poetic Fragments” by K. Joia Houheneka)


Are you luxury?

Should you be?

Not many entrepreneurs today identify as luxury entrepreneurs, not yet. Honestly, I’m not sure if many entrepreneurs understand what it takes to become luxury entrepreneurs.

Though “high ticket offers” may be au courant in certain entrepreneurial circles, luxury entrepreneurship requires much more than just raising prices…

True luxury requires raising ambitions, raising standards, raising levels of responsibility, and raising the bar of entry to your brand universe.

True luxury requires heightened creativity and a full commitment to excellence.

Are you intrigued to play in this realm?


Why luxury entrepreneurship?

As an entrepreneur, you take charge to not only build a business but to design a full life.

And your work (and life as a whole) should be worthy.

However, much entrepreneurial advice – which is often centered around generating mass-market and volume sales – often requires you to change your distinctive standards in order to appeal to a broad audience.

After all, in a volume business, you need lots of sales to make a profit.

It’s also often recommended that you package your hard-earned brilliance into cheap deals, then add sales and discounts on top of it. For instance, you may have been taught, as I was, that you should start with a “freebie” and/or low-price offer, then progressively up-sell your customers into more expensive packages and programs.

(Even though the person who will spend five dollars is generally not ever the same who will spend five figures).

However, there is another way.

It is exemplified in the not-so-secret Secret Telsa Motors Master Plan. Specifically, perhaps the best strategy for your business is to enter at the high-end of the market in order to build not only business capital but brand power. With this capital and power, you’ll have the means to create a wider impact.

I have become convinced that, if you are an entrepreneur with an offer that is highly valuable and unique, it is in everyone’s best interest if you take the luxury approach.

But this wasn’t always the case.


Origins: A personal story

In the beginning, there was just a dream of human possibility.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a grand ambition for life.

I’ve always wanted to do great things – and to fully experience and enjoy living along the way. I felt: a life filled with beauty and greatness is possible – why settle for anything less than trying to actualize it in my own way?

One of my particular strengths has been a love of learning. I started my career in academia, pursuing a Ph.D. in the Humanities in order to both deeply and widely understand the human condition. I set out to build a robust level of expertise, get creative, and make my own significant contribution to the sum of human knowledge.

But academia couldn’t satiate the desire for full work-life freedom I craved, a freedom I could see was possible through entrepreneurship.

I had a vision of human potential. I wanted to empower more people, throughout ages to come, to live more excellently and achieve more meaningfulness and deep life satisfaction. I wanted to hold up possibilities and help guide humanity to see new perspectives. I wanted to partner with other ambitious individuals as they pushed to extend their visions, their desires, their purposes, their capabilities, growing and growing into becoming more.

I established a coaching business, excited to express my vision and get to work to make it real.

But when I hired my own business coaches to learn entrepreneurship, I found my own creative vision getting quashed. At one point, I was literally advised that to make money I should take polls and just provide what the majority were already asking for.

I struggled to package my unique (and admittedly demanding) ideas into their pre-determined formulaic boxes. I recoiled against slashing prices to try to generate more buyers.

If this is what entrepreneurship required, I wasn’t sure if it were actually for me.

However, one thing I discovered I love about entrepreneurship is the continuous experimentation and building upon new insights. One important insight I had about coaching was the realization that some of my own most profound transformations came from travel experiences.

I decided to integrate travel into my offerings, including developing the skills and tools to be a successful travel professional (e.g. I’m now a Virtuoso travel advisor) and establishing my own travel agency brand.

That’s when it happened.

The sequence of events that led to the crucial insight that not only answered my struggles with entrepreneurship but provided a new framework, form, and clarity to my coaching mission to unleash human potential.

It began with a nagging discomfort when I found myself simultaneously drawn to, yet wary of, the luxury sector of travel.

I imagine that at first, I responded as most people would when confronted with a bothersome sense of contradiction – I tried to just ignore the issue and hoped the vexing feeling would go away. But the feeling persisted…the longing and the repulsion.

And it occurred to me that sometimes the best entrepreneurial insights, the ones that lead to originality and innovation, come from confronting the problem of a seeming contradiction.

So, I faced the problem directly. And there began to emerge a solution, a way forward that would involve transforming the luxury sector by stripping away the negative, retaining the good, and adding something new and better.

I glimpsed that there could be a glorious future for luxury, but first I needed to better understand its past.

I needed to examine what’s already been happening in luxury and going right. This first required answering the question:


What, exactly, is luxury?

As Jean-Noël Kapferer and Vincent Bastien observe in their seminal work, The Luxury Strategy: Break the Rules of Marketing to Build Luxury Brands, the term “luxury” has become so commonplace, it has been emptied of meaning: “everyone understands it, but nobody can agree on exactly what it means, on its contours, its frontiers or its members.”

Some have even argued the word “luxury” ought to be discarded or replaced. (See Meta-Luxury: Brands and the Culture of Excellence ). And it doesn’t help that some of what has been advertised under the banner of “luxury” falls far short of any form of excellence.

That said, I do think it is helpful to not only keep but uphold the word “luxury” – especially in the context of business, where the luxury business strategy is so radically different, in fact often the exact opposite, of the widespread mass-market approach.

Perhaps if we proudly identify as luxury, more entrepreneurs will join us in raising the merit of their own creations – and raise the standards for their customers too.

As for a definition, personally, I love the quip attributed to Coco Chanel: “Luxury is a necessity that begins where necessity ends.” This dovetails with Jill Spalding’s identification in her wide-ranging Luxury: A History, in which luxury is defined as “a material object or condition that exceeds the necessary, transcends the ordinary, raises self-esteem, and gilds public image.”


Personal and social

When considering a definition, it’s important to note that the concept “luxury” always has both a personal and a social dimension. There is “my luxury” (which, I argue, ought to contribute to and give form to one’s personal flourishing) and there is “the market of luxury” (in which we can interact socially to trade those high-level values that can be exchanged).

As luxury entrepreneurs we deal in the market of the latter, but often in service of the former.

The personal luxuries, in fact, are frequently the highest values of one’s life, the values that are indeed priceless. I believe in order to live a fully luxurious lifestyle, these are the values we need to clearly identify, consistently focus upon, and courageously pursue.

Interestingly, many of these priceless personal luxuries are given to us freely – for example, our minds, our bodies, a universe in which to act, the beauty of a sunset or a flower. (And notice how many people routinely squander these treasures, perhaps precisely because they never had to pay).

Then there are the values that must be earned but can’t be exchanged on any market. For instance, love may be given freely, but a good relationship requires work. Likewise, your character and reputation must be earned, your fitness, your knowledge. (Note how you can buy a book or pay for a coach/teacher, but your effort determines whether you come to actually own the value or not).

Finally, there are goods and services that are of the highest value to you personally, and hence may be regarded by you as sacred luxury, but that don’t function that way in the market. For instance, as a lover of books, there are many titles in my collection I prize above most other of my possessions, but many are mass-produced and potentially found in a bargain bin.

Then there are the social luxuries, those goods and services of desire and allure whose demand outpaces supply in the market. This luxury is what will be our focus throughout the rest of this article.


Luxury or premium?

One consideration that frequently occurs in discussions of the definition of “luxury” is a distinction between luxury and premium. Put simply, premium offers are regarded as those at the top end of their industry based on tangible markers of functional quality. Luxury offers are considered to go beyond this to incorporate intangible and symbolic value. Premium is purely logical and rational whereas luxury is an emotional seduction perceived to go beyond reason.

Audi is generally considered premium. Rolls Royce is undeniably luxury.

Interestingly, when it comes to luxury entrepreneurship, I have found that all high-end brands, whether positioned as “premium” or “luxury,” can benefit from learning and leveraging insights from a luxury strategy.

After all, a luxury strategy is always an art that must be tailored to a distinct brand in its specific moment. Further, it seems the key distinction for entrepreneurs is whether one is creating a high-end, unique offer or a mass-market commodity. In fact, any one entrepreneurial brand may in a particular stage of growth be luxury or premium or both.

Hence, although I use the terms “luxury” and “luxury entrepreneurship” in this piece, the ideas could be relevant to any high-end brand, whether self-described as “luxury” or “premium”.


The 8 criteria of luxury

Luxury entrepreneurship is always an art. There is no formula to follow. As a luxury entrepreneur, you are the visionary trailblazer and pioneer.

That said, there are recurring principles that distinguish the work of luxury brands from the mass-market. Not all will apply to every luxury business at all times or in each stage of growth, but these are the 8 criteria of luxury you will want to consider incorporating into your business model and strategy:

  • Uniqueness: As Chanel remarked, “In order to be irreplaceable, one must be always be different”. Seek continuously to originate and innovate. Become a category of one, incomparable.

  • Quality: Create work of superlative value, delivered consistently, with enduring and timeless appeal.

  • Rarity / Exclusivity: Purposefully incorporate what’s valuably finite and even restrict supply such that what remains is truly and extraordinarily special – for example: limited issues, first editions, small batches, couture, etc.

  • Artistry / Craftsmanship: Luxury brands are creator-driven, often bearing the fingerprints (both literal and figurative) of their makers.

  • Heritage / Origins: Respect your provenance and/or revel in your founding, often drawing attention to your unique know-how.

  • High-Touch Service: Luxury staff exude genuine caring, personalized attention, and white-glove attention to detail for each client.

  • Status (Stature): Socially rank among the great and serve as a signal of “making it.”

  • Expensive Price: Lastly, price your offers at the top end of your market – and be worth it.


The 4 steps to becoming a luxury entrepreneur

1. Elevate your psychology to luxury

Luxury is, first of all, a state of mind and activity of thought.


It means holding the conviction that high-quality matters. It involves continuously bringing your focus back to excellence. Stop and savor all the beauty and joy that surrounds you. Seek out and pursue evermore opportunities to grow, learn, and expand in personal complexity. Believe you are worthy of the best because you do the work of character development to deserve the best.


The key to start is to establish standards for your work and your life and to take those standards seriously.


Let your high standards define who you are and what your luxury brand stands for.


Additionally, in order to become an effective conduit of wealth, as a luxury entrepreneur you must cultivate and master an abundance mindset. Never forget that resources are not limited – they are the continuous creations of human minds, like yours, at work to solve problems and uplift humanity.


Note: the scarcity mindset is so prevalent in mainstream society we all must constantly be on guard against its most devious forms, such as toxic gratitude and zero-sum status games. Ultimately, shifting focus to positive-sum, reality-based abundance is how we all can elevate to luxury.


Now, what will you do to elevate your thinking and your standards?


2. Elevate your brand identity to luxury

Luxury brands have an alluring power.


They typically defy the mainstream patterns of supply and demand, such that demand will actually increase as a luxury price increases (a phenomenon first identified by and named for Thorstein Veblen, aka “Veblen goods”).


As luxury entrepreneurs, our work is to create – and continually re-create – a brand identity that generates this level of desire, and to do so in a way that champions creation over consumption.


This is branding that goes far beyond just choosing a logo and color palette.


What’s needed is to develop a brand that becomes known for both its excellence and its uniqueness.


Specifically, luxury brands are generally able produce quality, results, and delivery that would compete at the top of their field. Plus, they have an original set of values, a compelling point of view, a distinctive way of doing and being that makes them a category of one, such that competition becomes irrelevant.


The best luxury brands produce the highest-level functional, tangible value in combination with a symbolic, intangible value that resonates at a deeply-held emotional level, specifically emotions related to success (and its ever-advancing pursuit) as well as to unfettered self-expression.


Chanel, for example, embodies the successfully sophisticated, poised, powerful feminine. Gucci, on the other hand, stands for the successfully confident, free-spirited, eclectic feminine.


What vision of desire, aspiration, and successful living will be signature to your luxury brand?


This is where your high and singular standards are paramount.


Luxury brands are distinctively both timeless and timely. Through your principles, codes, and standards, you establish a brand vision and philosophy that possesses a legacy power able to last, ideally, for centuries. Yet, your brand continuously refreshes and reinvents in accordance with these principles, keeping relevant and pioneering new-yet-aligned trends.


Ultimately, a luxury brand builds a universe unto itself. Like grand authors of legends, luxury brands engage in forms of worldbuilding, unifying all their brand assets into a cohesive, yet ever-expanding narrative, a story that calls to the heart of every client and envelops them in a world where they crave to belong and never to leave.


Now, what forms of uniqueness and standards of excellence will define your luxury brand universe?


3. Elevate your offers to luxury

A luxury offer, by definition, must rise above the status of a commodity.


It won’t suffice to take an average offer, one easily comparable with others in its category, and merely smack an expensive price onto it. Instead, you want to build exceptionality into your entire offer suite. By this step, your brand should already have uniqueness and excellence at your core. Now, you want to infuse more of the rest of the 8 luxury criteria into your brand and offers:


  • Capitalize on or create conditions of rarity and exclusivity, so that your offers will make your clients feel exceptional.

  • Evoke the design sense, aesthetic vision, attention to craft, and symbolic layering of a true artist. Every work bears a signature.

  • Weave enthralling stories of your brand origins, heritage, and/or provenance into your offers such that they are not only authentic but desirously different.

  • Strive for anticipatory, highly personalized service to build rapport and reciprocally loyal relationships with each client.

  • Construct your offers so that they will appeal to those who have already achieved stature (i.e. the noble form of high status) and purposefully build your network seeking out the good and notable.

  • Finally, a price premium is justified by the high value of all the offer components – materials, time, service, and skills as well as the intangible dream value. What is the highest price anyone in the market will pay – this is your starting point. Ideally, your price encourages clients to invest in the best of themselves.

Especially given the force of today’s experiential luxury market, you want all your offers to combine luxury-level products and services into one-of-kind, worthy-to-be-remembered-forever experiences. Consider what kinds of events, travel, or VIP opportunities you can add to an offer to increase its value even further.

Now, how will you infuse more luxury into your brand’s offers?


4. Elevate your market presence to luxury

Finally, it’s time to finally showcase your luxury offers to the world and enter the market.


Essentially, luxury businesses pursue one of two paths – they aim either for wide recognition with a targeted audience for sales, or they aim to be known and purchased only by a select few.


The first path is perhaps best epitomized by Rolex. Rolex is the high-end watch brand everyone knows but only a few can own. Or, although you personally may have never stayed alongside a celebrity at a Four Seasons, you’re undoubtedly aware of their well-known reputation in luxury travel and hospitality.


The second path has recently trended as “quiet luxury” (although the strategy is as perennial as luxury itself). On this path, your watch of choice might be a Vacheron Constantin 222. Or, you might book your travel with the strategically seeming-anonymous Exclusive Resorts. Sometimes luxury wants to stay best-kept-secret knowledge.


Regardless of which path is chosen, luxury brands then engage in marketing activities that are much more artistic expression than traditional “advertising”.


In their research on the luxury sector, Gurzki identify three principles for how luxury brands create extraordinary desire through their market communication: enrichment, distancing, and abstraction:


With enrichment, luxury brands bring their audiences along a journey toward desire, often through legend-creating story-making, complex rhetorical structures, and/or imaginative multi-sensory experiential events.


Distancing is a requirement of desire. Desire, after all, is not aroused by the ordinary world, by that which is routine, expected, or familiar. Desire presumes the seductive glance toward that which is currently out of reach. Unlike mainstream advertising, which may be set in just a touched-up version of your actual city with people who could be your friends and neighbors, luxury takes you to a faraway world, sometimes populated by the aspirational group you’d want for peers and often portraying pure fantasy and/or myth.


Finally, abstraction is necessary to convey a dream symbolic and wide enough to hold a multiplicity of specific interpretations. Luxury wants everyone in its targeted audience to see their own particular aims and individual story represented in the vision.


As an example of all three of these principles, consider this video for Lamborghini Revuelto. Much more a short film than a commercial, note the remote extreme locale, the cryptic scientist-inventors in a god-like act of creation, and the mythic birth of this techno-marvel beast. The saying “Thunder and Lightning Finally Together” evokes a primal power that is timelessly abstract and suggestive of history-making, yet still openly elusive. Even the brief appearance of the legendary Lamborghini bull is more a cameo than a “brand placement.”


Kapferer and Bastien’s 24 anti-laws of luxury marketing

Because developing your business model and marketing strategy as a luxury entrepreneur is always an art, there is never one right way to proceed. In fact, the “best strategy” for your luxury business may vary depending on your unique brand identity and current stage of growth.

That said, there are frequent strategies that luxury brands leverage, strategies that often directly contradict traditional business advice.

Put simply, what works well for a mass-market, commodity, volume-based business would be disastrous for luxury.

This is why Kapferer and Bastien, two of the world’s leading experts on luxury business strategy, enumerate a set of what they call “anti-laws” for luxury marketing. (For a deeper dive on each of these, check out this video series):

  1. “Forget about ‘positioning’, luxury is not comparative”: Create a brand so uniquely yours you have no real competitors and comparison is irrelevant.

  2. “Does your product have enough flaws?”: Idiosyncrasies and imperfections in a luxury product add charm and a human touch.

  3. “Do not pander to your customers’ wishes”: Your work is the expression of a creator with long-term vision, not an appeal to the masses and their immediate whims.

  4. “Keep non-enthusiasts out”: Be loved, be hated – but don’t be lukewarm. Take a stand for your chosen standards.

  5. “Do not respond to rising demand”: Maintain exclusivity and ensure demand remains greater than supply.

  6. “Dominate the client”: Be a leader and authority.

  7. “Make it difficult for clients to buy”: Maximize desire and the joys of anticipation, longing, and savoring.

  8. “Protect clients from non-clients, the big from the small”: Create an atmosphere of exclusivity.

  9. “The role of advertising is not to sell”: Express the dream, tell your mythic brand tale, and create emotional resonance.

  10. “Communicate to those you are not targeting”: Cultivate desire widely, but sell to only a select few so that your product means more when a customer takes pride in ownership.

  11. “The presumed price should always seem higher than the actual price”: Perceived value matters most: make your product that which someone would feel honored to give and/or receive.

  12. “Luxury sets the price, price does not set luxury”: Set the price based on your unique offering, not based on competitors or industry trends.

  13. “Raise your prices as time goes on in order to increase demand”: Keep riding the Veblen goods curve.

  14. “Keep raising the average price of the product range”: Continuously raise the value of your entire suite of offers.

  15. “Do not sell”: Create desirability and offer difficult-but-worthwhile-to-obtain opportunities to buy.

  16. “Keep stars out of your advertising”: Create something so good celebrities will want to be seen with it – your brand enhances the celebrity, not the celebrity your brand

  17. “Cultivate closeness to the arts for initiates”: Be design-forward and in-the-know of the latest and best artists: luxury promotes and educates taste.

  18. “Do not relocate your factories”: Heritage matters.

  19. “Do not hire consultants”: Avoid your industry’s common and status quo “best practices”

  20. “Do not test”: Be creator-driven, not customer-driven: you are the creator of tomorrow’s classics, not the follower of today’s trends.

  21. “Do not look for consensus”: Hold your standards without compromise.

  22. “Do not look after group synergies”: Focus on maintaining and building your brand’s power.

  23. “Do not look for cost reduction”: Add value, don’t reduce costs.

  24. “Just sell marginally on the internet”: The many “advantages” of selling online (instantaneity, automation, availability, accessibility, crowdsourcing etc.) are for the mass-market; luxury is everything the opposite (timeless, in-person, waitlists, exclusivity, limited availability, creator’s vision, etc.).


Profitable luxury business ideas

Many who are inspired by the idea of luxury entrepreneurship wonder if they will be able to profitably pivot their current entrepreneurial pursuits to a luxury strategy, or if it will be necessary to start a brand-new venture.

The truth is, a luxury strategy can be deployed in practically any high-value-producing niche - you just might have to think differently about the idea of a “niche”.

A niche, after all, is a segment of a given industry that includes multiple businesses, and within any niche the businesses themselves easily become commodities. A certification, for example, just makes you alike to all others with the same certification.

This is anathema to luxury.

Instead, what is required is to become a niche of one, also sometimes referred to as a power niche or a category-of-one brand.

(Interestingly, in our internet-driven era, it is easier than ever for any brand to establish and promote uniqueness and find enough of a selectively small audience to generate profit – but how many businesses still struggle because they ought to be luxury, but aren’t yet incorporating more of the rest of the 8 luxury criteria and anti-laws of luxury marketing?)

Moreover, in luxury, it is necessary to have both quality and uniqueness—in other words, expertise and creativity, excellence and originality.

You must be able to produce high-level results and you must integrate those results into a vision and mission that could only be yours, ideally one that expresses your authentic values, strengths, convictions, standards, and worldview.

If you’re just starting out brainstorming your new luxury entrepreneurship business, here are just some sectors you might pursue or combine insights and strategies from – to become a successful luxury entrepreneur:

  • Antiques

  • Arts

  • Automotive

  • Aviation

  • Coaching & Consulting

  • Concierge Services

  • Event Planning

  • Fashion / Apparel

  • Financial Services

  • Fitness Center

  • Interior Design

  • Jewelry

  • Landscaping

  • Liquor

  • Marketing

  • Organization & Cleaning Services

  • Perfume

  • Pet Services

  • Photography

  • Real Estate

  • Restaurants / Catering Services

  • Spa

  • Subscription Boxes

  • Technology

  • Thought Leadership / Information Products

  • Transportation

  • Travel

  • Watches

  • Wellness Retreat

  • Yachting


Elevating luxury

“Luxury” is a loaded concept.

Though its immediate associations often include ideas of excellence, artistry, quality, and high standards, the term “luxury” also conjures connotations of exaggerated wastefulness, superficiality, empty social pleasing, the stereotypical, and societal unfairness – and with good reason.

When I first became interested in selling high-end travel and coaching, an entrepreneurial peer actually recommended I avoid the word “luxury” in all my branded communications because it can be so polarizing.

I could see her point. But sometimes it’s important to take a stand.

Admittedly, “luxury” has a problematic history as well as many current dubious self-proclaimed practitioners and devotees.

We can trace the origins of luxury to the earliest human societies, where it served as a signal of social stratification for rulers and “elites” who despicably preyed upon the people through coercion, plunder, and conquest. Even many of today’s most prestigious luxury brands trace their beginnings to the old European aristocratic order very much at odds with our best 21st-century understanding of human potential and the virtues of an entrepreneurial, rights-based, freedom-focused society.

Today, some of the loudest screaming avatars of “luxury” are all surface-level glitz devoid of substance. Many who merely “have” wealth (especially those who have it without making it) display an absolute ignorance of money’s deep potential moral significance and value. Luxury consumers who only consume and never create often quickly become pitiful followers-only, defaulting on luxury’s bold challenge to innovate and originate. Further, instead of giving exquisite outward expression to a deep authentic, internally-generated meaning, displays of “luxury” are sometimes just “keeping-up-with-the-Joneses”, whether or not those Joneses have actually achieved great character or merit according to any reality-based standards.

With all these problems, I can understand why many feel we should forgo the term “luxury”.

But the way I see it, luxury has a core that is worth preserving. What’s needed is for luxury to be elevated.

After all, luxury is meant to represent the best – let’s now make sure it does.

Let’s now make sure luxury is synonymous with excellence, with human flourishing and greatness.

Yes, luxury has failed in the past and still is imperfect – luxury is, of course, very human. Let’s now make sure it represents the best of our potential, doing the good work today to make the future extraordinary.

As luxury entrepreneurs, we are the ones who get to take up the charge. It is up to us to envision and express what the high standards that make up the extraordinary can and ought to be.

It is up to us to mine the richness of the past, the ancient wisdom and timeless principles, and fuse this deep understanding with cutting-edge ideas, science, and technology to hold up to humanity an exemplar of what is possible.

Luxury represents the aspirational.

It thus has the power to draw out what’s best in human beings: our dreams, our hopes, our strivings, our resilience to persist in moving forward despite all obstacles.

As luxury entrepreneurs, it is literally our job to keep humanity aspiring and aspiring.

What is your vision of humanity’s highest potential?

“Make it Real – Keep Learning and Dreaming – Build More” – our credo is a virtuous spiral, expanding and expanding.

What will you contribute?

A step toward your future greatness

Set the intention to be extraordinary.

Now, move forward.

It doesn’t matter where you started or where you currently stand. What matters is that your next step will be in service of your living ideal. Then the next step. Then the next.

It is that simple. But it is a simplicity containing a vast complexity, as the best of luxury does.

If the challenges and potential glory of luxury entrepreneurship beckon to you, I invite you to join us in Club Elevate+Aspire+.

Club Elevate+Aspire+ (sponsored by Open Horizons Coaching) is the-first-and-the-only exclusive membership platform of its kind empowering entrepreneurs to build successful high-end, premium, and luxury brands. The Club is designed specifically for those driven by missions of excellence and the desire to flourish across all areas of life.

Entry is through the Complimentary Level, where members receive:

  • Access to my plenary talk: “8 Advanced Strategies to Elevate Your Personal & Brand Status”

  • Ideate Daily, a gem-like, condensed daily memo from me personally on luxury strategy & excellence

  • Invitations to special members-only opportunities and other periodic gifts

Admission to the Club is by application only – even at the Complimentary Level, we curate to accept only those whose public online presence demonstrates they are serious about growing a high-end business.

(Note: Mulberry Silk Premium Level and Taaffeite Stone VIP Level memberships to Club Elevate+Aspire+ are by invitation only.)

We look forward to learning more about you and your approach to luxury entrepreneurship within Club Elevate+Aspire+!

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from K. Joia Houheneka


K. Joia Houheneka, The World's Premier Excellence Coach

K. Joia Houheneka is on a mission to Elevate Luxury to make luxury synonymous with excellence. She has a background as the owner of a luxury travel agency, Delve Travel. However, much of her current work involves coaching entrepreneurs in her bespoke method that combines luxury business strategy, training in flow states & self-actualization, and growth-focused travel – it is designed for those who are serious about achieving excellence and flourishing across all areas of life. Entrepreneurs with high-end, premium, or luxury businesses are invited to apply for a Complementary Level membership to Club Elevate+Aspire+ to discover more.

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