Written by: Dr. Kapil and Rupali Apshankar, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

What does success mean to you? You might define it as having a stable job in a large company where there’s an opportunity for growth, or owning a home. Or maybe your vision of success includes owning your own business or backpacking through Europe every five years. Your personal success goals most likely also include spiritual, relationship, and other life aspirations.

Whatever your perspective may be, one of your primary tasks in life is to cultivate your own good fortune. What will you do to welcome success into your life?
Try these ideas for cultivating the success you seek:
1. Know, believe and tell yourself you’re worthy of success.
What you say to yourself every day contributes greatly to the type of life you live. So, say to yourself that you’re worth whatever it takes to be successful. You know you deserve it.
2. Be very certain about what you want, but be flexible about how it shows up.
When you’re confident about exactly what you seek in life, you’re better able to stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize.
3. Visualize your goals.
Imagine what success will feel like – but bring it into your present, like you’ve already attained what you want. Picture in your mind having achieved your goals and the emotions that go along with your victories. While you’re working to achieve success, consider how your life will look at each step of your journey.
For example, you might live in your apartment for two more years before you begin shopping for your own home. Your new place will have an extra bedroom you use as your office. When you have your own office at home, you’ll be able to expand your business, which will make you more money and lead to greater financial security.
4. Prioritize your goals for YOUR success, not for someone else.
Make your objectives an important part of your life. Think about your goals each day. Talk about your intentions with your friends and family. When you do, the plans you make will become real, tangible, and believable.
5. Do at least one thing per day related to your goals.
Incorporate working toward your goals into your daily life. Whether you make a phone call or research something on the internet, contribute to your goals each day by doing something. You’ll feel more actively engaged with your own path to success.
6. Hang out with successful people.
Soak up all the knowledge you can from those who live the life you dream about. Watch what they’re doing and then learn from it. Can you apply those same things to your own life? Find inspiration when you hang out with people you deem successful.
7. Think of yourself as already successful.
Point out to yourself daily what you’ve done recently to achieve a goal. View yourself as a person who’s already achieved success in his own right and in his own ways. Believe that you’re successful.
8. Shift gears when you need to.
In your life journey, you’ll naturally change your goals a bit or add new goals. Cultivating success means you’ll sometimes need to change your course of action or begin making different decisions that are in alignment with your new goals.
When you engage in these strategies, you can achieve your goals – and begin creating your dream life today.
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Dr. Kapil and Rupali Apshankar, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Kapil and Rupali are Amazon's 1 bestselling authors and globally respected business and life strategists. They are founders of Blissvana, a boutique personal development, self-growth, and success studio. Their coaching methods have been proven at the highest levels of success in every dimension of human life. Kapil and Rupali's lives revolve around love, happiness, abundance, and bliss ‒ at home and work. Kapil and Rupali's purpose is to create the highest possible quality of life they can for themselves, and the people they love while helping others around them do the same.