Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview
Edie Summers is an author, wellness consultant, and content creator. She has thirty years of experience as a wellness professional and works in the wellness and startup sectors. She is a former Chief Content Officer for a wellness tech startup and is on the advisory board for Hive Health: a think tank committed to solving the global health crisis and championing an integrative healthcare system.

Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you got into the wellness field?
I got into the field of wellness after developing chronic fatigue from a ski accident and surgery in my early 20s. I hit a wall in physical therapy after surgery in terms of getting my scar tissue down and also reacting to the anti-inflammatories I was prescribed. I went to see a naturopath who recommended some natural remedies that helped me reduce my scar tissue. I also took myself off the anti-inflammatories and I started working in the natural foods store where the naturopath had initially sent me. I learned even more about holistic well-being at the store, and my energy and well-being continued to improve greatly. I realized that the wellness industry was the path I was meant to be on to help others improve their well-being. I had to find the agency to face my own health challenges, and I wanted to inspire and educate other people to also take ownership of their health and well-being. There’s so much more we can do than we realize.
What inspired you to write The Memory of Health?
I wanted to share all of the insights and research I had found and experienced on how to improve energy and holistic well-being. There is a lot of research in the book on different theories of what may cause chronic fatigue in an individual. I also learned so much about holistic well-being working in the natural foods industry. I also share my story in the first part of the book. I personally can’t take prescription drugs due to a liver disorder, so I had to learn how to manage my symptoms naturally. I do have a new normal now with my nervous and immune systems, and I share how it’s possible to embrace well-being, no matter your symptoms or circumstances. We can thrive despite major challenges like trauma or chronic health issues.
How would you describe your coaching philosophy?
I personally see myself more as a wellness consultant, where I help people navigate what the best next steps are to take on their wellness journey, and also help businesses spot and integrate wellness trends. But, I do utilize some coaching techniques. I believe it’s super important to keep renewing and revisiting one’s mindset since fear is often the subconscious default in our minds. We can learn to make more conscious choices about how we show up for ourselves, others, and the planet. This is very much tied to mindfulness for me, and living in the present moment where possibility lies. Also, our well-being and ultimate potential can be closely tied to our daily habits. Habits create routine and the results can be powerful. But, we also need to look at the habits that are keeping us from growing and evolving. We also need to keep creating new habits that will bring us the most success. Coaching is great at addressing the habits we have and also creating a positive connection that can help us to heal and evolve.

What does “finding your way back to well™” mean in practice?
Everyone has the capacity to find their way back to what wellness looks like and feels like for them. Well-being is really about practicing daily habits that put you in flow, and give you energy and purpose. Well-being is also about practicing lifestyle medicine: it’s how you eat, move, sleep, think, and connect. When I developed chronic fatigue and other symptoms, I also developed a much stronger sense of what my body, mind, soul, and heart were saying to me in terms of what they needed to feel well again. It is possible to slow down and tune in to your body’s signals, and then follow through on what your body is asking of you to feel better. You can also set an intention to feel better. This intention will program your subconscious mind to take action on what will fulfill that goal for you. We can also use mindfulness as a practical wellness tool. Mindfulness in its original state is connected to the idea of living in a lucid state of being. The word “memory” is also tied to mindfulness, which I discovered in my research for my book. You can practice mindfulness in a very practical way, Slow down, check in, and see how you’re feeling. Be honest with yourself about what habits are or aren’t working for you. What foods make you feel better or worse? What situations make you thrive? What way of living, eating, and being gives you a subtle sense of bliss and purpose? Living life consciously is all about well-being.
What are some common challenges people face in achieving balance and well-being?
I have come to realize more and more that the biggest obstacle we all face in terms of achieving balance and well-being is not realizing how much agency we have. It is primarily within our control how we feel and move through this world. Well-being is not outside of us, in the sense that agencies and practitioners can do the work and healing for us. Yes, we are all deeply interconnected. Our own well-being and the health and well-being of others and the planet are deeply affected by our collective actions. But, if I could empower anyone reading this article with one idea, it’s that your health and well-being are primarily up to you to take care of. No one knows what you need to feel well as much as you do. No one is walking in your shoes but you. And, there are so many holistic and integrative practices and tools that can support well-being.
You also help others tell their stories. Why is storytelling important in personal growth?
Telling one’s story is therapeutic. Having someone else hold space for you is incredibly healing. Our brains are wired for storytelling too. Even if you write down your story or experiences, it can help to release the energy attached to them. At the same time, try not to be attached to your story. Leave room for the next chapter or books. Allow space for there to be empty pages to fill. You are not just your story. Personal growth is about allowing yourself to keep expanding and growing, so you can reach your full potential. Reaching your full potential helps the planet thrive.
What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting their wellness journey?
Set the intention to feel better. Intention is so powerful. It sets the stage in your subconscious that you have agreed to do what it takes to follow through on what works best for your well-being. Then, experiment with what wellness modalities help you feel better. When you figure out what works, you have already set the intention to follow through on what will help you.

How do you stay inspired and maintain your own well-being?
I have habits in place that keep me on track, like eating what makes me feel good and prioritizing movement, rest and downtime, connection, personal growth, and sleep. I also love to read new research or thought leadership on what can improve health and well-being. I love perusing content created around holistic well-being and business, and I love to create inspiring and motivating content myself. I also remind myself that my well-being is important to me. Energetics and inspiration are also very important to me, as the energy of a situation makes all the difference. Practicing mindfulness helps me stay present, and I do my best to remember my intention to be and stay well. For me, wellness is a daily practice of showing up for myself. If I get off track, I remember why wellness matters to me: it just makes me feel better.
What’s next for you? Are there any new projects or ideas on the horizon?
I am so blessed and excited to be part of the amazing health tech startup Hive Health which is championing an integrative healthcare system with its AyurRing and wellness platform. I love working with socially conscious businesses to help move the needle on well-being. I’m also excited to have the audiobook version of my book The Memory of Health coming out soon. I am honored to be part of the Brainz community, and I look forward to continuing working with brands and individuals who envision making the world more peaceful and evolved for everyone.